Examples of the the word, excavation , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Into three distinct stages: (1) initial contact and compression, ( 2), excavation , (3) modification and collapse. In practice, there is overlap between the
  2. Practice, there is overlap between the three processes with, for example,the, excavation ,of the crater continuing in some regions while modification and collapse is
  3. Childhood to old age; and another chronicling several seasons of archaeological, excavation ,in Syria and Iraq with her second husband, archaeologist Max Mallow an. The
  4. Occupied by the village of Castro since medieval times. Before a systematic, excavation ,of the site could be undertaken, the village had to be relocated but the
  5. Pit was discovered. It was deliberately left unopened in the hope that future, excavation ,techniques will allow more information to be recovered. Looting Although
  6. Represented only by one inconspicuous column, revealed during an archaeological, excavation ,by the British Museum in the 1870s. Some fragments of the frieze (which are
  7. Soul to contemporaneous advances in the field of Egyptology such as the 1894, excavation , of the Farmer Palette, an ancient artifact used for situating the rebus within
  8. To his original character as a god of the waters (see Cannes). Around the, excavation ,of the 18 shrines found on the spot, thousands of carp bones were found
  9. Any great detail, citing Lambe's complete description the year before. Further, excavation ,from 1997 to 2005 turned up the remains of 13 more individuals of various ages
  10. The University of Cambridge. These investigations are among the most ambitious, excavation ,projects currently in progress according to, among others, Colin Renfrew. In
  11. Taken from Malta that was lost in the explosion aboard the Orient. In 2000,an, excavation ,focusing on ancient ruins on Nelson's Island under Italian archaeologist Paolo
  12. Subcontinent saw farming of wheat and barley, as attested by archaeological, excavation ,at Merger in Balochistan in what is present day Pakistan. By 6000 BC
  13. Because of its proximity to the cathedral, it was not practicable to retain the, excavation ,for public view. Peter was also the southern starting point for the Fosse Way
  14. Of Beowulf. Three halls, each about 50 meters long, were found during the, excavation , Like the Finns burg Fragment and several shorter surviving poems, Beowulf has
  15. The siteand involved herself in the excavation s and construction. During the, excavation , Helena is alleged to have rediscovered the True Cross, and a tomb, though
  16. All occur within a few tenths of a second for a large impact. The subsequent, excavation ,of the crater occurs more slowly, and during this stage the flow of material is
  17. Lines anywhere in the world. The ground freezing enabled safer, more efficient, excavation , and also assisted in environmental issues, as less contaminated fill needed to
  18. Been predicted to be longboats. The oldest boats to be found by archaeological, excavation ,are longboats from around 7,000–10,000 years ago. The oldest recovered boat in
  19. Until they were discovered by accident in the 1800s. The most extensive ancient, excavation ,currently being conducted in Alexandria is known as Km al-Dikka. It has
  20. Remains dating from the Roman epoch were found in the Mediterranean during, excavation ,of the antique harbor of Latter near Montpellier in 1997,raising the question
  21. Grave-robbers. Prior to Gardner's investigations, no serious archaeological, excavation ,had occurred at the city, though he himself soon unearthed four miles of
  22. Members of ancient Egyptian society enjoyed hunting and boating as well. The, excavation ,of the workers village of Dare el-Madinah has resulted in one of the most
  23. Activities, and public diplomacy. Historical Conciliation is not an, excavation ,of objective facts. The point of facilitating historical questions is not to
  24. Economic value. Conversely, the vast majority of early attempts at proper, excavation ,techniques failed to accurately measure or record stratigraphy, thereby failing
  25. A tomb, though Eugenics' account makes no mention of Helena's presence at the, excavation , nor of the finding of the cross but only the tomb. According to Eugenics, the
  26. For this purpose. Recycled aggregates (from construction, demolition and, excavation ,waste) are increasingly used as partial replacements of natural aggregates
  27. Content of 30–40 % providing impermeability to groundwater yet relatively easy, excavation ,with strength allowing minimal support. Ideally the tunnel would be bored in
  28. Opened in Km al-Shoqqafa (Roman) and Ra's action (painted). The German, excavation ,team found remains of a Ptolemaic colonnade and streets in the north-east of
  29. Designed jack was constructed to support the ground and tracks to allow the, excavation ,to take place below. Construction crews also used Ground freezing to help
  30. Survey of India was asked to conduct a more in-depth study and an, excavation ,to ascertain the type of structure that was beneath the rubble of Barbara Masjid
  31. Agencies in 1991,after satisfying concerns including release of toxins by the, excavation ,and the possibility of disrupting the homes of millions of rats, causing them
  32. The chalk marl was conducive to tunneling, with impermeability, ease of, excavation ,and strength. While on the English side the chalk marl ran along the entire
  33. Walls also stabilized the sides of the site, preventing cave-ins during the, excavation ,process. The multi-lane interstates also had to pass under South Station's 7
  34. From the full depth of the transient cavity; typically the depth of maximum, excavation ,is only about a third of the total depth. As a result, about one third of the
  35. The west. Sarah and Barry Shahs and brays were reservoirs, generally created by, excavation ,and embankment respectively. It is not clear whether the significance of these
  36. Sent out to Egypt by the Egypt Exploration Fund to assist Percy Newberry in the, excavation ,and recording of Middle Kingdom tombs at Ben Hasan. Even at that young age he
  37. The fall of their civilization through warfare over depleted resources. A 1997, excavation , at Cowboy Wash near Dolores, Colorado,found remains of at least twenty-four
  38. Superficially similar to the transient crater. In simple craters, the original, excavation ,cavity is overlain by a lens of collapse Brescia, ejecta and melt rock, and a
  39. Of Anatolian Civilizations (see above). The seating area is still under, excavation , Temple of Augustus and Rome The temple, also known as the Monumentum Ancyranum
  40. Of its proximity to the cathedral it has not been practicable to retain the, excavation ,for public view. Peter was also the southern end of the Fosse Way Roman road.
  41. Used arithmetic in the 7th century AD, based on Hindu-Arabic numerals, for, excavation , ( volume) computations. The civil engineer Education and licensure Civil
  42. In the typical scenario, archaeologists are associated with" digs," or, excavation ,of layers of ancient sites. Archaeologists subdivide time into cultural periods
  43. Slowly, and during this stage the flow of material is largely sub-sonic. During, excavation , the crater grows as the accelerated target material moves away from the impact
  44. Roughly 500 BC. The tablets were found in 1964 by Massimo Allotting during an, excavation ,at the ancient Etruscan port of PRI, now Santa Several. Longer texts According
  45. Have attempted a more sensible Camelot; inspired by Alcock's Cadbury-Camelot, excavation , writers Marion Zimmer Bradley, Mary Stewart, and Catherine Christian place
  46. Two difficulties face the would-be excavator in Alexandria: lack of space for, excavation ,and the underwater location of some areas of interest. Since the great and
  47. Breasts, or as sacrificed bull testes, as some newer scholars claimed, until, excavation , at the site of the Artemision in 1987-88 identified the multitude of
  48. Minerals are extracted commercially; 80 percent of mining is done by open-pit, excavation , Iron extraction at Kremikovtsi and elsewhere is not sufficient to support the
  49. Broken vases painted in a large bold style which remained an enigma until the, excavation ,of Knossos. In 1890 and 1893,States cleared out certain less rich tholos-tombs
  50. Of the settlement itself, on the nearby island of Also. The most recent large, excavation ,was undertaken between 1990-95 in a region of" black earth ", believed to be

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