Examples of the the word, condominium , in a Sentence Context

The word ( condominium ), is the 12802 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be shared jointly by two or more consenting powers, notably in the forms of a, condominium ,or a co-principality (e.g. Andorra). Nation-states A community of people who
  2. The territories of the were lost to France, becoming the # Maastricht was a, condominium ,of the. # On 6 June 1805,as a result of the annexation of the. # Before
  3. Rises have been built. The east river development plans include more luxury, condominium ,developments. A desire to be closer to the urban scene has attracted young
  4. Expansion of the former Abrams Aerial Building. As of August 2008,an 18-story, condominium , high-rise called Capitol Club Tower is in the design phase with the adjacent
  5. Near east side is currently experiencing a building boom, with dozens of new, condominium ,and apartment buildings being constructed. Nicknames Over the years, Madison
  6. Paris. The little Pheasant Island in the River Bias is a Spanish-French, condominium , Islander population: Mountains and rivers Mainland Spain is a mountainous
  7. Many new urban developments in two major districts. In recent years numerous, condominium ,projects and shopping centers have opened in the old Tobacco Warehouse District
  8. Which acquired the property in 2003,plans to demolish it and build a mixed-use, condominium ,and retail structure on the site. Only 13 tenants remain, all of them elderly
  9. 150,as well as destroying 2,449 single-family dwellings and 437 apartment and, condominium ,units. (See 1991 Oakland firestorm) Demographics 2010 The 2010 United States
  10. Lifts) is called an apartment building and one with elevators is called a, condominium , Condos which have to invest in a local power generator to ensure 24-hour
  11. Developed by Mutual of Omaha, the development includes construction of several, condominium ,towers and retail businesses built around Omaha's Turner Park. The Holland
  12. Address on drivers' licenses, though other sources claim he listed the Delay, condominium , On August 28,Name and Ahmed Al-Hamdani reportedly bothered a Delray Beach
  13. Her furniture from Williams's condominium as well as a half-interest in the, condominium ,they claimed he gave her. Both John-Henry and Williams's brother Danny died of
  14. Want to participate in the new Europe of the future. Condominium The idea of a, condominium , with sovereignty shared between the UK and Spain, has been proposed. The
  15. Separate governmental systems that came together only in a joint court. The, condominium ,'s authority was extended in the Anglo-French Protocol of 1914,although this
  16. In the TV series Sons of Anarchy Neutral Mores net was a tiny Belgian-Prussian, condominium ,that existed from 1816 to 1920 between present-day Belgium and Germany. Prior
  17. Island is rental buildings. There is also a cooperative (River cross) and a, condominium ,building (River walk). One rental building (Eastwood) has left New York
  18. District of Massachusetts, Springfield,Massachusetts * The Esplanade, condominium ,complex in Cambridge, Massachusetts * Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
  19. Signed by both the British and French resident commissioners. Many called the, condominium ,the" Pandemonium" because of the duplication of laws, police forces, prisons
  20. Projects began around this time including the 34-story RBC Bank Tower, multiple, condominium , projects and several new restaurants. Additional skyscrapers are in the
  21. Once occupied the street have recently moved to new locations to make way for a, condominium ,and office complex, although the developers have stated that they wish to
  22. For Miller Beach visitors and residents. East Edge, a development of 28 upscale, condominium , town home, and single-family homes, began construction in 2007 at the eastern
  23. Through the center of town, Downtown Topeka has experienced apartment and, condominium ,loft development, and façade and streets cape improvements. On the other side of
  24. After his death, her sons filed suit to recover her furniture from Williams's, condominium ,as well as a half-interest in the condominium they claimed he gave her. Both
  25. Property may be owned jointly with several tenants, through devices such as the, condominium , housing cooperative, and building cooperative. Jurisdictional peculiarities In
  26. Will be adding 300 units in its first phase including the tall City Creek, condominium ,tower. Allen Mill Associates currently has two projects under construction and
  27. Never officially disbanded, Staley became a recluse, rarely leaving his Seattle, condominium ,following the death of his ex-fiancée Demi Parrot in 1996,due to bacterial
  28. Prior to Belgian independence in 1830,the territory was a Dutch-Prussian, condominium , During the First World War, the territory was annexed into Prussia, although
  29. French-speaking communities, as the islands had been jointly administered as a, condominium ,with France. Fiji, Tuvalu,the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea chose to
  30. Of Latin Christendom coalesced in the 8th century, signifying the new cultural, condominium ,created through the confluence of Germanic traditions and Christian-Latin
  31. More planned. All 200 units have been sold before construction of a seven-story, condominium ,planned by Wood Property. A residential tower is planned for Trolley Square
  32. After a decade of battling drug addiction, Layne Stanley was found dead in his, condominium ,on April 20, 2002. His mother and stepfather became alarmed when accountants
  33. Portrayed as the" 5 Cs" of Singapore – cash, credit cards, car, condominium , and country club membership. Cuisine Dining, along with shopping, is said to be
  34. House of Holstein-Gottorp jointly holding the stake. A third branch in the, condominium , the short-lived House of Haderslev, was already extinct in 1580 by the time of
  35. Concern among the Greeks, who viewed it as a Bulgarian attempt to establish a, condominium ,over the city. In the event, due to the urgently needed reinforcements in the
  36. And began to restore the boat. But the property owner, who was building a new, condominium ,project nearby, deemed it an eyesore and had it destroyed. The Restoration
  37. Property) became part of the Waterfront Pearl http://www.waterfrontpearl.com/, condominium ,development site. http://www.indiodesign.com/libertyshippark/ Afro was a
  38. Was no connection between Flushed and Giovanditto, who was found slain in his, condominium ,on November 30, 2010. 28-year-old David-Israel Murillo, a homeless man arrested
  39. Well as Restored Malaysia. About 1.5 KM from the Beijing town, is Bu kit Mooch,a, condominium ,on the hill would be visibly easy. There is an open air restaurant that serves
  40. Held by the king's sons. Between 1544 and 1713/20 the ducal reign had become a, condominium , with the royal House of Oldenburg and its cadet branch House of
  41. In a drop in tourism in the downtown area, but many recent projects and, condominium ,construction have increased the number of visitors to downtown. An effort has
  42. The Faculty Ghetto is composed of land owned entirely by Stanford. Similar to a, condominium , the houses can be bought and sold, but the land under the houses is rented on a
  43. 300 years, Cyprus was ruled jointly by both the Arabs and the Byzantines as a, condominium , despite the nearly constant warfare between the two parties on the mainland.
  44. From 1958 until his death from pneumonia, after which Mrs. Smith relocated to a, condominium ,on Marco Island, Florida. She died at age 87 of complications from
  45. The entire area continues to be an area of intense building, notably a boom in, condominium ,construction in the 2000s and the 2010s. From 1997 to January 2004,TrizecHahn
  46. Solomon & Cor dwell, architects. In 1979,Carl Sandburg Village was converted to, condominium ,ownership. Elmhurst, Illinois,renamed the former Elmhurst Junior High School
  47. In the downtown core. These projects will provide upscale, low and high rise, condominium ,and office space. People and culture Neighborhood associations Salem has 19
  48. Years ago in Florida, U. S., and the word" condo" is derived from the word, condominium ,because a condo mango tree, being dwarfed and small, was suitable for
  49. Wells Fargo, Hearst Corporation, Duke Energy, several hotels, and multiple, condominium ,developments. On Kenilworth and Charlottetown Avenues, near Carolina's Medical
  50. Social-Democrats (GSD),in which the Rock would become a self-governing, condominium ,(or" Royal City" ), with the British and Spanish monarchs as joint heads of

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