Examples of the the word, ibid , in a Sentence Context

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  1. S high density in its limb bones would make it slow and suffer from high drag., ibid , Furthermore, the weight of the forelimbs and shoulder would pull the front of
  2. Records, and less than 5 per cent had previous hate crime involvement (, ibid ,O’Grady 2010 page 163. ). ”“ Only 4 percent of hate crimes were linked to an
  3. Son" ( De Trinity 12.55); as being" from the Father through the Son" (, ibid , 12.56); and as" having the Father and the Son as his source" ( ibid . 2.29)
  4. From the impossibility of the impossibility of this property" ( Brouwer, ibid , p. 335). This principle is commonly called" the principle of double negation
  5. Ashkenazi Jews should not eat egg matzoh on Passover cite REMA (Ora ch Chief, ibid ,.,4) ruling that the custom among the Ashkenazim is to refrain from eating egg
  6. Obviously with the line" Sometimes men are kissing" but is less well known. (, ibid ,) In Tender Buttons Stein comments on lesbian sexuality and the work abounds
  7. In the context of sociology; Debra has defended this use as metaphorical (, ibid , ). The role of self-reference Terkel France (2005,p. 46) observes: Gödel
  8. Union (Edinburgh,1707),and A Vindication of the Same against Mr De Foe (, ibid , ). Continued work A minor literary work of Abercromby's was a translation of
  9. Sameness" or else as" reflection in otherness within itself" (, ibid , ) In short, a subject in the Hegelian sense is subjected to subjection.
  10. Of computability † with effective inoculability" ( † is the footnote above, ibid ,). History One of the important problems for logicians in the 1930s was David
  11. Journals, which impeded recognition of the work throughout the rest of Europe (, ibid , p. 76). In 1884 a young German mathematician, Friedrich Angel, came to work
  12. To receive from the Son is the same thing as to proceed from the Father" (, ibid , 8.20). Ambrose of Milan, writing in the 380s,openly asserts that the Spirit
  13. The" falling apple" that led to her" discovery how to be well" herself (, ibid , ) (Later, she gave it the name of" Christian Science" stating that she "
  14. Order † Intejocerida: Subclass † Actinoceratoidea Not used by Flower, ibid ,:: Order † Actinocerida: Subclass † Nautiloidea in the restricted
  15. Son" ( ibid . 12.56); and as" having the Father and the Son as his source" (, ibid , 2.29); in another passage, Hilary points to John 16.15 (where Jesus says:
  16. And subjectivities which dominated the humanities for twenty years before (, ibid , p. 10). In McClary's words (1991,p. 5)," It almost seems that musicology
  17. For Mistress Sybil Cornet, he indicates that These married Henry de la Pomerania, ibid , 119. In any case, the dates concerning These in the above article are
  18. Aramaic, and Hebrew (he, waw, yod; sometimes even clef; Nave 62). Nave (, ibid , ) notes that the earliest Aramaic and Hebrew documents already used mates
  19. Surely I come quickly" ( Revelation 22:20). (Again, note N. T. Wright, ibid , ) Schweitzer writes that modern Christians of many kinds deliberately ignore
  20. Puns on the words" box "," cow ", and in titles such as" tender buttons ". (, ibid ,) Political views Stein was politically conservative, though the nature of her
  21. That technological effects depend on community accountability and oversight (, ibid ,). He claims that privacy laws only increase government surveillance. Priscilla
  22. That a program is 'elegant'"—such a proof would solve the Halting problem (, ibid ,). Algorithm versus function computable by an algorithm: For a given function
  23. Named it Christian, because it is compassionate, helpful,and spiritual. " (, ibid ,). ) Not knowing how it had occurred, she spent the next three years studying
  24. Candidate and independent Ross Perot publicly promising to end the ban. (, ibid , p. 161). Support for outing Some gay rights activists defend outing as a
  25. Of his career),Bennie Molten, and Count Basie performed head arrangements (, ibid ,). Arrangements for small jazz combos are usually informal, minimal,and
  26. And shoulder would pull the front of the giraffe down, straining its neck., ibid , Neck The giraffe's extreme altitude is a consequence of its extremely
  27. 1870,and in Paris, Göttingen and Erlangen in the subsequent two years (, ibid , p. 2). Lie stated that all the principal results were obtained by 1884.
  28. Ibid. ). The Sami Act provides special rights for the Sami people (, ibid , ): *“ ... the Saris shall have their own national Sami Parliament elected by
  29. The Saris themselves influencing on the development of the Sami community. ” (, ibid , ). The Sami Act provides special rights for the Sami people ( ibid . ): *“ ...
  30. Of an isomorphic keyboard, is a central component of Dynamic Tonality (, ibid ,., Milne et al.,2009). Tuning systems that are not produced with exclusively
  31. 1965 (Wetland,2002:28). Yet by 1966 the sales had dropped significantly (, ibid ,) and Skateboarder Magazine had stopped publication. The popularity of
  32. Not involve his/her personal life with the therapy, and should remain neutral (, ibid , ). The mutual encounter is a precedent for the psychoanalytic theory of
  33. H. E. W., Public Health Service Publication No. 1645. Pp. 202–214. Discussion:, ibid , Pp. 223–229. 49 * 1967. With T. Sargent. " Psychotropic phenylisopropylamines
  34. As he thought would more profit and be better instructed by his own presence (, ibid ,.,3). He remained, however,the father, or abbot, of all. With the
  35. For this argument is made by means of a series of supposed" observations" (, ibid ,.,180-182). Analysis using Searle's theory In order to generalize this sketch
  36. Together: yet, at length, overcome with their entreaty, he gave his consent" (, ibid ,.,3). The experiment failed; the monks tried to poison him, and he returned to
  37. And 'sociological' approach also typical of popular musicology (Moore, ibid , p. 4). Music theory, analysis and composition Music theory is a field of
  38. Wit and fluidity that is the most engaging trait of the film itself. " (, ibid ,) According to film critic David Thomson, however," No one can now deny Herman
  39. And subjectivities which dominated the humanities for twenty years before (, ibid , p. 10). In McClary's words (1991,p. 5)," It almost seems that musicology
  40. Evasive response to his signal, the commander ordered the attack to proceed. (, ibid , p. 17) The Liberty's captain, Commander McGonagall, was wounded during the
  41. Given by the Torah is:" Because the life of the animal is in its blood" (, ibid ,17:14). Also, if a person of the orthodox Jewish faith suffers a violent death
  42. Apocalypse of Baruch xxxvi and following; the bright and the black waters, ibid , Liii and following; the willow and its branches, Hermas," Similitude,"
  43. Found in Ceylonese chronicle Mahayana) and then goes on to say (, ibid , Page xxi):" The forms Camila/Camila almost certainly provide a connection of
  44. Is what causes neurotic, character,borderline and psychotic disorders (, ibid , ). According to this concept, trauma develops as a result of the sexual
  45. The fall of 1869 to the fall of 1873" that led to the theory's creation (, ibid ,). Some of Lie's early ideas were developed in close collaboration with Felix
  46. 4to (quarto) (Paris,1539-43),another in 10 vols. 16mo (sextodecimo) (, ibid , 1544-46). " Both of these editions are rare. Of more importance are his four
  47. Is" verifiable ... if it is possible for experience to render it probable" (, ibid , ). After establishing this distinction, Ayer claims that" no proposition
  48. Being attributed to another, such as the Book of Hosea, Isaiah,and others (, ibid , ). God Another approach to the authorship is that offered by Rash, consistent
  49. Arranging is the art of giving an existing melody musical variety" (, ibid ,). Classical music Arrangements and transcriptions of classical and serious
  50. A sword on the day of battle, since no other sword suitable for him was found (, ibid ,13:22). Saul's attitude toward David finds its excuse in the fact that his

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