Examples of the the word, swift , in a Sentence Context

The word ( swift ), is the 6528 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Directly, but given his lack of cooperation, Halle has no choice but to seek, swift ,judicial intervention. " The following day, Aubry responded by saying through
  2. A steamship and for any destroyer. The Italians' own destroyers were almost as, swift , most Italian designs of the 1930s being rated at over, while carrying
  3. Is very similar to that of the Middle Eastern and South India sight hounds, all, swift , high-bred coursing hounds, although there are several obvious differences. For
  4. Year 2000) continues to maintain stable macroeconomic policies. It is not been, swift ,to implementing structural changes such as privatization of the publicly owned
  5. And learned to play chess at the age of four. His early rise in chess was, swift , as he became a Candidate Master by age eleven. At twelve, he was accepted into
  6. France declared war on Prussia (the Franco-Prussian War). The debacle was, swift , A succession of German victories in northeastern France followed, and one
  7. For pleasure craft and some light local freight, and in Buffalo it bypasses the, swift ,upper reach of the Niagara River. A tributary of the Niagara River is
  8. Section of the city Department of Environmental Protection, the channel is, swift , with water moving as fast as four knots (just as it does in the Hudson River
  9. Surface. This method of graffiti is popular amongst artists because of its, swift ,technique that requires very little time. Time is always a factor with graffiti
  10. And had been attempting to be obnoxious in order to bring the conversation to a, swift ,conclusion, not anticipating that Bartlett would bring his comments to the
  11. Of independence on 13 August 1960. Bass coup On 1 January 1966,following a, swift ,and almost bloodless coup, Colonel Jean-Bédel Bass assumed power as
  12. Unavoidable. The second article, published in 1938,states that launching a, swift ,strategic knockout has great attractions for Germany but appears to accept that
  13. Amongst the miners, a more militant leader, Peter Labor, was elected. In, swift ,fashion, a military structure was assembled. Brigades were formed, and captains
  14. From a well-known line in Ecclesiastes ran:" The race is not always to the, swift , nor the battle to the strong, but that's how the smart money bets. " A heavy
  15. West put the word gulag into the Western political vocabulary and guaranteed, swift ,retribution from the Soviet authorities. During this period, he was sheltered
  16. Some disorganized units recovering from the Gazala battle. On 21 June, after a, swift , coordinated and fierce combined arms assault, the city surrendered along with
  17. Break. However, in the meanwhile the Franco-Prussian War broke out. With the, swift ,German advance and the capture of Emperor Napoleon III, France was no longer in
  18. Service without any notice, citing lack of resources and personal problems. A, swift ,and orderly migration off Winer's server was made possible mainly thanks to
  19. In food supplies because it might again prove impossible to deal a, swift ,knockout to her enemies and a protracted total war might prove unavoidable. The
  20. Is the primary musical instrument of Guinea-Bissau, and is used in extremely, swift ,and rhythmically complex dance music. Lyrics are almost always in Guinea-Bissau
  21. Past. There are a few crater lakes, the largest of which is Grand Tang. The, swift ,upper reaches of rivers, which occasionally overflow and cause flooding and
  22. List of film sound systems. Industry impact of sound The change was remarkably, swift , By the end of 1929,Hollywood was almost all-talkie, with several competing
  23. Died. Since people are often named after everyday things, this leads to the, swift ,development of euphemisms. New names are frequently required when the old word
  24. Merchandise is something that no one would want, such as" suicide drink,"" a, swift ,kick in the butt" for one dollar, insurance,or" frank appraisal of your
  25. Exclusively—to meeting this foreign peril. … The immediate need is a, swift ,and driving increase in our armament production. … I also ask this Congress for
  26. However, they soon began to loot the holy places of Lhasa, which brought a, swift ,response from Emperor Kanji in 1718; but his military expedition was
  27. Philip II confiscated John's possessions in France. John's defeat was, swift ,and his attempts to reconquer his French possession at the Battle of Bovines
  28. Well, even though in many cases the popular change from one to the next can be, swift ,and sudden, the beginning and end of movements are somewhat subjective, as the
  29. War in recorded history, the Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896,was brought to a, swift ,conclusion by shelling from British battleships. The cynical attitude toward
  30. Drags its slow length along. A few lines later Pope continues:: Not so, when, swift , Camilla scours the Plain, : Flies o'er TH'unbending corn and skims along the
  31. May 30 - United States Department Spokesman Philip Seeker calls for the ", swift , safe and unconditional release of all the hostages. " An Olympus camera and an
  32. Tangled. The winding process may be done by hand, or with a ball winder and, swift , A yarn's usefulness is judged by several factors, such as its loft (its
  33. Which proved a severe handicap for the largely diaspora-based DFLP. With the, swift ,rise of Islamism and religious groups such as Hamas in the 1980s,the DFLP
  34. As it were, and these again divided by tolerably uniform pauses—produces a, swift ,flowing movement such as is rarely found when periods are constructed without
  35. Middle Ages” Just as his grandson, Charlemagne,would become famous for his, swift ,and unexpected movements in his campaigns, Charles was renowned for never doing
  36. Current can lead to standing waves, large whirlpools, and roiling eddies. This, swift ,current phenomenon can be viewed from the twin bridges' pedestrian walkways or
  37. Connecting Hidalgo Island to Whitney Island move quickly. During low tides,the, swift ,current can lead to standing waves, large whirlpools, and roiling eddies. This
  38. The pair never married because George's mother Rose was" unhappy that Kay, swift ,wasn't Jewish. " Oh, Kay was named for her. After Gershwin died, Swift
  39. Times during the Jurassic period and then slowly declining with a particularly, swift ,reduction occurring 49 million years ago. Human activities such as the
  40. Navy in 1894. By the time of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904,BDS were" large, swift , and powerfully armed torpedo boats designed to destroy other torpedo boats. "
  41. Adopt the same techniques in order to mount any effective attack against their, swift ,movements on the battlefield. The adoption of massed cavalry in China also
  42. V, rebelled and became emperor after his father's abdication. Henry V realized, swift ,action and a change in his father's policy was necessary. Pope Paschal II
  43. For a platform (such as Palm),or no changes are to be made to the data and a, swift ,response is crucial. Non-first normal form (NF² or N1NF) In recognition that
  44. Makes his biography appear almost like the narrative of two lives—the life of, swift ,triumph and the long life of seclusion, of which biographers give us pictures
  45. 2009,in the capital, Bissau. Unlike typical assassinations his death was not, swift ,; he first survived an explosion at the Presidential Villa, was then shot and
  46. New weapon, the matchlock musket. Both Shah Ismail and Ba bur, it appears, were, swift , in acquiring this new technology for themselves. Somewhere during these years
  47. At different elevations. The difference in elevation made the canal's current, swift ,enough to power several local mills. In 1818,though citizens were still taxed
  48. New military doctrine or approach to war. Both use the term simply to mean a, swift ,strategic knockout. The first, published in 1935,deals primarily with food (
  49. For American shipowners in 1849. The first attempt at building a larger, swift ,vessel was in America with the Ann McKay,494 tons OM, built on the enlarged
  50. Khan and the fingers of Shasta Khan to his mother Jojoba, symbolizing his, swift ,victory over the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. However, Aurangzeb ignored the rise

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