Examples of the the word, occasional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( occasional ), is the 4272 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. About one quarter of his central work, The World as Will and Representation. In, occasional ,political comments in his Pierre and Paralipomena and Manuscript Remains
  2. June being the wettest month of the year, averaging around 80 mm. Frosts are, occasional , with the most notable occurrences having occurred in July 1908 and July 1982.
  3. Character for the better part of the next decade, and remain a friend and, occasional ,lover into the 2010s. The 1980s The Amazing Spider-Man #200 (Jan. 1980)
  4. Area was controlled by Serbia and Greece, but there were still hopes and, occasional ,attempts to recover it. With the 1945 orthographic reform, this letter was
  5. Are important (known as la purge or" the purge" ). The intense vomiting and, occasional ,diarrhea it induces can clear the body of worms and other tropical parasites
  6. And hosted their third. A biographer of Emerson described the group as" the, occasional ,meetings of a changing body of liberal thinkers, agreeing in nothing but their
  7. American writers normally use an in all these cases, although there are, occasional ,uses of an historic (all) in AME. According to the New Oxford Dictionary of
  8. In newspapers and textbooks vary little in their essential features, with only, occasional ,noticeable differences in comparable media (comparing American newspapers with
  9. Of the Doctor. *The successful Channel 4 sitcom Peep Show (TV series) makes, occasional ,reference to Aberdeen, as the employer of one of the main characters has an
  10. Pseudonym) editions, it is crucial in unmasking Lyndon's narcissism through, occasional ,notes inserted at the bottom of the page noting information that is
  11. Reality. Though some, Diana Trilling, for example, have pointed to Ginsberg's, occasional ,use of meter (for example the anapest of" who came back to Denver and waited
  12. Temporal) works in the same way as Ant abuse; it has an advantage in that the, occasional ,adverse effects of disulfide, hepatotoxicity and drowsiness, do not occur with
  13. Are generally mutually intelligible, there are enough differences to cause, occasional ,misunderstandings or at times embarrassment—for example some words that are
  14. In temperature are very small due to the influence of the sea, although, occasional , periods of Westerly wind can result in temperature ranges in excess of. Annual
  15. High risk of dependency, these medications are intended only for short-term or, occasional ,use. Medications are often used not for their primary functions, but to exploit
  16. Referred by the moniker 'Walloon ', are recognizable today as they offer, occasional ,services in French. In the second half of the 17th century, Amsterdam
  17. S crime. Batman spends the 1970s and early 1980s mainly working solo, with, occasional , team-ups with Robin and/or Batgirl. Batman's adventures also become somewhat
  18. Inspired partly by these missions, other synonyms for astronaut have entered, occasional ,English usage. For example, the term stationary (French spelling: spationaute
  19. Born there *Game Fowler, cricketer,former England batsman, cricket coach and, occasional ,pundit on BBC Radio's Test Match Special *Julie Hesmondhalgh, actor,Hayley
  20. S relative works, with supplementary discussions upon contemporary topics, and, occasional , divergences from the opinions of the master. His principal theological works
  21. In the battlefield, were sacred to him. Cult and ritual Although Ares received, occasional ,sacrifice from armies going to war, the god had a formal temple and cult at
  22. The American Revolution is primarily referred to as" Americans," with, occasional ,references to" Patriots "," Whigs,"" Rebels" or" Revolutionaries ".
  23. Instead. And under the city itself? The small amount of geophysics done, and, occasional , building-related exposures, combined with small exposures in the banks of the
  24. Akin to ventriloquism that continually entertained family guests during their, occasional ,visits. He also developed a technique of speaking in clear, modulated tones
  25. However, this has often caused friction between cultures which have caused, occasional ,displays of animosity toward Asian immigrants. This was most manifest during
  26. And Brazil basins. The deep ocean floor is thought to be fairly flat with, occasional ,deeps, abyssal plains, trenches,seamounts, basins,plateaus, canyons,and some
  27. By the sea. Canberra is notorious for hot, dry summers, and cold winters with, occasional ,fog and frequent frosts. Many of the higher mountains in the territory's
  28. In the United Kingdom. Bodmin Moor became a center of these sightings with, occasional ,reports of mutilated slain -like cats of the same region came to be popularly
  29. Wrote of the group's nature:" There was no club in the strict sense ... only, occasional ,meetings of like-minded men and women ". In late April 1840 Alcott moved to the
  30. Moving at a constant speed and direction, the patrol should vary these, with, occasional , stops to observe both the route ahead, and changes behind. Units should move in
  31. And emotional footballing rivalries in the world. The fixture has seen some, occasional ,instances of violence in the past including the death of Lazio fan, Vincenzo
  32. Archaeoastronomy owes something of this poor reputation among scholars to its, occasional ,misuse to advance a range of pseudo-historical accounts. During the 1930s Otto
  33. Progressive Conservative Party, from 1971 to the present. Alberta has had, occasional ,surges in separatist sentiment. Even during the 1980s,when these feelings were
  34. Final years Hasan Ali Shah spent his final years in Bombay with, occasional ,visits to Pune. Maintaining the traditions of the Iranian nobility to which he
  35. The studio has not been very active over the last few years and has only done, occasional ,one-shots. In an interview conducted in 2007 with Shōnen Jump, Toriyama
  36. Mental depression and increased appetite. Symptoms may last for days with, occasional ,use and weeks or months with chronic use, with severity dependent on the length
  37. Number of theories have been proposed to explain the two figures, and there are, occasional ,references to them in popular culture. Etymology Old Norse ask literally means
  38. First colonizers of new or recently cleaned structures. Freshwater species are, occasional ,nuisances in water pipes, drinking water purification equipment, sewage
  39. Climate, with dry summers influenced by the Azores High, but subject to, occasional ,torrential rains and extremely hot temperatures. In the winter, the tropical
  40. Days brought him food. During these three years of solitude, broken only by, occasional ,communications with the outer world and by the visits of Romanus, Benedict
  41. Documents, but the creed does not receive much attention outside, occasional ,use – especially on Trinity Sunday. In Reformed circles, it is included (for
  42. Of Montgomery may receive a dusting of snow a few times every winter, with an, occasional ,moderately heavy snowfall every few years. Historic snowfall events include New
  43. Block in Hammersmith, London,that looks like a ship People * Joan of" Ark ", occasional ,misspelling of Joan of Arc, a French martyr and saint who led a rebellion
  44. For some careful improvisation, it has also brought him into conflict with the, occasional ,director who departs from the script, or demands what the actor views as an
  45. Example of the language was written. Only careful examination reveals the, occasional ,loan word from a local language. A group of thirty Aramaic documents from
  46. And hydrocephalus. Neurological examination may reveal a stiff neck in, occasional ,cases (erroneously suggesting meningitis). The famous triad of fever
  47. To strained relations with the United States and the European Union, as well as, occasional ,high-level disputes with Russia over prices on core imported natural resources
  48. Of conifers, tree ferns, and ferns (gallery forests),to fern savannas with, occasional ,trees such as the Araucaria-like conifer Brachyphyllum. The Morrison Formation
  49. Composition of the Veterans Committee have been at times controversial, with, occasional , selections of contemporaries and teammates of the committee members over
  50. Range. Their diet is thought to have consisted of green grass and leaves, with, occasional , tree fruits. Aurochs species were found to have lived on the island of Sicily

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