Examples of the the word, partners , in a Sentence Context

The word ( partners ), is the 6519 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Regularly performed with folk legend Pete Seeger, one of his father's longtime, partners , In 1991,Guthrie bought the church that had served as Alice and Ray Brock's
  2. Spaces that were designed to fit the Sparrow since the Phantom. The European, partners ,needed AMRAAM to be integrated on aircraft as small as the Sea Harrier. The US
  3. Its first flight was commemorated on a French three franc stamps. Design Airbus, partners ,employed the latest technology, some derived from the Concorde. On entry into
  4. 7.6 %, US 6.6 %, Switzerland 4.3 %, Bulgaria 4.1 %, Ukraine 4 % (2007) Import, partners ,: Russia 17.5 %, Netherlands 14.9 %, Germany 14.7 %, Ireland 11.1 %, Belgium 8.7
  5. And abundances of Late Cretaceous dinosaur fossils in the world. Friendship, partners ,Alberta has relationships with several provinces, states,and other entities
  6. From reality ". Foreign relations Belarus and Russia have been close trading, partners ,and diplomatic allies since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Belarus is
  7. A new company in Zwickau and continued using the Porch brand. His former, partners ,sued him for trademark infringement, and the German Supreme Court (
  8. Insertive and receptive anal sex in gay men found that 3 % of tops (insertive, partners ,) and 16 % of bottoms (receptive partners ) reported significant pain. Factors
  9. Of the Diamondbacks to a group of investors who were all involved as, partners ,in the founding of the team in 1995. The investors include equal partners Ken
  10. In imported inputs, investment,and demand for exports from traditional trading, partners , It took until 1996 for the gross domestic product to rise; this coincided with
  11. And -to. These are applied to back- and front-vowel words respectively. Its, partners ,for movement towards a solid object and for being next to that solid object are
  12. Of the Nazi regime. Abandoning plans to return to architecture (two proposed, partners ,died shortly before his release),he revised his Spandau writings into two
  13. Of pain during anal intercourse and that adequate communication between sexual, partners ,can prevent it, countering the notion that pain is always inevitable during
  14. Partnerships between the national museums and a broader range of regional, partners , #* Museums' international roles will be strengthened to improve museum
  15. Of Angola Agostinho NATO visited Vietnam. Angola and Vietnam have steadfast, partners ,as both transitioned from Cold War-era foreign policies of international
  16. Clearly proved that the telephone could work over long distances. Bell and his, partners , Hubbard and Sanders, offered to sell the patent outright to Western Union for
  17. In 2004; among the highest in the Caribbean and the Americas. Its main trading, partners ,are Venezuela, the United States and the Netherlands. Deficit spending has been
  18. Fall or roll. Roles of use and age Aikido training is based primarily on two, partners ,practicing pre-arranged forms (data) rather than freestyle practice. The
  19. Environment Design),consultants based in Manchester to help the Council, our, partners , and the local community develop a new vision for Arrington town center.
  20. Basis by third base coach Al Enrique. By this time Colonel and the other, partners ,were embroiled in a dispute over the financial health and direction of the
  21. Had to be imported from far-away Afghanistan. Egypt's Mediterranean trade, partners ,also included Greece and Crete, which provided, among other goods, supplies of
  22. But rebounded in 2003 and has shown growth since 2004. Traditional trading, partners ,include Canada, the Caribbean Community (especially Trinidad and Tobago),the
  23. To come into museums. ## Museums will work more closely with each other and, partners ,outside the sector (pp 23–26). #* A consistent evidence base of the
  24. To the world: 167 Exports - commodities: canned tuna 93 % (2004) Exports -, partners ,: Indonesia 70 %, Australia 6.7 %, Japan 6.7 %, Samoa 6.7 % (2002) Imports:
  25. Expensive electricity in the region. Trade is important and the major trading, partners ,are the United States, Mexico,the European Union, and Central America. Tourism
  26. Developed the CD, recalls that a commercial tug-of-war between the development, partners ,led to a settlement in a neutral 12-cm diameter format. The 1951 performance of
  27. Concerns about the way in which the USA had conveyed its plans to its European, partners ,and criticized the US administration for not having consulted Russia prior to
  28. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act enacted by the United States against its trading, partners ,in 1930,cut off Bermuda's once-thriving agricultural export trade (primarily
  29. That Porch was a registered trademark on behalf of August Horch's former, partners ,and August Porch was not entitled to use it anymore). Consequently, Horch
  30. Say adequate lubrication, relaxation,and communication between sexual, partners ,are crucial to avoid pain or damage to the anus. Ensuring that the anal area is
  31. Cameras and camcorders inside the store. Adobe, one of Apple's oldest software, partners , also sells its Mac-compatible software, as does Microsoft, who sells Microsoft
  32. Is granted to passengers on non-AA operated flights flown by select airline, partners ,as well, again,as long as the flight has a true International First Class
  33. Hunger Action Against Hunger's annual Restaurants Against Hunger Campaign, partners ,with leaders from the food and beverage industry to bring attention to problem
  34. Archeological work in 1968. They were one of the few married couples where both, partners ,were honored in their own right. From 1968,due to her husband's knighthood
  35. That solid object are the ablative case and the adhesive case respectively. Its, partners ,that correspond to movement away from, or out of, something are the relative
  36. With WW chromosomes. The female boa could have chosen any number of male, partners ,(and had successfully in the past) but on these occasions she reproduced
  37. Balance: $-877 million (2007) country comparison to the world: 117 Export, partners ,: Russia 17.5 %, Netherlands 14.9 %, Germany 14.7 %, Ireland 11.1 %, Belgium 8.7
  38. Of the Council of Europe. Denmark Germany is one of the most important, partners ,of Bosnia and Herzegovina in foreign affairs. Bilateral relations have
  39. Offered the resignation of his cabinet to the king after one of the coalition, partners , the Opened, withdrew from the government, and on 2010 King Albert officially
  40. Guppy aircraft. Originally devised as a way to share the work among Airbus ', partners ,without the expense of two assembly lines, it turned out to be a more efficient
  41. Techniques. Complete aircraft sections were manufactured by consortium, partners ,all over Europe. These were airlifted to the final assembly line at
  42. Strength and conditioning needed for the safe and effective practice of both, partners , Another criticism is that after the end of Ueshiba's seclusion in Drama from
  43. Of diverse communities (pp 11–14). #* The sector needs to work with, partners ,in academia and beyond to create an intellectual framework supporting museums '
  44. Found that 3 % of tops (insertive partners ) and 16 % of bottoms (receptive, partners ,) reported significant pain. Factors predictive of pain during anal sex include
  45. Jay Van Angel and Richard DeVos, friends since school days, had been business, partners ,in various endeavors including a hamburger stand, air charter service, and a
  46. Food 8 %, petroleum products 7 %, machinery and parts 6 % (2004) Imports -, partners ,: Australia 36.6 %, New Zealand 20.3 %, South Korea 16.3 %, Mauritius 4.9 % (
  47. Courtship feeding, billing and allopreening are commonly performed between, partners , generally after the birds have paired and mated. Territories, nesting and
  48. As partners in the founding of the team in 1995. The investors include equal, partners ,Ken Kendrick, Mike Chapman, and Jeffrey Roger. Jeff Moored, a former sports
  49. The age of consent laws in the case of a married couple where one or both, partners ,are below the age of consent. Further still, some jurisdictions prohibit any
  50. Actively in its work. It grants at least MFN treatment to all its trading, partners , As of December 2007,Barbados is linked by an Economic Partnership Agreement

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