Examples of the the word, ok , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ok ), is the 1945 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Movement. Tell the participants to relax, play,sing, have fun, and silence is, ok , # Work holistically and using visuals. If, for example, there are three
  2. IS low, THEN throttle is P2. Rule 3: IF temperature IS cool AND pressure IS, ok , THEN throttle is Z. rule 4: IF temperature IS cool AND pressure IS strong
  3. A question particle and an answer particle. The negative is cannot: *Gimme LAH, ok ,or not? — (Give it to me, OK?) Other usage The word 'English' is also used
  4. In the Danish tongue. …start var h ok um torrent MAL, ok Kyle to ok til Brianna, ok ,tofu margin men at to ok at spotty. …the Norse language was hard for him, and
  5. FLOOR5 (n -- n' ) 1- 5 MAX; You would run this word as follows: 1 FLOOR5. 5, ok ,8 FLOOR5. 7 ok First the interpreter pushes a number (1 or 8) onto the stack
  6. May ride across it with their horses and chariots every 24 hours. Harvard saga, ok ,Heiress Five riddles found in the poem Heiress gator contained in the
  7. To find a new bass player, Love wrote:" I want someone who can play, ok , and stand in front of 30,000 people, take off her shirt and have 'fuck you '
  8. Chapel at the Cher ok ee Heritage Center File: Tender mercy church park hill, ok , JPG|Tender Mercies Baptist Church Pet tit is a census-designated place (CDP)
  9. Playing card games. Connor doesn't care what most people think of him, and is, ok ,with being himself. Connor eventually overcomes some of his oddball ways to
  10. Among a list of horses in). Harvard saga ok Heiress In Harvard saga, ok ,Heiress, the poem Heiress gator contains a riddle that mentions Leaner and
  11. ræistu stæin Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun half and Hans (ON): Veer, ok ,Been ok Gunnar raised stain Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun half and Hans (
  12. He pass away, if there was some way of letting me know he was going to be, ok ,- that we were all going to be ok - the message would come to me in the form of
  13. stæin Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun half and Hans (ON): Veer ok Been, ok ,Gunnar raised stain Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun half and Hans (OG) The
  14. Car bigger folk at, er Ljósálfar data, en Dökkálfar BUA nitric í Jorge, ok ,era are Oliver am sum ok Miku Oliveira random. Ljósálfar era fear en Sol
  15. Wild paths southward over the land, and found Helga, his brother. Harvard saga, ok ,Heiress Harvard saga ok Heiress relates that Harvard, the son of Program
  16. The first to be called king in the Danish tongue. …start var h ok um torrent MAL, ok ,Kyle to ok til Brianna, ok tofu margin men at to ok at spotty. …the Norse
  17. Accurate transliteration would therefore render the text in ON as such:: Veer, ok ,Been ok Gunnar ræistu stæin Anna at Hausa, fǫður sign. Gun half OND Hans (
  18. S reply was that" ... the Indian guy (himself as 'Kicking Bird' ) was, ok , but the rest was a real yawn! ". Greene also made a cameo in an episode of
  19. Stein Anna at Hausa, fǫður sign. Gun half OND Hans. (OWN): Veer ok Been, ok ,Gunnar ræistu stæin Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun half and Hans (ON):
  20. Sonr Barbara joins; movie Hans er Laura era NAL; bræðr Hans era are Bleat, ok ,Helsinki. He is called L ok i or Lop tr, son of the Johann Farragut; his mother
  21. Night. Selling is also attested in the legendary saga Harvard saga, ok ,Heiress. Scholars have proposed that Selling is the personified dawn, and his
  22. Gunnar raised this stone after Hours, their father. God help his spirit:: Veer, ok ,Been ok Gunnar Rasta stein Anna at Hausa, fǫður sign. Gun half OND Hans. (
  23. Temperature is in the" cool" state, and the pressure is in the" low" and ", ok ," states. The pressure values ensure that only rules 2 and 3 fire: The two
  24. Band briefly, left the band again. In mid-1994,the band's second demo, Nidr, ok ,Order light Helve gr, ( " Nether wards and Northwards lies Kelham" ) was
  25. In chapter 58,Leaner is mentioned among a list of horses in). Harvard saga, ok ,Heiress In Harvard saga ok Heiress, the poem Heiress gator contains a
  26. N' ) 1- 5 MAX; You would run this word as follows: 1 FLOOR5. 5 ok 8 FLOOR5. 7, ok , First the interpreter pushes a number (1 or 8) onto the stack, then it calls
  27. The melody string (s) (French chanterelle (s),Hungarian Gallagher (, ok ,)) are stopped with tangents attached to keys that change the vibration length
  28. I don't understand what was said, literally I listen not understand * ออกไป! (, ok ,pie, ) Leave! Or Get out!, literally exit go Nouns are uninflected and
  29. Er Ljósálfar data, en Dökkálfar BUA nitric í Jorge, ok era are Oliver am sum, ok ,Miku Oliveira random. Ljósálfar era fear en Sol sum, en Dökkálfar era
  30. Day. Regarding the references to" Delling's door" as used in Harvard saga, ok ,Heiress, Christopher Tolkien says that:: What this phrase meant to the maker
  31. To the Grímnismál. In Norse mythology, Ask and Emblem (from Old Norse Ask, ok ,Emblem)—male and female respectively—were the first two humans, created by the
  32. Two): TRI (three): var (four): Kevin (five): SES (six): SEP (seven):, ok ,(eight): NAU (nine): deck (ten): cent (one hundred): mil (one thousand
  33. This stone after Hours, their father. God help his spirit:: Veer ok Been, ok ,Gunnar Rasta stein Anna at Hausa, fǫður sign. Gun half OND Hans. (OWN):
  34. Hálfsrekka In the first chapter of the 14th century legendary saga Half saga, ok ,Hálfsrekka, King Are has two wives, Geirhild and Sign, and cannot keep them
  35. He was wise, dark,and versed in magic.: Region. Var versus Mann Hagar, ok ,verge of volt. Hand var Vito, grimmr, ok fjölkunnigr. The Prose Edda (
  36. Is mentioned in a riddle found in the 13th century legendary saga Harvard saga, ok ,Heiress, in the 13th century legendary saga Volga saga as the ancestor of
  37. Japanese also seem to work best in small groups (#6). Silence is definitely, ok ,(part of #6). The Japanese invented kara ok e (#6 and singing). The Japanese
  38. To marry him; after a slight hesitation, Mary uses a Scrabble board to spell ", ok ,". Mary reaches the altar with Massimo, but their wedding is halted by her
  39. Particular, identified with Jupiter:: OSS er alginate / ok Asgard four, /, ok , valhallar visit. / Jupiter oddity.:" OSS is Aged Gate / and prince of Asgard
  40. Referring to Odin in particular, identified with Jupiter:: OSS er alginate /, ok ,Asgard four, / ok Valhalla visit. / Jupiter oddity.:" OSS is Aged Gate /
  41. Found in the poem Heiress gator contained in the legendary saga Harvard saga, ok ,Heiress employ the phrase" Delling's doors" ( Old Norse Dealings durum)
  42. Burned completely, the middle hill badly burned, and the close hill relatively, ok ,image: Cayman Fire (4). JPG|In many areas the fire burned so hot that it got
  43. Region. Var versus Mann Hagar ok verge of volt. Hand var Vito, grimmr, ok ,fjölkunnigr. The Prose Edda (Skáldskaparmál 46) identifies the father of
  44. Cross," who gave their names to our most precious possessions. "; Half saga, ok ,Hálfsrekka In the first chapter of the 14th century legendary saga Half saga
  45. The failure of the king to establish and/or maintain prosperity and peace (as, ok ,friar) in the lands entrusted to him. In later Scandinavian practice, human
  46. Way of letting me know he was going to be ok - that we were all going to be, ok ,- the message would come to me in the form of a white feather. ... the white
  47. And points to a potential additional connection in the saga Harvard saga, ok ,Heiress, where the queen hangs herself in the disaster (Old Norse" the Hall
  48. Transliteration would therefore render the text in ON as such:: Veer ok Been, ok ,Gunnar ræistu stæin Anna at Hausa, fǫður sign. Gun half OND Hans (ON)
  49. The interpreter waits for input at the end of the previous line, after an, ok ,prompt. There is no implied 'flush-buffer' action in Forth's CR, as sometimes
  50. Reistu stein Anna at Hausa, fǫður sign. Gun half OND Hans. (OWN): Veer, ok ,Been ok Gunnar ræistu stæin Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun half and Hans (

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