Examples of the the word, forestry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( forestry ), is the 6521 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Often found in schools of public health, affiliated with schools of medicine, forestry , or agriculture or as a focus of application in departments of statistics. In
  2. Climates, the removal of all trees in an area—in conformance with sustainable, forestry ,practices—is correctly described as regeneration harvest. In temperate music
  3. Industrial sector is responsible for 25 % of Croatia's GDP, with agriculture, forestry ,and fishing accounting for the remaining 5 % of Croatian GDP. Croatian
  4. By 5.1 % in 2007. Sectors Agriculture and allied sectors like, forestry , logging and fishing accounts only for 4.9 % of the GDP as of 2007 and employed
  5. To the ravages of goats who are the worst enemies of such trees. Above the, forestry , there is often a band of short pine trees (Minus Hugo),which is in turn
  6. S economic activity. Brunei's non-petroleum industries include agriculture, forestry , fishing, and banking. Petrochemical industry In the western part of the
  7. Of subsectors: agriculture, commercial fishing, animal husbandry, hunting, forestry , mining, and energy. Agriculture, husbandry,hunting, and forestry For many
  8. Contribute one fifth of the nation's exports. The provinces with the largest, forestry ,industries are British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. Fifty-four percent of
  9. Activities to those rural resource-based economies of fishing, agriculture, forestry , and coal mining. While Mari timers are predominantly of west European heritage
  10. country's GDP arises from agriculture. Subsistence agriculture, together with, forestry , remains the backbone of the economy of the Central African Republic (CAR)
  11. Is considered very high. Agriculture, including fishing, hunting,and, forestry , is the leading sector of the economy, and 38.4 % of the working population is
  12. Cattle. In the more elevated areas that are less populated and are spread out, forestry , corn and livestock are the source of living. There are some minerals and marble
  13. Needs of the Malaysian plywood industry. Two http://www.forest.sabah.gov.my/, forestry ,researchers of http://www.forest.sabah.gov.my/frc/English/index.html Senior
  14. Wood, weaving,and snapping (stone tool working). The first farmers cleared, forestry ,to graze livestock and grow crops. In North Mayo, where the ground cover was
  15. Spread across its varied regions. As an example, in British Columbia the, forestry ,industry is of great importance, while the oil and gas industry is important in
  16. A poverty level around 60 %. Its main economic activities include agriculture, forestry , fishing, mining,and manufacturing goods such as textiles, clothing,refined
  17. Population in British Columbia continued to expand as the province's mining, forestry , agriculture, and fishing sectors were developed. Mining activity was
  18. Century Riley Monastery and the 19th century Euxinograd château. Agriculture, forestry , and fishing In the communist era, Bulgaria’s agriculture was heavily
  19. An almost exclusively fur trade and subsistence economy soon became a locus for, forestry , farming, and mining. 1920s through 1940s When the men returned from World War
  20. In 2003 totaled $25.7 million. Foreign capital is necessary in order for, forestry ,to expand, and the government recognizes that changes in tax structure and
  21. Hunting, forestry ,mining, and energy. Agriculture, husbandry,hunting, and, forestry , For many centuries, Andalusian society was mainly agricultural. Even today
  22. One of the world's smallest and least developed, is based on agriculture and, forestry , which provide the main livelihood for more than 60 % of the population.
  23. In growing plants. However, six experts in biochemistry, biogeology, forestry ,and related areas writing in the science journal Nature that" Our results
  24. Because of rising coal prices and an increase in annual allowable cuts in the, forestry ,sector. However, BC Hydro reported its first loss, which was the beginning of
  25. Waters are becoming contaminated from agricultural, industrial,mining, and, forestry , activities. Global climate change and the warming of the polar region will
  26. Including fuel and materials (41 %),machinery (33 %),and agricultural and, forestry ,products (12 %). In 1986,about 80 % of foreign trade was with other
  27. The federal environment secretariat and the federal agencies specializing in, forestry , rubber, and fisheries. In 1990 the administration of Fernando Color de Mello
  28. Are few and tree flora remains widespread and stable. Most predictions of, forestry ,related biodiversity loss are based on species-area models, with an underlying
  29. And dried fruits. Because many of these plants are important for agriculture, forestry , and the household, the beetle can be considered a pest. Many other species
  30. More of a leisure activity linked to the mountain areas and complementary to, forestry ,and the raising of livestock. The Andalusian forests are important for their
  31. Devices),then by making all-terrain vehicles for the mining, oil and, forestry ,industries. Of note, the machines had removable front skis that could be
  32. At the Ballarat Showgrounds since that time. There are also a number of small, forestry ,operations in Ballarat's Canadian Valley around the suburbs of Mt Clear and Mt
  33. Scale. Long interested in conservation, Roosevelt was aware of the numerous, forestry ,programs set up in 1931-32 in the U. S. and Europe designed to relieve
  34. Of infrastructure development, fuelled by a sustained economic boom in the, forestry , mining, and energy sectors. During these two decades, the government
  35. Surrounding Sydney-Glace Bay has been more stable, with a mixture of fishing, forestry , small-scale agriculture, and tourism. Tourism in particular has grown
  36. Financial institutions dealing with civil and private funds. Agriculture and, forestry ,Agriculture has a significant position in the province's economy. The province
  37. The Toronto Star reported that," records from the 1950s,60s and 70s show, forestry ,workers, often students and junior rangers, spent weeks at a time as human
  38. The weapons and construction industries, prisoners were also made to work in, forestry ,and farming. Command and control Due to its large size and
  39. Economy, particularly of its natural resources. In 2009,agricultural, energy, forestry , and mining exports accounted for about 58 % of Canada's total exports.
  40. For government-owned non-military facilities, highway toll stations, prisons, forestry , work,state enterprises, and private businesses. The Commander in Chief of the
  41. Security providers for government-owned non-military facilities, toll security, forestry ,workers and other state enterprises. The president is the commander in chief
  42. Above industries have since died out, and Aberfoyle is supported mainly by the, forestry ,industry and tourism. Tourism Visitors were first attracted to Aberfoyle and
  43. Explorers to be quarantined on their return from the Moon. Rosa, who worked in, forestry ,in his youth, took several hundred tree seeds on the flight. These were
  44. Lake Economy British Columbia has a resource dominated economy, centred on the, forestry ,industry but also with increasing importance in mining. Employment in the
  45. Opulence in the 1920s results from this" pirate economy ", although growth in, forestry , fishing and mining continued. The end of U. S. prohibition, combined with the
  46. In the economy of Canada. Major resource-based industries are fisheries, forestry , agriculture, petroleum products and mining. The fisheries' industry has
  47. Air Canada subsidiary Zip was headquartered in Calgary. Agriculture and, forestry ,In the past, cattle,horses, and sheep were reared in the southern prairie
  48. Lumber dispute, as the U. S. alleges that Canada unfairly subsidizes its, forestry ,industry. In 1990,the United States and Canada signed a bilateral fishery
  49. Now covers an area of about. It is a working estate, including grouse moors, forestry ,and farmland, as well as managed herds of deer, Highland cattle and ponies.
  50. With ecosystems, including agriculture, human settlements, urbanization, forestry , and other uses of land. Anthropogenic biomes offer a new way forward in ecology

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