Examples of the the word, obey , in a Sentence Context

The word ( obey ), is the 5253 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Necessary evil" but argue that citizens do not have a moral obligation to, obey ,the state when its laws conflict with individual autonomy. One reaction against
  2. You put your whole trust in his grace and love?: Do you promise to follow and, obey ,him as your Lord? 6. The Apostles' Creed is then recited by candidates
  3. Analytic). This result is the Loo man–Menthol theorem. The hypothesis that ƒ, obey ,the Cauchy–Riemann equations throughout the domain Ω is essential. It is
  4. Squadron normally operated with the Grand Fleet. Fleet ships were expected to, obey ,movement orders precisely and not deviate from them. Beatty's standing
  5. Originated with the Copernican principle, which implies that celestial bodies, obey ,identical physical laws to those on Earth, and Newtonian mechanics, which first
  6. Any cyclic pi system in some publications, or only those pi systems that, obey ,Hückel's rule on others. Jensen argues that in line with Robinson's original
  7. And that no matter what the constitutional rules were, they would continue to, obey ,Agrippa. Soon after his bout of illness subsided, Augustus gave up his
  8. Of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and, obey ,them. It has been suggested that this position can be lucidly brought out
  9. Face of the earth. " Although the Torah also says," Now therefore, if you will, obey ,my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure
  10. Centres, forming a long range bond. For a molecule to be aromatic, it must, obey ,Hückel's rule, where the number of π electrons fit the formula 4n + 2,where n
  11. Of the components (Ni} can be changed independently. All real processes, obey ,conservation of mass, and in addition, conservation of the numbers of atoms of
  12. To the system of particles. It is assumed that internal interaction forces, obey ,Newton's third law of motion in its strong form, that is, that the forces
  13. Of chivalry, Don Quixote submits to prearranged terms that the vanquished is to, obey ,the will of the conqueror, which in this case, is that Don Quixote is to lay
  14. At the end of February in Uppsala, during the Listing. The king was obliged to, obey ,the common decisions made at this ting, and the most powerful man at this
  15. Field, in the presence of bulk bodies such as metals or dielectrics, must, obey , the same boundary conditions that the classical electromagnetic field must obey
  16. The balance amounts of some accounts. These adjustments must still, obey ,the double-entry rule. For example, the " inventory" account asset account
  17. Theory of compliance overlaid by a theory of deference (the citizen's duty to, obey ,the law) and a theory of enforcement, which identifies the legitimate goals of
  18. Hence, by descent and destiny, each Jew stands under the divine command to, obey ,God's will.: Second, we recognize the authority of the Galahad which has
  19. Whereby subjects are called his liege subjects, because they are bound to, obey ,and serve him; and he is called their liege lord, because he should maintain
  20. S normal process. A finding of contempt of court may result from a failure to, obey ,a lawful order of a court, showing disrespect for the judge, disruption of the
  21. Can be found in the references. ) Multiplication theorem The Bessel functions, obey ,a multiplication theorem: \lambda J_\nu (\lambda z) = \sum_^\nifty \franc
  22. Is continuous. Classical particles with this energy distribution are said to, obey ,Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics. In the classical limit,i.e. at large values of
  23. Murder, on the basis that Uriah had committed a capital offense by refusing to, obey ,a direct command from the King. According to midrashim, Adam gave up 70 years
  24. The Pauli exclusion principle. This is in contrast to the bosons, which do not, obey ,the exclusion principle. Baryons, along with mesons, are hadrons, meaning they
  25. Was not completely wrong because there exists a class of compounds that do not, obey ,the law of definite proportions. These non-stoichiometric compounds are also
  26. Other. It states that the ratio of proportionality constants k_C and k_A must, obey ,k_C / k_A c^2,where c is the speed of light. Therefore, if one derives the
  27. Paul IV. Chino almost immediately received a citation to Rome, and set out to, obey ,it about the middle of August. According to his own statement, he was deterred
  28. Concepts in biology are subject to the same laws that other branches of science, obey , such as the laws of thermodynamics and conservation of energy. The following
  29. English translation of Gregory the Great's Pastoral Care, kings who fail to, obey ,their divine duty to promote learning can expect earthly punishments to befall
  30. While the others were charged with parading without a permit, or failing to, obey ,police orders to disperse. At least 17 reporters were in the round-up.
  31. Have wrested from him the rights of others, if God wills. Obey me so long as I, obey ,God and His Messenger. But if I dis obey God and His Messenger, ye owe me no
  32. Term is likely to have come about because alkalis were the first bases known to, obey ,the Arrhenius definition of a base and are still among the more common bases.
  33. Discourse. ) According to the LDS church,Christ's unwavering ability to, obey ,truth, perceive light, and act in perfect love and faith, distinguishes his
  34. Obey the same boundary conditions that the classical electromagnetic field must, obey , In particular, this affects the calculation of the vacuum energy in the
  35. Jews hold that other nations and peoples are not required (nor expected) to, obey ,the Law of Moses, with the notable exception that the only laws Judaism
  36. Christianity featured in Acts did not require Gentiles to be circumcised or to, obey ,all the Mosaic laws, which is consistent with Cowhide Law. The final chapter
  37. Chiang continued to issue orders to the army, and many officers continued to, obey ,Chiang rather than Li. The inability of Li to coordinate KMT military forces
  38. Institutions. In practice, this autonomy is very limited since counties must, obey ,national laws and executive orders from the national level. Municipalities and
  39. Addresses challenge the Israel of the future (the readers of the story) to, obey ,the most important command of all, to worship Yahweh and no other gods. Joshua
  40. Hear a voice saying," sit down now,you're tired," and feel inclined to, obey , White says that of all the reports of Plateau Sigma experiences he received
  41. That these Christians should submit to Augustine and that their bishops should, obey ,him, apparently believing that more of the Roman governmental and
  42. Except division by zero) can be performed, and where these four operations, obey ,the usual laws, is called a field. Addition (+) Addition is the basic
  43. The embarkation, he addressed a letter to his monks. In it, he desires all to, obey ,Attila, whom he requests to abide with the community unless strife should arise
  44. For the salvation of the Jews, instead of allowing them (as they did) to, obey ,only their ancient laws, attempted,by the interpretation of prophesies and the
  45. S wish that a group of people would exist in a covenant, and would be bound to, obey ,a certain set of laws as a duty of their covenant, and that the Children of
  46. Also, as we now know, bosons also have antiparticles, but since bosons do not, obey ,the Pauli exclusion principle (only fermions do),hole theory does not work
  47. That act on the entire sentence. Many Indo-European languages, for example, obey ," Wackernagel's Law ", which requires critics to appear in" second position "
  48. Not against every Muslim, but only those who reside in this country but do not, obey ,the laws of the land .... I consider such people traitors. ' His party is
  49. A spherical static universe is philosophically preferred, because it would, obey ,Mach's principle. He had shown that general relativity incorporates Mach's
  50. Size implies increased muscle mass and increased oxygen stores. Cetaceans also, obey ,Kleiber's law, which states that mass and metabolic rate are inversely related

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