Examples of the the word, aerospace , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aerospace ), is the 6522 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Land. Primer paint containing hexavalent chromium is still widely used for, aerospace ,and automobile refinishing applications. Cymbals are a common percussion
  2. In the country, exceeding 10 % of adults. Economy The state has invested in, aerospace , education, health care, and banking, and various heavy industries, including
  3. It was the first product of Airbus Industries, a consortium of European, aerospace ,companies, wholly owned today by EADS. The A300 can typically seat 266
  4. Warfare environment. Technological advances in aerodynamics, propulsion and, aerospace ,building materials (primarily aluminum alloys) permitted designers to
  5. Agricultural industry, other important contributors to its economy include, aerospace , education, and manufacturing. If California were a country, it would be the
  6. Elysium Seminar, Croatian cardinal (b. 1898) *1964 – Eugen Sanger, Austrian, aerospace , engineer (b. 1905) *1966 – Billy Rose, American composer and band leader (b.
  7. Is a professional organization for mobility engineering professionals in the, aerospace , automotive, and commercial vehicle industries. The Society is a standard
  8. Canada from Boeing, Short Brothers and Learjet operations were added. The, aerospace ,arm now accounts for over half of the company's revenue. Bombardier's most
  9. Structural components made from aluminum and its alloys are vital to the, aerospace ,industry and are important in other areas of transportation and structural
  10. China and will pose a competitive challenge to U. S. business, particularly in, aerospace , high-tech, and luxury markets. In Southeast Asia, France was an architect of
  11. Present commissioner of GHMC. *Siva Subrahmanyam Band is an Indian-American, aerospace ,engineer. Places *Band, India,administrative headquarters of Band District
  12. In 1949,potential for exposure to beryllium exists in the nuclear and, aerospace ,industries and in the refining of beryllium metal and melting of
  13. For new wide-body aircraft remained ambiguous, Advancements in civil, aerospace ,technology, including high-bypass-ratio turbofan engines, new flight deck
  14. At the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site. Bell was a supporter of, aerospace ,engineering research through the Aerial Experiment Association (AEA)
  15. Of this sub-generation are the application of advanced digital avionics and, aerospace ,materials, modest signature reduction (primarily RF" stealth" ), and highly
  16. Robustness properties. Adaptive controls were applied for the first time in the, aerospace ,industry in the 1950s,and have found particular success in that field.;
  17. And pharmaceutical sectors and in key technical industries, particularly, aerospace , the arms industry, and the manufacturing side of the software industry. London
  18. Of renewable water aquifers, to attract new businesses. Research, development, aerospace , and aviation The Dayton region gave birth to aviation and is known for its high
  19. Will have tracks designed for several industries including automotive and, aerospace ,; communications, media & entertainment, energy,financial services, healthcare
  20. In many industrial markets such as electronics, telecommunications,medical, aerospace , glass, and optical. Unlike traditional adhesives, UV light curing adhesives
  21. Of FPGA include digital signal processing, software-defined radio, aerospace ,and defense systems, ASIC prototyping, medical imaging, computer vision, speech
  22. Dayton region gave birth to aviation and is known for its high concentration of, aerospace ,and aviation technology. In 2009,Governor Ted Strickland designated Dayton as
  23. Manufacturing to healthcare and defense, as well as being recognized as Ohio's, aerospace ,hub. The 2000s brought a new revitalization to Dayton's urban core. Fifth
  24. Of 841,502 in the 2010 census. It plays host to significant industrial, aerospace , and technological/engineering research activity and is known for the many
  25. Ankara is also the center of the state-owned and private Turkish defense and, aerospace ,companies, where the industrial plants and headquarters of the TAI, MKE
  26. Other fields Aerodynamics is important in a number of applications other than, aerospace ,engineering. It is a significant factor in any type of vehicle design
  27. Institute of Chicago, for instance, held an exhibition about the art of NASA's, aerospace ,design. Robert Maillart's bridge design is perceived by some to have been
  28. Most importantly the healthcare and government sectors. Other than defense and, aerospace , healthcare accounts for much of the Dayton area's economy. Hospitals in the
  29. Of various projects for missile defense. With its close ties to defense,the, aerospace ,industry has also influenced the Colorado Springs economy. Although some
  30. The Civil Transport Development Corporation (CTDC),a consortium of Japanese, aerospace ,companies, to share production responsibilities. And three variants were
  31. Comedian and musician (d. 1965) * 1911 – Hans von Chain, German/American, aerospace ,engineer (d. 1998) *1914 – Karl Cars tens, President of Germany (d. 1992) *
  32. The state utilizes economic planning in strategic industries such as the, aerospace ,industry. Another example of this is the utilization of dirigible, both of
  33. Business contacts between China and the West began to grow. In late 1978,the, aerospace ,company Boeing announced the sale of 747 aircraft to various airlines in the
  34. An article in the US newspaper Baltimore Sun reported in 1995 that European, aerospace ,company Airbus lost a $6 billion contract with Saudi Arabia in 1994 after the
  35. Nation. These may be around Baku and the central part to cover the whole Azeris, aerospace , Also in Azerbaijan there is a former Soviet early warning radar. The Cabala
  36. Design. Nonlinear Systems control Processes in industries like robotics and the, aerospace ,industry typically have strong nonlinear dynamics. In control theory it is
  37. One-off" applications. Conduction-cooled Euro cards are used in military and, aerospace ,applications. They are defined by the IEEE 1101.2-1992 (2001) standard. The
  38. In January 2006,space historian Dwayne A. Day published an article in online, aerospace ,magazine The Space Review titled" Astronauts and Area 51: the Skylab Incident.
  39. War in the 1980s and are kept operational by overhaul and servicing from Iran’s, aerospace ,industry. Israel The Israeli Air Force was the largest foreign operator of the
  40. And 17 Financial Times 500 companies. The city claims one Dow 30 company:, aerospace ,giant Boeing, which moved its headquarters from Seattle to the Chicago Loop in
  41. Metal is used for lightweight structural components in the defense and, aerospace ,industries in high-speed aircraft, missiles,space vehicles and communication
  42. Some of these parks specialize in specific sector, such as Acropolis in, aerospace ,or Geolit in food technology. The Andalusian government deployed 600,000 Ubuntu
  43. Human factors engineering continues to be successfully applied in the fields of, aerospace , aging, health care, IT,product design, transportation,training, nuclear and
  44. And low density (1.85 times that of water) make beryllium a quality, aerospace ,material for high-speed aircraft, missiles,space vehicles and communication
  45. Were major branches. Modern fields sometimes included as major branches include, aerospace , architectural, biomedical,industrial, materials science and nuclear
  46. Coal); plastic products; cars and trucks; and apparel. Also, Alabama produces, aerospace ,and electronic products, mostly in the Huntsville area, location of NASA's
  47. Hundreds of industrial applications in the electronics, power generation and, aerospace ,industries, and under a variety of commercial brand names, including Gasoline.
  48. Technology. In 2009,Governor Ted Strickland designated Dayton as Ohio's, aerospace ,innovation hub, the first such technology hub in the state. Two major United
  49. Are high-strength, lightweight materials that are used chiefly for advanced, aerospace ,structures as a component of composite materials, as well as limited production
  50. Electron excitation. Like IN fibers, boron nitride nanotubes show promise for, aerospace ,applications where integration of boron and in particular the light isotope of

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