Examples of the the word, taxable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( taxable ), is the 8264 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Though limits apply to a few expenses. Individuals are permitted to reduce, taxable ,income by personal allowances and certain nonbusiness expenses, including home
  2. Exhibitions, theatres, cinemas,museums, and cultural events. More than 8,552, taxable , companies – the average size was 3.16 employees – were engaged in the culture
  3. Within the United States. The tax systems within each jurisdiction may define, taxable ,income separately. Many states refer to some extent to federal concepts for
  4. Taxable base for corporations may differ from those for individuals or other, taxable ,persons. Social security contributions Many countries provide publicly funded
  5. To a gross monthly pay of €1,300,005. The salary and the residence stipend are, taxable ,for income tax. The official residence and office of the president is the
  6. US and the UK, the tax law provides that the interest on this cash value is not, taxable ,under certain circumstances. This leads to widespread use of life insurance as
  7. Local" piggyback" income taxes at rates between 1.25 % and 3.2 % of Maryland, taxable ,income. Local officials set the rates and the revenue is returned to the local
  8. Different rates which does. The choice of which system to apply is made by the, taxable ,person. GROSS INCOME BASED SYSTEM 1. Persons on gross income up to £16,000 2.
  9. By the seller at the time of sale, or remitted as use tax by buyers of, taxable ,items who did not pay sales tax. The United States imposes tariffs or customs
  10. Announced the creation of Mozilla Corporation, a wholly owned for-profit, taxable ,subsidiary of Mozilla Foundation, that primarily focuses on delivering Firefox
  11. Or by other means, because either *during the time between recording or levying, taxable ,transactions and collecting the taxes due, the value of the taxes collected
  12. Is 1/3 of the assessed value. A tax rate of about 30 mills is applied to the, taxable ,value, resulting in an effective tax rate of about 1 %. In the 2005 tax year
  13. Net worth, or other taxes imposed on corporations. Rates of tax and the, taxable ,base for corporations may differ from those for individuals or other taxable
  14. Individuals certain personal allowances and other nonbusiness reductions to, taxable ,income. Personal income tax is often collected on a pay-as-you-earn basis, with
  15. Much of the rest of Europe—as of 2009 the basic rate of personal tax is 20 % on, taxable ,income up to £37,400,and 40 % on any additional earnings above that amount.
  16. Based on income on individuals, corporations,estates, and trusts. The tax is, taxable ,income, as defined, times a specified tax rate. This tax may be reduced by
  17. White House (recipients benefiting from the display of such items recognize, taxable ,income even if they are returned). They were billed for a large amount of back
  18. Often differ from federal rules. Federal tax rates vary from 15 % to 35 % of, taxable ,income. State and local tax rates vary by jurisdiction, and many are graduated.
  19. Salaries and wages, but most income from stocks, bonds and notes receivable is, taxable , All taxable dividends and interest which exceed the $1,250 single exemption or
  20. Exempt. The move to value added taxes, under which almost all transactions are, taxable , has diminished the significance of the distinction. Personal versus private
  21. 200K USD yearly income) paid approximately 60 % of state income taxes. The, taxable ,income of this population is highly dependent upon capital gains, which has
  22. Includes almost all income from whatever source. Most business expenses reduce, taxable ,income, though limits apply to a few expenses. Individuals are permitted to
  23. Can total up to 10.75 % with local sales tax included. All real property is, taxable ,annually, the tax based on the property's fair market value at the time of
  24. Alcohol beverage 5 %. Personal income tax is a flat 3.07 %. An individual's, taxable ,income is based on the following eight types of income: compensation (salary)
  25. In enemy hands, we were allowed to write off the investment against current, taxable ,income. But this ruling did not end our interest in, or responsibility for, the
  26. Nat Geo Junior, and Nat Geo Music. National Geographic Films, a wholly owned, taxable ,subsidiary of the National Geographic Society, has also produced a feature film
  27. Second),no constant is needed, and the formula becomes P FM. RAC horsepower (, taxable ,horsepower) This measure was instituted by the Royal Automobile Club in
  28. Decks of playing cards printed and sold in the United Kingdom were liable for, taxable ,duty and the Ace of Spades carried an indication of the name of the printer and
  29. Cubic inches divided by 10π then divided again by the stroke in inches. Since, taxable ,horsepower was computed based on bore and number of cylinders, not based on
  30. Is multiplied by a tax rate, set by the Montana Legislature, to determine its, taxable ,value. The taxable value is then multiplied by the mill levy established by
  31. District taxes that may apply. Real estate and personal business property are, taxable ,in Colorado. The state's senior property tax exemption was temporarily
  32. Many states refer to some extent to federal concepts for determining, taxable ,income. Basic concepts The U. S. income tax system imposes a tax based on
  33. All real and tangible personal property located in the state of Maine is, taxable ,unless specifically exempted by statute. The administration of property taxes
  34. Which exceed the $1,250 single exemption or the $2,500 joint exemption are, taxable ,at the rate of 6 %. The state's sales and use tax rate for most items is 7 %.
  35. On the other hand, property tax is levied on most business-use personalty. The, taxable ,value of property is 1/3 of the assessed value. A tax rate of about 30 mills is
  36. The tax burden among individuals or classes of the population involved in, taxable ,activities, such as business, or to redistribute resources between individuals
  37. Taxes based on federal adjusted gross income, Colorado taxes are based on, taxable ,income – income after federal exemptions and federal itemized (or standard)
  38. Cash purchases. * Integration: (also called ‘ spin dry): Making it into clean, taxable ,income by real-estate transactions, sham loans, foreign bank comply and false
  39. Wages, but most income from stocks, bonds and notes receivable is taxable . All, taxable ,dividends and interest which exceed the $1,250 single exemption or the $2,500
  40. The world for expatriates to live. Personal income tax is applicable to total, taxable ,income of an Individual and all individuals are taxed at progressive marginal
  41. To have a single rate of taxation for personal income taxes which is 10 % of, taxable ,income. The Alberta tax system maintains a progressive character by allowing
  42. Then reducing it by 0.5 % and finally applying the resulting rate of, taxable ,income (gross income less tapering relief). With the tapering relief on gross
  43. In the United States, the sales a barter exchange makes are considered, taxable ,revenue by the IRS and the gross amount of a barter exchange member's sales
  44. Incurred above certain percentages of income. State rules for determining, taxable ,income often differ from federal rules. Federal tax rates vary from 15 % to 35
  45. For temple worship within the faith. *Zions Securities Corporation (managing, taxable ,church properties) *Corporation of the President (managing non- taxable church
  46. Have deductions available that lessen the total tax liability by reducing total, taxable ,income. They may allow losses from one type of income to be counted against
  47. County, levies a sales tax. All real property within the state of Nebraska is, taxable ,unless specifically exempted by statute. Since 1992,only depreciable personal
  48. A tax rate, set by the Montana Legislature, to determine its taxable value. The, taxable ,value is then multiplied by the mill levy established by various taxing
  49. Area 51 researcher Glenn Campbell claimed in 1994 that the base only declares a, taxable ,value of $2 million to the Lincoln County tax assessor, who is unable to enter
  50. Are not subject to sales and use taxes unless specifically enumerated as, taxable ,by statute. A provision excluding clothing under $50 from sales tax was

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