Examples of the the word, enforceable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enforceable ), is the 12800 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For the sale of such property where the purchase price exceeds $500 is not, enforceable ,unless memorialized by a signed writing. This section, however,is rarely
  2. Which lays out the legal rights of patients as well as promises (not legally, enforceable ,) the NHS strives to keep in England. The Netherlands has
  3. Cases are those where a controlled level of release is too high or, if, enforceable , is neglected. Migration from pollution dilution to elimination in many cases
  4. Federal appellate court" determined that the terms of the Artistic License are, enforceable ,copyright conditions ". The case was remanded to the District Court which did
  5. That laws should penalize morally wrong or decadent behavior, whether this is, enforceable ,or not. In the Dutch courts, however,it has long been determined that the
  6. Bonds, notes,retail repurchase agreements, accounts receivable, trusts, enforceable , contracts sale of real estate (land contracts),money in hand, money in safe
  7. Of Criminal Procedure and introduced a new chapter XXIII (A) in the code, enforceable ,from January 11, 2006,which affects cases in which the maximum punishment is
  8. The defendant under oath, * Part Performance of the contract. The agreement is, enforceable ,up to the amount already paid, delivered,etc. * The goods were specially
  9. Such as California, the parties have the option of making their agreement, enforceable ,in court. Many community programs offer their services for free or at most
  10. Patent granted by the European Patent Office in 1994,though it is unclear how, enforceable ,it is. As of October 27, 2006,the U. S. patent's 20-year term appears to have
  11. Convention. European patents, once granted, become a bundle of nationally, enforceable ,patents, in the designated states. This can be expensive for both patents and
  12. Punish a breach (in this case it is termed penal damages). The clause will be, enforceable ,if it involves a genuine attempt to quantify a loss in advance and is a good
  13. Historically in the diaspora, Halakha served many Jewish communities as an, enforceable ,avenue of civil and religious law. Since the Age of Enlightenment, emancipation
  14. Constitutes a contract that falls outside the Statute of Frauds and was, enforceable ,to the extent it is executed. But the unexecuted portion of the contract falls
  15. Of contractual bargaining apply in the context. In the absence of a valid and, enforceable ,agreement, here’s how the conflict of law rules work: * Movable v. Real Estate
  16. The new constitution of 2008 is the first in the world to recognize legally, enforceable ,Rights of Nature, or ecosystem rights. Ecuador is a presidential republic and
  17. The other side is a sovereign state and that the agreement being considered is, enforceable ,under international law. Hence, nations can be very careful about terming an
  18. They are not allowed to attend public schools, own property, or make an, enforceable ,will. Palestinian refugees, who constitute nearly a tenth of the country’s
  19. S new constitution of 2008 is the first in the world to recognize legally, enforceable ,Rights of Nature, or ecosystem rights. The borough of Tam aqua, Pennsylvania
  20. And routers. To be effective, policies and other security controls must be, enforceable ,and upheld. Effective policies ensure that people are held accountable for
  21. Themselves as necessarily to be fulfilled but are neither forced on one nor are, enforceable ," (2004,p. 103). This aligns with Australian philosopher Peter Singer's
  22. Conventions form part of the constitution, but they are not legally, enforceable , They include the existence of a Prime Minister and Cabinet, the fact that the
  23. Where the laws of neither the host country nor the diplomat's country are, enforceable , There is an inherent conflict of interest, as the diplomat is the chief
  24. To police or others; *failure to include economic and social rights as rights, enforceable ,by the courts; *only partial protection of the rights of women, with for
  25. Act states that:" No predispose arbitration agreement shall be valid or, enforceable ,if it requires arbitration of — (1) an employment, consumer,or franchise
  26. The unity of the Crown is to be retained. The preamble does not itself contain, enforceable ,provisions, so the preamble merely expresses a constitutional convention
  27. Force compliance with the agreement. The mediated agreement is, however,fully, enforceable ,in a court of law. * The mediation process consist of a mutual endeavor. Unlike
  28. Gaming, drunkenness,prostitution and undesirable conduct on licensed premises, enforceable ,by prosecution or more effectively by the landlord under threat of forfeiting
  29. And other forms of contract arbitration Agreements to arbitrate were not, enforceable ,at common law, though once the parties had actually submitted a pending dispute
  30. From Roman law for gentiles (Jus Gentium),if only because the latter was, enforceable ,judicial policy. Rabbinic Judaism has never adjudicated any cases under
  31. Studies in Nova Scotia. Responsibilities or duties of citizenship The legally, enforceable ,duties of citizenship vary depending on one's country, and may include such
  32. Right which the law protects. It gives rise to a right of possession which is, enforceable ,against everyone except those with a better right to possession. Forms of
  33. A pending dispute to an arbitrator, the arbitrator's judgment was usually, enforceable , The reasoning for this was that the power of the arbitrator arose solely from
  34. Cannot be closed because of their content. Contempt of court is rarely, enforceable ,against an individual, and will never attach prior to a conviction as there are
  35. Mean that every such agreement is a contract, or that every term in one is, enforceable , Some jurisdictions, including the U. S. states of, have passed laws
  36. Against all other persons. By contrast, contractual rights are rights, enforceable ,against particular persons. Property rights may, however,arise from a contract
  37. Property rights and contractual rights Property rights are rights over things, enforceable ,against all other persons. By contrast, contractual rights are rights
  38. By membership of the European Union, which has the power to make laws, enforceable ,in each member state. In the Factor tame case, the European Court of Justice
  39. Country plans to punish persistent offenders. That crime and others will be, enforceable ,in a new 'Local Court' system in a bill soon to be debated in the country's
  40. Clear a certain type of swap contract. Glossary * Bilateral netting: A legally, enforceable ,arrangement between a bank and a counter-party that creates a single legal
  41. Meaning the letter of the law (if constitutionally correct) is applicable and, enforceable , even when against the political will of the nation, as long as not formally
  42. In December 2001. The final standards were approved in April 2001 and became, enforceable ,on June 25, 2001. The latest information about these standards and about
  43. Setting of Speed Limits (2003) allows road controlling authorities to set, enforceable ,speed limits, including permanent speed limits, of less than 50 km/h on roads
  44. Dealing with personal or movable property. Real property rights are usually, enforceable ,for a much longer period of time and in most jurisdictions real estate and
  45. Are completely voluntary. On the other hand, the Access Board's Standards are, enforceable ,as law, and Section 508 provides remedies to those aggrieved by violations of
  46. Law. Like other copyrights, Crown copyright is time-limited and potentially, enforceable ,worldwide. The non-copyright Royal Prerogative is perpetual, but applies only
  47. Treaty is not effective until it has been incorporated at which time it becomes, enforceable ,in the courts by any private citizen, where appropriate, even against the UK
  48. States Arbitration Act of 1925. Both made agreements to arbitrate valid and, enforceable ,(unless one party could show fraud or unconscionably or some other ground
  49. For each profession and seniority level. The agreement becomes universally, enforceable ,provided that more than 50 % of the employees support it, in practice by being
  50. The company was ordered to modify the software within two months (a ruling, enforceable ,only in Australia). Sherman and the other five parties faced paying millions

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