Examples of the the word, mills , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mills ), is the 7644 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Subculture when he acknowledged this alternative view that the" dark satanic, mills ," refers to the" great churches Chariot of fire The line from the poem,"
  2. By the time of the Domesday Book, most large villages in Britain had, mills , They also were widely used in mining, as described by Georg Agricola in De Re
  3. Held in Albion in 1843. The forks of the Kalamazoo River provided power for, mills , and Albion quickly became a mill town as well as an agricultural market. A
  4. Around the suburbs of Mt Clear and Mt Helen areas with pine plantations and, mills , Renewable energy The Ballarat region has a rapidly growing renewable energy
  5. Shipping was rerouted by the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway, and steel, mills ,and other heavy industry relocated to places such as China. With the start of
  6. Development was termed Kitakyushu. As well as this, factories such as flour, mills ,and beer breweries and mining practices resulted in the creation of
  7. After World War II. Pre-1945 industrialization was slow and centered on textile, mills , saw mills ,brickyards and food-processing plants. Rapid industrialization and
  8. S independent millers celebrated with placards reading," Success to the, mills ,of ALBION but no Albion Mills. " The mills were a short distance from Blake's
  9. By management. Brick brought in thousands of strikebreakers to work the steel, mills ,and Pinkerton agents to safeguard them. On 6 July, the arrival of a force of
  10. And came out of the practice of the many Scandinavians working in the woods and, mills ,around the Shantytown getting the Chinese cook to put out a steam table on a
  11. From Peron’s government, built the nation's first mechanized sugar, mills , They were later joined by Italians, Germans,Puerto Ricans and Americans in
  12. Made possible the dawn of the Age of Exploration. The development of water, mills ,was impressive, and extended from agriculture to saw mills both for timber and
  13. Steel production no longer exists in the area, although several smaller steel, mills ,remain in operation. For example, Gibraltar Industries, a leading manufacturer
  14. We also find the farm buildings, the large granary and threshing-floor (a), mills , ( c),malt house (d). Facing the west are the stables (e),ox-sheds (f)
  15. Tony) is a young bureaucrat sent by the government to watch over Rear den’s, mills , Though he starts out as a cynical follower of the looters’ code, his
  16. In use today. Economy Traditionally, Aberdeen was home to fishing, textile, mills , shipbuilding and paper making. These industries have been largely replaced.
  17. Chocolate bars and related products possible. In the 18th century, mechanical, mills , were created that squeezed out cocoa butter, which in turn helped to create
  18. Design promotes the fabrication of micrometer- or nanometer- scaled light, mills , for it is difficult to pattern materials of distinct optical properties within
  19. Sawmill owners used the canal to transport timber from Big Clam Lake to the, mills ,and railroad sites—the G. R. & I. Railroad had reached the area in 1872—on
  20. Properties and many of them joined the urban middle class. The number of sugar, mills ,dropped and efficiency increased with only companies and the most powerful
  21. Peak Gold Rush was found. After the Cripple Creek gold discovery in 1891,ore, mills ,in Colorado City processed much of the gold ore at the Golden Cycle Mill using
  22. Their first food processing plant, in 1899. They had one of the largest wheat, mills ,in the country built on a Puerto Madero lot in 1902,and with it, established
  23. Repressive ideology based on a quantifiable reality. Blake saw the cotton, mills ,and collieries of the period as a mechanism for the enslavement of millions
  24. U. S. Steel also permitted the production to film in one of its Cleveland, mills , Francis Ford Coppola produced The Escape Artist (1982),much of which was
  25. Returned to their homes, but a determined few stayed on to develop mines, mills , farms, ranches,roads, and towns in the Territory. On September 14, 1864
  26. The 15th August 1842 the situation boiled over and bands of men entered the, mills ,which were running and stopped the machinery by knocking out the boiler plugs.
  27. That water power was the primary means of powering factories (usually textile, mills ,) until after the American Civil War. For example, Lowell,Massachusetts
  28. Developments in the county. Industrial buildings, such as the Macclesfield silk, mills ,(for example, http://www.imagesofengland.org.uk/details/default.aspx? Pid 1&id
  29. Placards reading," Success to the mills of ALBION but no Albion Mills. " The, mills ,were a short distance from Blake's home. Blake's phrase resonates with a
  30. Pay for the army, finance infrastructural development and help set up sugar, mills , However, sugar prices underwent a steep decline in the last two decades of the
  31. Are known to have existed in the Channel Isles. They were mostly towered, mills ,used for grinding corn. From the 17th century During the Wars of the Three
  32. Glass master: typically, several are made, depending on the number of pressing, mills ,that are to make the CD. The die then goes into a press and the physical image
  33. SHW Automotive (originating from the former Schwäbische Hüttenwerke steel, mills ,and further from a mill of 1671 in Wasseralfingen),the Along Kessler
  34. But, it was not until the arrival of the Industrial Revolution that these, mills ,were put to bigger use. Not long after the revolution cooled down, companies
  35. The university quietly reexamined its position on accreditation as degree, mills ,proliferated and various government bureaucracies, such as law enforcement
  36. U. S. President Harry Truman calls for the seizure of all domestic steel, mills ,to prevent a nationwide strike. *1953 – Mau leader Como Kenyatta is
  37. Slow. Lord Cuts’ column – who by 10:00 had expelled the enemy from two water, mills ,upon the Rebel – had already deployed by the river against Blenheim, enduring
  38. And the astrolabe, the invention of spectacles, and greatly improved water, mills , building techniques, agriculture in general, clocks,and ships. The latter
  39. Settled in Linear Valley, Pennsylvania,where he purchased land and erected, mills , He was the largest landowner in Western Pennsylvania. In 1770,St. Clair
  40. Brook in Durham, MA. It was constructed in 1639 to provide water power for, mills , In Russia, the Volga-Baltic Waterway, a nationwide canal system connecting the
  41. More effective and efficient means of producing sugar. They began to use water, mills , enclosed furnaces, and steam engines to produce a higher quality of sugar at a
  42. And the word" those" was substituted for" these" ( before" dark satanic, mills ,". ) The piece was to be conducted by Parry's former student Alford Davies
  43. I began to see an attractive ensemble—sailors, whalers,girls who worked in the, mills ,up the river, clambakes on near-by islands, an amusement park on the seaboard
  44. With competition from other areas and the closure of the region's major pulp, mills , History The border between the Canadian province of British Columbia and
  45. Cocoons from Vancouver, where they had been shipped from the Orient, to silk, mills ,in New York and New Jersey. A silk train could carry several million dollars
  46. That are credited to the ancient Greeks such as the gear, screw,rotary, mills , screw press, bronze casting techniques, water clock, water organ, torsion
  47. And began moving through the Virginia countryside, destroying supply depots, mills , and other economic targets. In February, General Washington dispatched General
  48. Smaller movements are occurring as workers seek employment in lumber, mills ,and plantations in the south and east. Although the national sex ratio is
  49. Starts out as a cynical follower of the looters’ code, his experience at the, mills ,transforms him, and he comes to respect and admire the producers. He is shot
  50. Rum and Cola products. History Bundaberg Rum originated because the local sugar, mills ,had a problem with what to do with the waste molasses after the sugar was

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