Examples of the the word, optical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( optical ), is the 5329 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Devices, where the anisotropy of the features is needed to impart desired, optical , electrical, or physical properties to the device. Anisotropic etching could
  2. Quartz and feldspar. Anisotropy in minerals is most reliably seen in their, optical ,properties. An example of an isotropic mineral is garnet. Medical acoustics
  3. Their positions relative to the Earth and Moon by sighting sets of stars with, optical ,instruments. As a practical joke, the Apollo 1 crew named three of the stars in
  4. Matrix analysis, a type of ray tracing technique used in the design of some, optical ,systems * ABCD-parameters, a type of properties describing the electrical
  5. Slightly out of proper historical focus. " An aspect associated with Alhazen's, optical ,research is related to systemic and methodological reliance on experimentation
  6. His description of the functional anatomy of the eye as an optical system, or, optical , instrument. His experiments with the camera obscure provided sufficient
  7. Physics is often considered in the wider context of atomic, molecular,and, optical ,physics. Physics research groups are usually so classified. Isolated atoms
  8. Used for taxonomic sample preservation. *Until recently arsenic was used in, optical ,glass. Modern glass manufacturers, under pressure from environmentalists, have
  9. And affects this current, triggering the alarm. Compared to the alternative, optical ,smoke detector, the ionization smoke detector is cheaper and can detect
  10. For his pioneering work on the psychology of visual perception and, optical ,illusions. In the Book of Optics, Alhazen was the first scientist to argue that
  11. Contribution was his description of the functional anatomy of the eye as an, optical ,system, or optical instrument. His experiments with the camera obscure provided
  12. Scant public recognition during his lifetime for his labors in the cause of, optical ,science. Some of his papers were not printed by the Academic DES Sciences until
  13. Or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. The effect is an, optical ,illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be
  14. Other inventions marked Bell's later life, including groundbreaking work in, optical ,telecommunications, hydrofoils and aeronautics. In 1888,Alexander Graham Bell
  15. Into inductively coupled plasma. Advances in design of diode lasers and, optical ,parametric oscillators promote developments in fluorescence and ionization
  16. It may mean that the ratio of the output power of an electric or, optical ,circuit to the input power should be doubled. It may mean that the gain
  17. Phosphate and other salts. All oxidation states have their characteristic, optical ,absorption spectra, with a few sharp peaks in the visible and mid-infrared
  18. Which all have their seat in Allen. A branch in Allen is maintained by, optical ,systems manufacturer Carl Zeiss headquartered in nearby Oberkochen. Street The
  19. Trap or magnetic trap. Small particles can also be suspended with, optical ,tweezers, using a highly focused laser beam. Cost Scientists claim that
  20. Can be affixed to the bow to aid in aiming. They can be as simple as a pin or, optical ,with magnification. They usually also have a peep sight (rear sight) built
  21. Brain. The L and D convention for amino acid configuration refers not to the, optical ,activity of the amino acid itself, but rather to the optical activity of the
  22. That Alien made in mechanics and how he used his results to explain certain, optical ,phenomena using mechanical analogies. He conducted experiments with projectiles
  23. Identified with Kurosawa is the wipe. This is an effect created through an, optical ,printer, in which, when a scene ends, a line or bar appears to move across the
  24. Very infrequently) chemical vapor deposition or other chemical means to form, optical ,coatings and mirrors. Aluminum compounds Because aluminum is abundant and
  25. Funds ('Harmony of the World' ), which presented his own analysis of, optical ,perceptions, geometrical shapes, musical consonances and planetary harmonies.
  26. Markets such as electronics, telecommunications,medical, aerospace,glass, and, optical , Unlike traditional adhesives, UV light curing adhesives not only bond
  27. Hence the nickname). From the late 1950s onward, visual landing aids such as, optical ,landing system have provided information on proper glide slope, but Los still
  28. Salts with four distinct groups on the nitrogen are capable of exhibiting, optical ,activity. Properties as bases Like ammonia, amines are bases. Compared to
  29. Him by name, and on Johannes Kepler. His research in cathartics (the study of, optical ,systems using mirrors) centered on spherical and parabolic mirrors and
  30. Such as normal to crystalline layers). Some materials can have multiple such, optical ,axes. Geology and Geophysics Seismic anisotropy is the variation of seismic
  31. And ionization spectrometry and also in absorption techniques where uses of, optical ,cavities for increased effective absorption path length are expected to expand.
  32. Large and small angles on the sky with much greater precision than any previous, optical ,telescopes. During its 4-year run, the positions, parallaxes,and proper
  33. Of the standard amino acids, all but glycine can exist in either of two, optical ,isomers, called L or D amino acids, which are mirror images of each other (see
  34. On screen as recognizable text. * Standalone reading aids integrate a scanner, optical ,character recognition (OCR) software, and speech software in a single machine
  35. Scientists do not know how to do cost-effectively today. " For example, in 1956, optical , character recognition (OCR) was considered AI, but today, sophisticated OCR
  36. Achievement ', the Photophone, the optical telephone which presaged fiber, optical ,telecommunications, while the Volta Bureau would later evolve into the
  37. At the night sky with the naked eye, using binoculars, and using a variety of, optical ,telescopes of varying power and quality, as well as additional sophisticated
  38. Cesare Ceremonial. This school is known as Alexandrines. Alexander's band,an, optical ,phenomenon, is named after him. Modern editions Several of Alexander's works
  39. He and his associate invented his 'proudest achievement ', the Photophone,the, optical ,telephone which presaged fiber optical telecommunications, while the Volta
  40. Electronics are often anisotropic. Many crystals are anisotropic to light (", optical ,anisotropy" ), and exhibit properties such as birefringence. Crystal optics
  41. Analytical science. Microscopy can be categorized into three different fields:, optical ,microscopy, electron microscopy, and scanning probe microscopy. Recently, this
  42. Concentration of 0.01 M. The resulting reddish solution had a characteristic, optical ,absorption spectrum which is similar to that of AmF4 but differed from other
  43. Orbit, where it could be less affected by mechanical forces of the Earth and, optical ,distortions from its atmosphere. Operated from 1989 to 1993,Hipparcos measured
  44. The cause and the effect. Optics Aristotle held more accurate theories on some, optical ,concepts than other philosophers of his day. The earliest known written
  45. Work by Thomas Young, extended the wave theory of light to a large class of, optical ,phenomena. In 1817,Young had proposed a small transverse component to light
  46. Thirty years later, in 1964,John Bell found a theorem involving complicated, optical ,correlations (see Bell inequalities),which yielded measurably different
  47. Refers not to the optical activity of the amino acid itself, but rather to the, optical ,activity of the isomer of glyceraldehyde from which that amino acid can, in
  48. A $64.5 million agreement with ZTE for the establishment of a countrywide, optical ,fiber cable network. As of 2009,the country has 129,300 fixed telephone lines
  49. 1980s,charge-coupled devices (CDs) replaced photographic plates and reduced, optical ,uncertainties to one millisecond. This technology made asymmetry less
  50. Known which range from +2 to +7 and can be identified via their characteristic, optical ,absorption spectra. The crystal lattice of solid americium and its compounds

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