Examples of the the word, nr , in a Sentence Context
The word ( nr ), is the 12803 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Piano) at the Volkshochschule Bremerhaven on 12/OCT/2006 (cycle Tonsure, nr , 36). Third version, for quintet (Violin, Bandoneon, Guitar,Double bass &
- 0'15" ( for the short film" Mesa para dos" ) *" Colloquium 1" Soliloquy, nr , 1 for violoncello. Cologne,26–27 August 2003. 4'00 ". To Klaus Bet tag & German
- Dam & Reservoir – granite-faced concrete dam and lake in Fern worthy Forest, nr , Crawford *Great Links Tor – dominant tor on NW scarp of moor *Hay tor Granite
- By the magazine Done Notes). Published by the magazine Done Notes (Madrid),NR, 52 (June 2006),central pages. *" Windsor (Haiku NR. 4) " for piano.
- A series of papers: 'The new Portuguese Poetry Sociologically Considered' (, nr , 4),'Relapsing ...' ( NR. 5) and 'The Psychological Aspect of the new
- Zionskirche (Worldwide, Germany ) on 1/FEB/2009 (cycle Worpsweder Orgelmusik, nr , 181). *" Descent" for flute, viola & cello. Worldwide,3/DEC/2008. Composed
- Solar (piano),recital" modern & Tango" ( cycle Worpsweder Orgelmusik, nr , 181) at the Community Center (Gemeindehaus Alter Schulz) of the church
- Into a marriage without an Act of Consent. By Royal Decree of 19 March 2004,NR, 126 the Prince was granted the surname 'Van Oranje-Nassau van Amber' and
- 20/OCT/2006 at the Paula of the Musikhochschule, Cologne (cycle Paula Concert, nr , 78). *" Bipolar ", electronic music for the short film" Bipolar" of the
- Conkers * Staple ford Miniature Railway, Stapleford Park, nr , Melton * http://www.charnwood.gov.uk/environment/ulverscroft.html#Ulverscroft2a
- England (the longest hedge maze in the world, planted 2003) * Oak Lane Labyrinth, nr , Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk. Open all year round. Free entry. * Etchings Park
- 4'00" To Juliane Meaning. *" Stat (Haiku NR. 7) " State (Haiku, nr ,7) for viola. Cologne,9/JAN - Bremen 12/JAN/2009. To Hans-Jürgen Meaning on his
- For string quartet: Worldwide,16/OCT/2007. 3'00" To Waive Schmidt. *" Haiku, nr , 6" for flute and guitar. Worldwide,26/DEC/2006 & 2/NOV/2007. Second version:
- If n m. In the general case, for a word with n1 letters X1,n2 letters X2,..., nr , letters XR it turns out (after a proper use of the inclusion-exclusion formula
- Mihovilcevic on 12/DEC/2008 at Domes Artist (Buenos Aires, Argentina ), concert,NR,143 of Sonoridades Alternatives Second version: cello & piano (Worldwide
- Piano) at the Volkshochschule Bremerhaven on 12/OCT/2006 (cycle Tonsure, nr , 36,concert of the group QuinteTTTango). Third version: violin, cello and
- Of the Hochschule fur Music Cologne,5/DEC/2007,series Aulakonzerte Nee Music, nr , 81,during a monographic concert in the frame of Solare's Konzertexamen (
- S if for any positive integers m and n, np, np me, np>me according as NR, nr , ms,NR>ms respectively. There is a remarkable similarity between this
- In Tijdschrift poor Parapsychology/Journal for parapsychology 368,vol. 72,NR,4,Dec. 2005,pp. 14–17 Nature, first published on 4 November 1869,is ranked
- Which he published in 1942 as Han van Aegean: Teekeningen I (Drawings, nr , I ) a large and luxurious book. During this time, he created several forgeries
- Letters Between Six Sisters (2007) Gallery Image: Shall Manor, Asthall, nr , Burford (Nancy). JPG|Rear view of Shall Manor. Image: Glen Warren Phil pot -
- Piano) at the Volkshochschule Bremerhaven on 12/OCT/2006 (cycle Tonsure, nr , 36). *" Talisman ", tango for cello & piano (original version for piano
- In the new Dutch Army between 1814 and 1829,of which the 4th (Regiment Swiss, nr , 32) served as Guard Infantry, until the Swiss regiments were disbanded and
- Lady ", AN " sky" ), although the cuneiform sign for her name (Border 2003,NR, 153,U+12239 𒈹 )is not historically a ligature of the two. These difficulties
- There is a specific score for that). 3'35" *"Colloquium 2" Soliloquy, nr , 2 for flute. Cologne,26 August–1 September 2004. 4'00 ". To Katrin
- D is the m \times r" feed through (or feedforward) matrix ". The n \times, nr , controllability matrix is given by: R = \begins & AB & ASB & ... & ASB\end The
- The same musicians at the church" Outer Hit" in Lilienthal (Foyer Concert, nr , 21) *" Ilona aria" cold Ilona for two pianos. Original version for
- Features a chapter on Traci Lords. *Steve Rag (= Tim Greaves): Norma K., nr , 1-2 and Nora K. NR. 3-6 (England 1990-1992): Traci Lords-fanzine *Steve Rag
- Of the church Zionskirche (Worldwide, Germany ), cycle Worpsweder Orgelmusik, nr , 182. *" Tango un tango" I'got a tango, for bassoon & piano (after the
- Test, the forerunner to the SAT. *1910 – Laurel Plaice pilots a. Plaice, nr , 1 on its first flight. *1930 – U. S. President Herbert Hoover signs the
- Of the Hochschule fur Music in Cologne,20/OCT/2006 (cycle Paula Concert, nr , 78). *" Held UND Bösewicht" Here and villain for trumpet, clarinet and
- Of the Hochschule fur Music in Cologne,20/OCT/2006 (cycle Paula Concert, nr , 78). *" Overture" for electronic sounds and pantomime. Cologne (Hochschule
- Pestalozzi (Buenos Aires),concert of the group Sonoridades Alternatives, nr ,133. *" Nero desencuentro (team de Elena) " One more failure to meet for
- To stimulate reciprocity from host countries of Cape Verdi an migrants ". A law, nr , 36/V/97 was promulgated on August 25, 1997 regulating the" Statute of
- Worldwide) by Ulrike Meaning (piano),during the cycle Orgelmusik (, nr , 139). Another performance by Juan María Solar on 1/MAY/2009 at the church
- And Birmingham railway. JPG|Design Hall Bridge. Image: Beech wood Tunnel, nr , Coventry the London and Birmingham railway. JPG|Beech wood Tunnel near Coventry.
- And the predicate Royal Highness, were formally granted to her. By Royal Decree, nr , 42 of 25 January 2002,the Princess was granted her own personal coat of arms
- Right of access to information; the legislation supporting this is the Light, nr , 8503,date 30.6.1999,Per Te Dresden e informing per document mortar (Law
- New Portuguese Poetry Sociologically Considered' ( NR. 4),'Relapsing ...' (, nr , 5) and 'The Psychological Aspect of the new Portuguese Poetry' ( NRS. 9,11
- Latinoamericano),La Plate, Argentina; concert of Sonoridades Alternatives, nr , 140. Performed again by Luis Mihovilcevic on 12/DEC/2008 at Domes Artist (
- Bibliography * Filip Garcia Mniejszość w Cranach poultry, Newsweek,NR,22/2007,03.06.2007. * W Greg Rabat. Slice o Juries Beanie, literaturze
- Zionskirche (Worldwide, Germany ) on 1/FEB/2009 (cycle Worpsweder Orgelmusik, nr , 181). Argentine premiere: Juliane Meaning (Cello) & Juan María Solar (
- Of the church Zionskirche (Worldwide, Germany ), cycle Worpsweder Orgelmusik, nr , 182. *" Lase result die Race" Silently drizzles the row, praeludium for
- 18 November 1652,Elizabeth, younger daughter of Richard Lauder of Halton, (,NR, Ratio),Sheriff Principal for Edinburgh, &c., the owner of Halton House and
- Of the Hochschule fur Music Cologne,5/DEC/2007,series Aulakonzerte Nee Music, nr , 81,by Paulo Altars (piano),during a monographic concert in the frame of
- On Traci Lords. *Steve Rag (= Tim Greaves): Norma K. NR. 1-2 and Nora K., nr , 3-6 (England 1990-1992): Traci Lords-fanzine *Steve Rag (= Tim Greaves):
- Princess Catharina-Amalia, will become the Princess of Orange. By Royal Decree, nr , 41 of 25 January 2002,upon the solemnization of marriage Maxima Zorreguieta
- In an r \times 1 vector. The test for controllability is that the n \times, nr , matrix: \mathcal = \begins & AB & ASB & \dots & ASB\end has full row rank (i.
- Was ennobled in 1719 as a" naturalized nobleman" ( noble family of Redneck, nr , 1637). His student, the botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778),named a genus
- Polish currency did not change since the Polish currency law of 1950 (DZ. U, nr ,50. Poz. 459 with later changes),which defines the official currency as the
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