Examples of the the word, liquor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( liquor ), is the 6531 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Goods and services due to the blue law. Oklahoma It is illegal to sell packaged, liquor ,(off-premises sales) on Sundays. Sales also are prohibited on Memorial Day
  2. Refrigerators for the use of its members, so they could store their own, liquor ,at the airport. For many years, membership in the Admirals Club (and most
  3. A dark chocolate with a low sugar content. Bittersweet chocolate is chocolate, liquor ,to which some sugar (typically a third),more cocoa butter, vanilla and
  4. Restaurants. The national beverage is coffee and Pachuca is Brazil's native, liquor , Pachuca is distilled from sugar cane and is the main ingredient in the
  5. As gambling and prostitution; the highest revenue was generated by the sale of, liquor , The organized corruption included the bribing of Chicago Mayor William" Big
  6. The two are interchangeable in baking. Unsweetened chocolate is pure chocolate, liquor , also known as bitter or baking chocolate. It is unadulterated chocolate: the
  7. Became known as the" Capone's ", was dedicated to smuggling and bootlegging, liquor , and other illegal activities such as prostitution, in Chicago from the early
  8. On Sunday are allowed from 9:00 a. m. to midnight subject to an additional, liquor ,license fee. New Jersey In 1677,the General Assembly of East New Jersey banned
  9. Has been proposed in the state legislature to end the prohibition on Sunday, liquor ,sales. Car dealerships are not allowed to be open for sales on Sunday.
  10. Fish taxes, hotel,motel, and bed-and-breakfast 'bed' taxes, severance taxes, liquor ,and tobacco taxes, gaming (pull tabs) taxes, tire taxes and fuel transfer
  11. Calls this" sweet chocolate ", and requires a 15 % concentration of chocolate, liquor , European rules specify a minimum of 35 % cocoa solids. Semisweet chocolate is
  12. Pop before a game. Venereal disease and alcohol poisoning (caused by tainted, liquor , a major health problem during the Prohibition) have also been speculated to
  13. Laws in the United States Arkansas The sale of any" intoxicating alcoholic, liquor ," on Sunday is prohibited by state law. However, restaurants or hotels that
  14. The Maritime and the US). * Two-six, twenty-sixer, twixer: a bottle of hard, liquor ,(called a quart in the Maritime). * Texas mickey (esp. in Saskatchewan and
  15. Also transform food crops into alcoholic drinks such as sorghum beer or hard, liquor ,and derive considerable income from the sale of these drinks. Much of the
  16. Enfranchised women of the province had helped vote in the prohibition of, liquor ,in an effort to end the social problems associated with the hard-core drinking
  17. Saturday may operate on Sundays instead. Minnesota The sale of alcohol in, liquor ,stores is prohibited state-wide on Sundays. As of 2011,a bill has been
  18. 1932 – Alcohol prohibition in Finland ends. Alcohol sales begin in Also, liquor ,stores. * 1932 – Dominion of Newfoundland: 10,000 rioters seize the Colonial
  19. Leading lawmakers to increase taxes dramatically on other goods such as, liquor ,and tobacco. In 2008 the Tax Foundation ranked Alaska as having the 4th most "
  20. Traditional malt beverages such as beer, ale,lager, porter,stout, or malt, liquor ,in several respects. Flavored malt beverages exhibit little or no traditional
  21. More often a" Saskatchewan mickey" in western Canada): a bottle of hard, liquor , (Despite the name, Texas mickeys are generally unavailable outside of Canada.
  22. McTell playing in the street for quarters and enticed him with a bottle of corn, liquor ,into his store, where he captured a few final performances on a tape recorder.
  23. Leather,well-worn and contain a warm drink in a thermos and/or a bottle of, liquor , Bandy is most often played at outdoor arenas during winter time, so the need
  24. Can be attributed to his large size, which meant it took higher amounts of, liquor ,to inebriate him. In her autobiography, The Fabulous Molar Lillian Ellison
  25. Taking off his shoe and putting his feet up, and others eating and drinking, liquor , They pass laws requiring white civilians to salute black officers and allowing
  26. Transform some food crops into alcoholic drinks such as sorghum beer or hard, liquor ,and derive considerable income from the sale of these drinks. Much of the
  27. Containing about 12.5 % alcohol by volume, that can only be sold where hard, liquor ,is available. In the United States there is a proportionally limited tax on
  28. Finally arriving in New York State where it was distributed. Illegal sales of, liquor ,accounted for many fortunes in and around Belleville. Tourism in the area is
  29. Liquefied then molded with or without other ingredients, it is called chocolate, liquor , The liquor also may be processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa
  30. Ketobemidone and perhaps piritramide have intrinsic MDA action. High-alcohol, liquor ,has been used in the past as an agent for dulling pain, due to the CNS
  31. He indulged in custom suits, cigars,gourmet food and drink (his preferred, liquor ,was Templeton Rye from Iowa),jewelry, and female companionship. He garnered
  32. Of the crisis to make money by selling contraband cigarettes and inferior, liquor , When the epidemic ends,Cottard's moods fluctuate. Sometimes he is sociable
  33. And Granny made lye soap and moonshine. The extreme potency of the moonshine, liquor ,and the harshness of the lye soap were running gags throughout the run of the
  34. Also sell soft drinks) may sell beer and malt liquor , but not wine or hard, liquor , Hunting is prohibited on Sundays,except foxes, crows and
  35. And old all across the country dusted off their boards and checkers. Cigarette, liquor ,and car companies began to sponsor tournaments and Hugh Hefner held backgammon
  36. Saturday or Sunday, at the option of the dealer. It is illegal to sell packaged, liquor ,(off-premises sales) on Sundays. Virginia Traditional forms of hunting on
  37. Vanilla and sometimes lecithin have been added. It has less sugar and more, liquor ,than semisweet chocolate, but the two are interchangeable in baking.
  38. Are ground and liquefied, resulting in pure chocolate in fluid form: chocolate, liquor , The liquor can be further processed into two components: cocoa solids and
  39. Malted barley) with hot water, is known as" mashing ". Hot water (known as ", liquor ," in brewing terms) is mixed with crushed malt or malts (known as" grist" )
  40. New opportunities, and many found employment or at least profit in cross-border, liquor ,smuggling. Much of Vancouver's prosperity and opulence in the 1920s results
  41. Occurs:: :Ag2S + 4 NAC + H2O → 2 Nag (CN)2 + Nash + NaOH The" pregnant, liquor ," containing these ions is separated from the solids, which are discarded to a
  42. The entire day. Because grocery stores are not permitted to carry wine or, liquor , the older law essentially meant that only beer and alcoholic malt beverages
  43. Name origin and dispute In 1876,Adolphus Busch and his friend Carl Conrad,a, liquor ,importer, developed a" Bohemian-style" lager, inspired after a trip to the
  44. Beverage distributors (which also sell soft drinks) may sell beer and malt, liquor , but not wine or hard liquor . Hunting is prohibited on Sundays, with the
  45. Of coffee shops. By the same token, triple-triple. * Mickey: a bottle of hard, liquor ,(informally called a pint in the Maritime and the US). * Two-six
  46. Of AA immediately offered to lease the premises. The airline then procured a, liquor ,license and began operating the lounge as the" Admirals Club" in 1939. The
  47. State law; most counties have more restrictive blue laws of their own. NY State, liquor ,authorities ban new permits for establishments on the same street or avenue and
  48. And liquefied, resulting in pure chocolate in fluid form: chocolate liquor . The, liquor ,can be further processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa butter.
  49. Molded with or without other ingredients, it is called chocolate liquor . The, liquor ,also may be processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa butter.
  50. Of alcohol is prohibited in most of Mississippi on Sundays. Also, the sale of, liquor ,is not allowed at all in nearly half of the state's counties. Missouri The

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