Examples of the the word, securities , in a Sentence Context

The word ( securities ), is the 6524 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Merger goes through as predicted. Traditionally, arbitrage transactions in the, securities ,markets involve high speed, high volume and low risk. At some moment a price
  2. Helen Clark. The South Pacific Stock Exchange (APSE) is the only licensed, securities ,exchange in Fiji and is based in Suva. Its vision is to become a regional
  3. Each other (see interest rate parity). Risks Arbitrage transactions in modern, securities ,markets involve fairly low day-to-day risks, but can face extremely high risk
  4. Are killed in the bombings. *2008 – Bernard Mad off is arrested and charged with, securities ,fraud in a $50 billion Ponzi scheme. *2010 – Two explosions occur in a busy
  5. That publicly traded corporations have the burden of complying with additional, securities ,laws, which (especially in the U. S.) may require additional periodic
  6. Difference between different bonds. For example, it would sell U. S. Treasury, securities ,and buy Italian bond futures. The concept was that because Italian bond futures
  7. Be the public debt of member states, but a fairly wide range of private banking, securities ,are also accepted. The fairly stringent membership requirements for the
  8. Behavior made by Enron. The act significantly raises criminal penalties for, securities ,fraud, for destroying, altering or fabricating records in federal
  9. Bank influences the money supply in an economy directly. Each time it buys, securities , exchanging money for the security, it raises the money supply. Conversely
  10. Of a company could effectively supplement direct government regulation of, securities ,markets and other similar markets. The second development was the rise of the
  11. National Academy of Arbitrators. Securities arbitration In the United States, securities ,industry, arbitration has long been the preferred method of resolving disputes
  12. True" arbitrage requires that there be no market risk involved. Where, securities ,are traded on more than one exchange, arbitrage occurs by simultaneously buying
  13. Used in some international financial transactions, where its advantage was that, securities ,denominated in Ecus provided investors with the opportunity for foreign
  14. Countries are located geographically on the periphery of the Eurozone. These, securities ,are not limited to the countries of issue, but held in many cases by banks in
  15. EGP 30 billion in FY1999 and alternatively invested in more liquid no-risk, securities ,such as treasury bills and government bonds. Improving private sector access to
  16. Exceeding) that of the bonds issued by the United States. Such company-issued, securities ,had priority over the original Government Bonds. (Local and state governments
  17. By far the world's largest. The PRC owns an estimated $1.6 trillion of US, securities , The PRC, holding US$1.16 trillion in US Treasury bonds, is the largest foreign
  18. Begin to look at the derivatives markets to make a decision to buy or sell, securities ,and so what was originally meant to be a market to transfer risk now becomes a
  19. Supply. Conversely, selling of securities lowers the money supply. Buying of, securities ,thus amounts to printing new money while lowering supply of the specific
  20. Mayer Rothschild, he bet against the French victory and invested in British, securities , By the time he retired from the Exchange at the age of 43,his fortune was
  21. Authorized participants to exchange back and forth between shares in underlying, securities ,held by the fund and shares in the fund itself, rather than allowing the buying
  22. Of storage; as such, for example, this condition holds for grain but not for, securities ,). Arbitrage is not simply the act of buying a product in one market and
  23. Of one week and one month for the ECB) are auctioned off. * Buying or selling, securities ,(" direct operations" ) on ad-hoc basis. All of these interventions can also
  24. Trading. The firm is one of twenty primary dealers who trade U. S. government, securities ,directly with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and is also involved in
  25. Accounting, earnings management, misleading financial analysis insider trading, securities ,fraud, bribery/kickbacks and facilitation payments. Outside of corporations
  26. International stock market, listing more foreign issues than all other U. S., securities ,markets combined. In 1953 the Curb Exchange was renamed the American Stock
  27. Disputes between brokerage firms, and between firms and their customers. The, securities ,industry uses a pre-dispute arbitration agreement, where the parties agree to
  28. Excluding mutual funds) in excess of US$330 billion. There are four hundred, securities ,listed on the stock exchange, of which almost three hundred are offshore funds
  29. Currently located in the Barrel district, within Syria's financial markets and, securities ,commission. Its final home is to be the upmarket business district of Darfur.
  30. Rate changes, as determined by the FAFIEC policy statement on high-risk mortgage, securities , * Notional amount: The nominal or face amount that is used to calculate
  31. Price differences between identical assets, they will purchase and sell, securities , assets and derivatives with similar characteristics, and hedge any significant
  32. Previous financial year; * the raising or granting of loans, the issue of debt, securities ,and the assumption of liabilities of a third party or surety ship for a third
  33. Alliance – who were desirous of European peace for their own dynastic, securities ,and trade opportunities – called on both parties to recognize each other's
  34. System and being currently developed technical platform for settlement of, securities ,in Europe (TARGET2 Securities). Furthermore, it has the exclusive right to
  35. A significant enough premium appears, an arbitrageur will buy the underlying, securities , convert them to shares in the ETF, and sell them in the open market. When a
  36. The margin requirement establishes a minimum ratio of the value of the, securities ,to the amount borrowed. Central banks often have requirements for the quality
  37. The currency exchange rates, the price of commodities, and the price of, securities ,in different markets tend to converge to the same prices, in all markets, in
  38. Established in 1971,is now the world's largest fully electronic offshore, securities ,market, with a current market capitalization (excluding mutual funds) in
  39. Contracts, and the bank holds no counter-party collateral. * High-risk mortgage, securities ,: Securities where the price or expected average life is highly sensitive to
  40. Are complete. In practical terms, this is generally only possible with, securities ,and financial products which can be traded electronically, and even then, when
  41. The responsibility to operate and regulate the equities and fixed interest, securities ,market. Formally established in 1989,the BSE continues to be pivotal to
  42. Money for the security, it raises the money supply. Conversely, selling of, securities ,lowers the money supply. Buying of securities thus amounts to printing new
  43. Reshaped the European financial system, especially with respect to the, securities ,markets ... However, the real and policy barriers to integration in the retail
  44. Off organized futures exchanges. * Structured notes: Non-mortgage-backed debt, securities , whose cash flow characteristics depend on one or more indices and / or have
  45. Main open market operations are: * Temporary lending of money for collateral, securities ,(" Reverse Operations" or" repurchase operations ", otherwise known as the "
  46. Uses financial analysis * Technical analysis – the study of price action in, securities ,markets in order to forecast future prices * Business analysis – involves
  47. And millionaire backer Herb Woman were investigated for insider-trading and, securities ,fraud. Nonetheless, the Soc reds were re-elected in 1979 under Bennett, who led
  48. Supervision and regulation in the Cayman Islands' banking, insurance and, securities ,industries, as well as its money laundering regime, recognised the jurisdiction
  49. More generally, international arbitrage opportunities in commodities, goods, securities , and currencies, on a grand scale, tend to change exchange rates until the
  50. Margin lending, whereby individuals or companies may borrow against pledged, securities , The margin requirement establishes a minimum ratio of the value of the

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