Examples of the the word, flourish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flourish ), is the 6525 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Motto" Sub Umbra Flowers" means: Under the shade (of the mahogany tree) I, flourish , Keel Billed Toucan The Keel Billed Toucan (Ramparts sulfurous) is the
  2. Fourth century AD Amass became the see of a Christian bishop and continued to, flourish ,until the Byzantine period. In the late sixth century, Ayios Ioannis Elements
  3. Economic expansion Although Batista was intent on lining his pockets, Cuba did, flourish ,economically during his regime. Cuba's wages were among the world's highest;
  4. Taught a number of standard dances. It was essential, if popular dance was to, flourish , for dancers to have some basic movements they could confidently perform with
  5. Perfect sense for an eighteenth-century thinker to conclude that humanity would, flourish ,under the market. For a twentieth century thinker committed to the same ideal
  6. Popular French, American and Italian film stocks allowed the UFA film studio to, flourish , boosting Agfa's orders. All film stocks were manufactured on a nitrate film
  7. Its golden age during the high point of the Byzantine Empire and continued to, flourish ,in Ukraine and Russia, after the fall of Constantinople. Numerous autocephalous
  8. The divided geography of the country allowed distinct rural dialects to, flourish ,during the centuries. Such" genuine" dialects were formerly spoken by a vast
  9. In the late 1970s. Tourism in the modern sense has only started to, flourish ,in Greece in the years post-1950,although in ancient times, following the
  10. Mostly independent. Even as a tributary state, Dahomey continued to expand and, flourish ,because of the slave trade, and later through the export of palm oil from large
  11. Language in Egypt and Syria. However, a post-Achaemenid Aramaic continued to, flourish ,from Judea, Assyria,Mesopotamia, through the Syrian Desert and into northern
  12. Through the late medieval period Edinburgh grew quickly. Edinburgh continued to, flourish ,economically and culturally through the Renaissance period and was at the
  13. Aquarium plants ". While such plants are beautiful and can survive and even, flourish ,for months underwater, they will eventually die and must be removed so their
  14. No demonstrable positive externalities and notes that industry began to, flourish ,only after the guilds faded away. Guilds persisted over the centuries because
  15. So that he can continue to do his work. Cottar, on the other hand, seems to, flourish ,during the plague, because it gives him a sense of being connected to others
  16. Way to CP/M and MS-DOS based microcomputers. Unlike C and Pascal, APL did not, flourish ,in the microcomputer arena until hardware of sufficient computing power became
  17. It is a period where some composers still working in the Baroque style, flourish , though sometimes thought of as being more of the past than the present—Bach
  18. That their world must be free all of all gods and demigods if they are to, flourish ,as a people. Forum is then killed with his own sword by his animated silver
  19. Proprieties and music do not flourish . When proprieties and music do not, flourish , punishments will not be properly awarded. When punishments are not properly
  20. And employment, and the occupations of common life. These principles may, flourish ,and triumph in the schools; where it is, indeed,difficult, if not impossible
  21. The city, strengthening transportation in the region and allowing industry to, flourish , Population growth occurred most in the 19th century, with the arrival of a
  22. Your beauty and your perfume. " The Rose replied," I indeed, dear Amaranth, flourish ,but for a brief season! If no cruel hand pluck me from my stem, yet I must
  23. Many mammalian species that have become rare in much of the United States still, flourish ,in British Columbia. Watching animals of various sorts, including a very wide
  24. Africa papyrus and associated plants, including the soft-wooded ambush, flourish ,in immense quantities, and little else is found in the way of vegetation. South
  25. When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music do not, flourish , When proprieties and music do not flourish , punishments will not be properly
  26. Wine" dates back to the thirteenth century when viticulture was known to, flourish ,in the" Chianti Mountains" around Florence. The merchants in the nearby
  27. Of their ancient C-shaped forms with the addition of the same downward, flourish , If the two characters are distinguished in print, the top loop of stigma tends
  28. Diacritic developed from initially resembling today's acute accent to a long, flourish ,by the 15th century. With the advent of Roman type it was reduced to the round
  29. Alcott began to believe Boston was the best place for his ideas to, flourish , He contacted theologian William Every Channing for support. Channing approved
  30. The ocean. This salinity makes for a harsh environment in which animals cannot, flourish , hence its name. The Dead Sea is long and wide at its widest point. It lies in
  31. Filmmaking techniques and increased audience interest caused the genre to, flourish , What follows are some notable Fantasy films. For a more complete list see:
  32. To many animal species including the mouflon and wild boar, two species that, flourish ,despite the continuous influx of tourists. The central part of the island is a
  33. And incomplete Presbyterian Settlement of 1646 enabled independent churches to, flourish , The main sects (see also English Dissenters) were Baptists, who advocated
  34. The subtropical climate made winters mild but allowed infectious diseases to, flourish , Consequently, on both sides more soldiers died from disease than were killed
  35. Found in some zinc ingots from China. The European brass industry continued to, flourish ,into the post medieval period buoyed by innovations such as the 16th century
  36. For almost five centuries in the Americas. Today a wide range of beading styles, flourish , In the Great Lakes, Ursuline nuns introduced floral patterns to tribes, who
  37. God, even if he doesn't fully understand. 3:17 For though the fig tree doesn’t, flourish , nor fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive fails, the fields yield no
  38. A high degree of autonomy. However, the Cornish language continued to, flourish ,well through the Middle Ages, reaching a peak of about 39,000 speakers in the
  39. Or prosperity (such as food, holidays,rituals, and music) and allow them to, flourish , But they counteract or eradicate the more subversive elements of culture (
  40. In airplane cockpits. In the decades since the war, ergonomics has continued to, flourish ,and diversify. The Space Age created new human factors issues such as
  41. The arrival of sound at the very end of the 1920s produced a final artistic, flourish ,of German film before the collapse of the Weimar Republic in 1933. Sound
  42. Of Austro-Hungarians did the painting renaissance in Bosnia really begin to, flourish , The first educated artists from European academies appeared with the beginning
  43. And although he slipped back in his studies, his love of music was allowed to, flourish , He often performed shows for family and friends. By age 16 he had bought his
  44. And the California poppy (Eschscholtz California)- the state flower-also, flourish ,in this zone, along with the lupine, more species of which occur here than
  45. These three railroad companies are the reason why Aberdeen was able to grow and, flourish ,as it did; however, only one of these railroads is still running through
  46. Glass sponges Titusville. Both reef-building and solitary corals diversify and, flourish ,; these include both rose (for example, Canina, Corwenia, Neozaphrentis)
  47. A male guardian. Often in such reliefs the Madeiras tail is extended with great, flourish ,into a scrolling design symbolizing both vegetation and water. The Purana (
  48. Growth and slow response from the established church allowed non-conformism to, flourish ,in the town. By the mid-nineteenth century there were Wesleyan, Primitive
  49. Hot summers and poor soils, although certain cultures such as olives and grapes, flourish , Resources of energy are scarce, except in the territory of Kosovo, where
  50. An important result, the so called, speed-up theorem. The field really began to, flourish ,when the US researcher Stephen Cook and, working independently, Leonid Kevin in

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