Examples of the the word, cdc , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cdc ), is the 6527 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Latin and Arabic ** Petrarchan sonnet:" abba cde" or" abba, cdc , cdc ". ** Onegin stanzas:" aBaBccDDeFFeGG" with the lowercase letters
  2. Latin and Arabic ** Petrarchan sonnet:" abba cde" or" abba CDC, cdc ,". ** Onegin stanzas:" aBaBccDDeFFeGG" with the lowercase letters
  3. Have also been used for verse narratives, including Terra RIMA (ABA BCB, cdc , etc.) and Ottawa RIMA (abababcc),and modern poets have experimented widely
  4. In a screen for temperature-sensitive mutants affecting cell division (, cdc , mutants ). The screen revealed four mutants which prevented cytokinesis at
  5. Resistance to a range of antibiotics (Emerging Infectious Diseases • www., cdc , Gov/ad • Vol. 11,No. 9,September 2005). Medical significance C. violated
  6. And with a Terra RIMA rhyme scheme, which follows the complex pattern, aba BCB, cdc , dad AA. Terra RIMA (which translates into English as" third rhyme" ) was
  7. Clinical differences between these two subspecies. Useful Web Links *1. CDC:, cdc , Gov/malaria,http://www. cdc .gov/EID/content/14/11/1750.htm *3. Short film on
  8. Functional as: \begin PJ, \bar\var epsilon, \var epsilon & = \int dad\bar, cdc , \exp\left\ \\ &\exp\left\ \end being: S_F=- \franc\operator name (FM F_) for
  9. CDC) updated the tuberculosis (TB) testing guidelines (MMWR June 2010,www., cdc , Gov/MMR/pdf/RR/rr5905. PDF) providing guidance to US public health officials
  10. Saccharomyces Cartesian; genetic nomenclature in yeast dubs many these genes, cdc , ( for" cell division cycle" ) followed by an identifying number, e. g., cdc 25
  11. With the lines composing targets according to the rhyme scheme ABA, bcb, cdc , did, .... The poem is written in the first person, and tells of Dante's
  12. Words to match a given pattern. Even such schemes as the Terra RIMA (" ABA BCB, cdc , ded ..." ), used by Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy, have been considered
  13. Have more elaborate patterns, such as AAA BBB AAA ', aaa BBB CCC ', or ABA, cdc , efe '. Note that the final line is nearly always modified somewhat; in some
  14. B virus (Magazine herpesvirus 1 (formally Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1:, cdc , Gov/herpesvirus),herpesvirus simian, B virus) is the endemic simplex virus
  15. The prevalence of problems in the 0 – 21 year age range is 16 % - 18 % (www., cdc , Gov). In contrast, quality tools use questions proven to work and are far
  16. Mutant. As with other cell cycle proteins such as Cdc2 and Cdc4,the ", cdc ," in its name refers to" cell division cycle ". Dual-specificity phosphatase
  17. With the lowercase letters representing * Terra RIMA:" ABA BCB, cdc , ... ", ending on" CZY z" or" CZY oz ". * Villeinage: A1bA2 abA1 abA2 abA1
  18. 41) Luft7 Kern, Kläger & CIE, Lederwaren, Pappelallee 78-79,Berlin N 58 (, cdc , ): (P 37 (u) holster: 1941-43) Luft7 Georg Perch GmbH, Lederwaren-Fabrik
  19. And the presentation of data in a graphical format. The 2012 domain is www., cdc , Gov. Crime Busters (B) - Teams will identify the perpetrators of a crime or

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