Examples of the the word, digit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( digit ), is the 5270 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A digit al encoding method for numbers using decimal notation, with each decimal, digit ,represented by its own binary sequence. In BCD, a numeral is usually
  2. Units of information, sometimes used in information theory, include the natural, digit ,also called a Nat or nit and defined as log2 e (≈ 1.443) bits, where e is the
  3. Or decreases by one (to the right). Therefore, the value for any arbitrary, digit ,is multiplied by a value of the form 10n with integer n. The list of values
  4. Journalists and hardcore fans and is not universal among either group. The, digit ,0,for example, when a phone or account number is being read aloud, is nearly
  5. From the ISBN by prefixing 978,for Book land, and calculating a new check, digit , Commercial publishers in industrialized countries generally assign ISBNs to
  6. The publisher code, and the third the title code. The last part is a check, digit , and can take values from 0 to 9 and X (10). The EAN Barcodes numbers for books
  7. I came to understand it. " The numerals are arranged with their lowest value, digit ,to the right, with higher value positions added to the left. This arrangement
  8. In some representations this nibble may be used as the least significant, digit ,if the packed decimal value does not have a sign at all, i. e., is purely
  9. Two nibbles of each byte represent a decimal digit , with the more significant, digit ,in the upper half of each byte, and with leftmost byte (residing at the lowest
  10. Process to achieve the final desired degree of precision. With a three or four, digit ,precision, highly-accurate numerical seed, the total computation time necessary
  11. To a fixed value so that the byte holds a character value corresponding to the, digit , EBCDIC systems use a zone value of 1111 (hex F); this yields bytes in the
  12. Family names like Li (李),Smith or Garcia. Workarounds include adding a, digit ,to the end of the username. Alternatives include creating a separate ID system
  13. Sometimes professional athletes may choose to have a non-essential, digit ,amputated to relieve chronic pain and impaired performance. Australian Rules
  14. In Russia and Ukraine, and Souza in Sudan. A bit (a contraction of binary, digit ,) is the basic unit of information in computing and telecommunications; it is
  15. From digit s to the left by a value equal to the second (leftmost), digit , which is any value from one to eight (9 × 9 = 81). Additional steps define
  16. Sold. BMW nomenclature BMW vehicles follow a certain nomenclature; usually a 3, digit , number is followed by 1 or 2 letters. The first number represents the series
  17. Decimal values, the rightmost (least significant) zone nibble holds the sign, digit , which is the same set of values that are used for signed packed decimal
  18. Cities have their own series of numbers. The names start with an R then a first, digit ,indicating the (old) province, and sometimes a second digit to further
  19. The value nine, the result is represented with two digit s. The rightmost, digit ,is the value for the current position, and the result for the subsequent
  20. Did not tokenize literal numbers appearing in the code but stored them, digit ,by digit . As a result of the tokenizing process, programmers could not use any
  21. To be very simple with only a few special cases. One important special case was, digit ,0,represented by a lone 0 punch in the card, and (8,2) in core memory. The
  22. Electrical state of a flip-flop circuit. For devices using positive logic,a, digit ,value of 1 (true value or high) is represented by a positive voltage relative
  23. For the various arithmetic operations. Higher-density encoding If a decimal, digit ,requires four bits, then three decimal digit s require 12 bits. However, since
  24. Two digit s. The hind limbs were long and ended in a four-toed foot. The first, digit , called the Hall, was short and only the other three contacted the ground
  25. And strain of typing. * Corded keyboards have a handful of keys (one per, digit ,per hand) to type by 'chords' which produce different letters and keys. *
  26. n. The list of values corresponding to all possible positions for a single, digit ,is written as. Repeated multiplication of any value in this list by ten
  27. On the relationship between values of adjacent digit s. The value for any single, digit ,in a numeral depends on its position. Also, each position to the left
  28. Word mark bit (M). For encoding digit s 1 through 9,B and A were zero and the, digit ,value represented by standard 4-bit BCD in bits 8 through 1. For most other
  29. Were encoded using digit pairs, with the" zone" in the even-addressed, digit ,and the" digit " in the odd-addressed digit , the " zone" being related to the
  30. Subsets of the encoding two digit s in the optimal seven bits and one, digit ,in four bits, as in regular BCD. Zoned decimal Some implementations, for
  31. Zoned decimal value with an implied decimal point to the right of the fourth, digit , the hex bytes F1 F2 F7 F9 F5 C0 represent the value +1,279.50: F1 F2 F7 F9 F5
  32. Short and only the other three contacted the ground, with the third (middle), digit , longer than the rest. Skull and teeth The massive skull of Albertosaurus
  33. Electrical ground voltage (up to 5 volts in the case of TTL designs),while a, digit ,value of 0 (false value or low) is represented by 0 volts. Storage In the
  34. from the USA/Canada and rest of NAP dial 011-64-8-320-1231 to hear your 3, digit , area code & 7 digit local number read back to you from N. Z. South Africa
  35. Mainframe systems, support zoned decimal numeric representations. Each decimal, digit ,is stored in one byte, with the lower four bits encoding the digit in BCD form.
  36. Of numerical data for display can be greatly simplified by treating each, digit ,as a separate single sub-circuit. This matches much more closely the physical
  37. Of the digit s to the left increases by the value of the second (leftmost), digit , which is always one. This adjustment is termed a carry of the value one. The
  38. Had written a Bell Labs memo on 9 January 1947 in which he contracted" binary, digit ," to simply" bit ". Interestingly, Vannevar Bush had written in 1936 of" bits
  39. Selects a new line. Printf (( AZD.6d$,a, b,c) ) - formats output with 1, digit , before and 6 after the decimal point. Timeline: Hello world The variations and
  40. Between arguments. ALIGNED (1,6) controls the format of the output with 1, digit , before and 6 after the decimal point. ALGOL 68 The following code samples are
  41. And rest of NAP dial 011-64-8-320-1231 to hear your 3 digit area code & 7, digit , local number read back to you from N. Z. South Africa Amerigo Vespucci (March
  42. A R then a first digit indicating the (old) province, and sometimes a second, digit ,to further differentiate in between different ring ways. Some major examples are
  43. Usual 8,4,2,1 plus F, used as a flag bit. BCD alphameric were encoded using, digit ,pairs, with the" zone" in the even-addressed digit and the" digit " in the
  44. Using digit pairs, with the" zone" in the even-addressed digit and the ", digit ," in the odd-addressed digit , the " zone" being related to the 12,11,and 0 "
  45. The simpler methods for computations with a decimal base and the use of a, digit ,representing zero. This allowed the system to consistently represent both large
  46. Each decimal digit is stored in one byte, with the lower four bits encoding the, digit ,in BCD form. The upper four bits, called the" zone" bits, are usually set to
  47. Commission's standard IEC 60027 specifies that the symbol for binary, digit ,should be" bit ", and this should be used in all multiples, such as" bit" (
  48. Decimal integer, where each of the two nibbles of each byte represent a decimal, digit , with the more significant digit in the upper half of each byte, and with
  49. Shifting and masking operations are used to pack or unpack a packed BCD, digit , Other logical operations are used to convert a numeral to its equivalent bit
  50. Did not tokenize literal numbers appearing in the code but stored them digit by, digit , As a result of the tokenizing process, programmers could not use any variable

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