Examples of the the word, planting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( planting ), is the 6523 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Storage in an airtight container. Companion Planting When used as a companion, planting , dill draws in many beneficial insects as the umbrella flower heads go to seed.
  2. Digging new irrigation canals and new wells, aqueducts,desalination plants, planting ,trees for shade in the desert, hydroponics,fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer
  3. Urban trees sequestered another 1.5 % (88 teragrams Carbon offset programs are, planting ,millions of fast-growing trees per year to reforest tropical lands, for as
  4. First official celebration took place in Wellington in August 1892,with the, planting ,of pohutukawa and Norfolk pines along Thornton Esplanade. Born in 1855,Dr
  5. In early spring. Almonds begin bearing an economic crop in the third year after, planting , Trees reach full bearing after five to six years after planting . The fruit is
  6. Nationwide celebrate this day with environment-related activities, namely tree, planting , Cambodia National Tree Planting Day is on June 1.
  7. Thus preventing transmission of the resistance gene to their progeny. The, planting ,of refuges (i.e., fields of nontransgenic plants) adjacent to fields of
  8. Nationwide celebrate this day with environment-related activities, namely tree, planting , South Africa Arbor Day was celebrated from 1983 until
  9. Was limited by the modular design of the factory and its earth works, and the, planting ,of trees that directed the blasts upward. There were also several less notable
  10. 2006,the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC) blamed the CIA for, planting ,four bombs in Northern Ireland during the final quarter of 2005,as well as
  11. Evidence of a bomb blast. Also, a man named Resend Cain Della admitted to, planting ,the bomb on board for the Abu SAAF. Philippine president Gloria
  12. Mission, is organizing a mass movement to sapling of spiritual valuable species, planting ,every day since 1993,conducted by Green Man Vijaya Bagel.
  13. When the colonists came to America, their initial attempts at survival included, planting ,crops familiar to them from back home in England. In the same way, they farmed
  14. 23-79). Traditionally, composting was to pile organic materials until the next, planting ,season, at which time the materials would have decayed enough to be ready for
  15. The 1920s he held a vision for school students of New Zealand to be involved in, planting ,native trees and plants in their school grounds. This vision bore fruit and
  16. Churches across the United States. Missions The university encourages church, planting ,in areas of the United States where few fundamentalist churches exist, and it
  17. Year after planting . Trees reach full bearing after five to six years after, planting , The fruit is mature in the autumn,7–8 months after flowering. Nut In
  18. Observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate and suitable, planting ,season. Birdseye Northrop of Connecticut was responsible for globalizing it when
  19. Some municipalities however plant the trees around 21 September because of the, planting ,season. In 2007,the 50th anniversary was celebrated with special golden
  20. March as a theme-day/educational-day/observance, not as public holidays. Tree, planting ,is sometimes combined with awareness campaigns of the fight against cancer: Km
  21. COINTELPRO tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare, planting ,false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment
  22. Widespread agriculture including the grazing of goats, sheep and cattle and the, planting ,of imported crop species. There are some remaining patches of dry forest high
  23. Zealand, was celebrated on August 4 - which is rather late in the year for tree, planting ,in New Zealand hence the date change. What the Department of Conservation (DOC
  24. Allocation. Moreover, those failing to do their duty are expected to make up, planting ,requirements, provide funds equivalent to the value of labor required or pay
  25. As mandated in Leviticus 19:23-25,the holiday now is most often observed by, planting ,trees, or raising money to plant trees. Tu Bishop is not an official holiday
  26. Private sector, schools,civil society groups and the citizenry in tree, planting ,activity and declaring June 25, 2003 as http://www.gov.ph/news/default.asp?
  27. Lighting under the loop ramps north of the Charles River. Extensive landscape, planting , as well as a maintenance program to support the planting s, was requested by
  28. S group in questionable control of Mount Carmel Center. Pace had opposed the, planting ,of the grove of memorial trees calling it paganism, and his group has chopped
  29. Nile River. The Egyptians recognized three seasons: Asset (flooding),Part (, planting ,), and Sh emu (harvesting). The flooding season lasted from June to September
  30. During the agricultural intensification period of the 1970s and 1980s,coffee, planting ,and farming in general moved constantly onward to new lands in the west and
  31. The solar cycle. It is easier for the average Chinese farmer to organize their, planting ,and harvesting with the Gregorian calendar. However, one practical advantage of
  32. Drainage, dams,ditching, channel work, riprapping; #Forest Culture:, planting ,trees and shrubs, timber stand improvement, seed collection, nursery work;
  33. New Zealand is first Arbor Day, planting ,was in Grey town in the Wairarapa on 3 July 1890. The first official celebration
  34. Been institutionalized to be observed every June 25 throughout the nation by, planting ,trees and ornamental plants and other forms of relevant activities. The
  35. Church Movement group will frequently be referred to as the apostles. Church, planting ,is a key role of these present-day apostles. Confessional Lutheranism
  36. Of trees. However, due to the large percentage of trees dying off after, planting ,(up to 75 %),the project is not very successful. There has been a
  37. Almost all its food. Because of severe wartime conditions, including extensive, planting ,of landmines throughout the countryside, agricultural activities have been
  38. Campus," with much shrubbery brought to the campus. He also implemented the, planting ,of Palm Walk, now one of the feature landmarks of the Tempe campus. His legacy
  39. Age of 60. Unlike other civilizations, whose armies had to disband during the, planting ,and harvest seasons, the Spartan serfs or helots, did the manual labor. This
  40. Insurgents, and in many cases they plan attacks by using suicide bombers and, planting ,improvised explosive devices (Beds) on roads. Every year many Afghan police
  41. Enemy, being the first to instruct a hostage to follow, rescuing a hostage or, planting ,(Terrorist)/defusing (Counterterrorist) the bomb. The scoreboard displays
  42. Was in 1952. India Van Mahouts is an annual tree, planting ,festival in vogue since 1950. Global Green Mission, is organizing a mass
  43. As the creation of Scott, of international significance. Scott wrote on tree, planting ,and landscape gardening and kept detailed records of his landscaping at
  44. America in 1929 sponsored by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Commercial, planting ,began in 1930 in British North Borneo; with the commencement of WWII, the
  45. China project, which aims to halt the expansion of the Gobi Desert through the, planting ,of trees. However, due to the large percentage of trees dying off after
  46. From the Canary Islands, resettling the northern part of the colony and, planting ,tobacco in the Ciao Valley, and importation of slaves was renewed. The
  47. Muster of military aged men, such tribes were only able to field armies around, planting ,and harvest. It was Martel's creation of a system whereby he could call on
  48. Have been ordained by self-ordination, or appointed by a congregation. " Church, planting ," is seen as a key role of these present-day apostles. Those who hold to the
  49. Range: stock driveways, elimination of predatory animals; #, food and cover, planting ,; #Miscellaneous: emergency work, surveys,mosquito control. The responses to
  50. Costa Rica" Did del Arbor" is on June 15. Egypt Tree, planting ,day, arbor day, is on January 15. Germany Arbor Day ("

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