Examples of the the word, maria , in a Sentence Context

The word ( maria ), is the 5266 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Liolepis (Boulanger,1885) – Whistling Lizard, Sri Lanka Asama * Clothes, maria ,Gray,1845 – Khaki Hills Forest Lizard * Clothes monogenesis (Zhao & Li,1984)
  2. Disc of the full moon. The figure is composed of the dark areas (the lunar, maria , or" seas" ) and lighter highlands of the lunar surface. In one common
  3. Mapped. For example, in the 1970s,the gravity field disturbances above lunar, maria ,were measured through lunar orbiters, which lead to the discovery of
  4. Depiction discovered. The contrast between the brighter highlands and darker, maria ,create the patterns seen by different cultures as the Man in the Moon, the
  5. The Château de Chenonceau (1556–1559) File: Palazzo del Luxembourg Fontana DI, maria ,DE' Medici 02. JPG|The Medici Fountain, Paris (1630) Baroque fountains (
  6. Giant crater formed when a very large object hit the Moon long ago. The Moon's, maria ,(Mar'yeah) (plural of mare) have fewer features than other areas of the
  7. Earth, always showing the same face; the near side is marked with dark volcanic, maria ,among the bright ancient crustal highlands and prominent impact craters. It is
  8. Accomplished their long journey on foot, traversing also the intervening seas (, maria ,), where it was possible, by ship, and eventually arrived at the Swedish port
  9. Of ponds of iron-rich basalt, similar to those that make up the lunar, maria , Alternatively, the rocks here could contain a component from the lunar mantle
  10. Smaller than the surface area of the Mediterranean Sea on Earth. Like all lunar, maria , Oceanus Procellarum was formed by ancient basaltic flood volcanic eruptions
  11. Large local gravity anomalies on the moon arising from large ringed, maria , mountain ranges and craters on the moon. This also led to the construction of
  12. Mango Juice, Lime,Mint leaves and soda with white rum Astronomy * Lunar, maria , large, dark,basaltic plains on Earth's Moon Other * Tropical Storm Maria (
  13. Tips appear to be associated with floor-fractured craters, the edges of lunar, maria , or in other locations linked by geologists with volcanic activity. However, it
  14. Scientists hypothesized that they are of cryovolcanism origin (analogs of lunar, maria ,), name Plescia1987/> while others think that the impacts excavated dark
  15. Of titanium obtained from the Clementine mission demonstrate that the lunar, maria ,possesses a continuum of titanium concentrations, and that the highest
  16. Is a lunar mare that sits in the Moscoviense basin. It is one of the very few, maria ,on the far side of the Moon. Like Mare Margins, this mare appears to be fairly
  17. Are called terrace, or more commonly highlands, since they are higher than most, maria , They have been radio metrically dated as forming 4.4 billion years ago, and may
  18. Molten core. However, the Moon does have many volcanic features such as, maria ,(the darker patches seen on the moon),rills and domes. The planet Venus has
  19. The moon disc is a rabbit, as in Thai tradition the dark areas on the moon (, maria ,) form a rabbit shape. The seal symbolizes the peace and tranquility of the
  20. Chemical measurements of the surface, finding a composition different from the, maria , From this one of the main components of the highlands was theorized to be
  21. Mapped. For example, in the 1970s,the gravity field disturbances above lunar, maria ,were measured through lunar orbiters, which lead to the discovery of
  22. Diameter of 1146 km it is second only to Oceanus Procellarum in size among the, maria , and it is the largest mare associated with an impact basin. Apollo 15 landed
  23. Garden. * Santa Chiara, once church of the Teutonic Knights (as Santa, maria ,deli Alemannic) and now closed. It was restored in 1539. * The medieval church
  24. Containing shield volcanoes and volcanic domes are found within the near side, maria , Maria are found almost exclusively on the near side of the Moon, covering 31 %
  25. Mare Decider (Sea of Dreams). It is no longer recognized. Other former, maria ,include: *Mare Barium (" Small Sea" ), immediately to the east of Infirm
  26. And Martin Jute published a study proposing that the uneven distribution of, maria ,occurred because the moon collided with another, smaller moon of the earth, a
  27. Lake),plus (marsh) and sinus (bay). The latter three are smaller than, maria , but have the same nature and characteristics. Ages The ages of the mare
  28. Of the lunar surface, mostly on the near-side visible from Earth. The few, maria ,on the far-side are much smaller, residing mostly in very large craters. The
  29. Recognition of his explorations of unknown lands. It is one of only two lunar, maria ,that are named after people, the other being Mare Mythic, and is located along
  30. Surfaces: it varies in thickness from 10 to 20 m in the highlands and 3–5 m in the, maria , Beneath the finely comminuted regolith layer is the megalith, a layer of
  31. Pliny the Elder says (Book IV.97)::" Promethium Cumbrous current in, maria ,long peninsula effect quad Tastes appellate. ":" The promontory of the
  32. As Frau Rachel’s Bird of Paradise, was described as a species (Paradise, maria ,Rachel,1894) but is thought to be a hybrid between the Emperor Bird of
  33. To culinary writer Giuliano Burial, the term comes from the Italian bag no, maria , named after Maria de'Cleo fa, who developed the technique in Florence in the
  34. By magma from within the planet, which produced smooth plains similar to the, maria ,found on the Moon. Data from the October 2008 flyby of MESSENGER gave
  35. Is Latin for" Sea of the Edge ". This mare differs from most of the nearside, maria ,; it has an irregular outline, and it appears to be fairly thin. It has small
  36. Were to: (1) perform a lunar soft landing (in an area well removed from the, maria ,to provide a type of terrain photography and lunar sample significantly
  37. Conception,1630 Files: Maratha. JPG|Carlo Maratha,1689 Files: Roma-santa, maria ,deli Angel. JPG|Santa Maria deli Angel, Rome File: Museum Municipal de
  38. Lower regions. These in turn seem to contrast quite sharply with the very dark, maria , which were once believed to be seas of liquid hydrocarbons, but are now
  39. Quarter heralded bad weather. Oceanus Procellarum is the largest of the lunar, maria , stretching more than across its north-south axis and covering roughly but is
  40. Heavier 8-real coin continued to be minted. The new 8-real was known as a peso, maria ,or peso Servillo (as opposed to the old peso Puerto or peso duo),and the
  41. While large impact basins are found on both the nearside and far side, large, maria , are mostly found on the nearside. Mare lava apparently could reach the surface
  42. S, both of which contain significant stretches of similar geology, such as, maria ,and plateaus. The largest known crater is, with a diameter of 1,550 km, The
  43. 31102008 34. JPG | A2 autobahn by-pass at Wallenberg tunnel File:, maria ,theresia1. JPG|Empress Maria Theresa on Neuer Platz File: Lind worm and Hercules
  44. Pedro Celestial Degree left for France. He died in Bordeaux in 1846. The lunar, maria ,(singular: mare) are large, dark,basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed by
  45. Lunar and Martian basalt The dark areas visible on Earth's moon, the lunar, maria , are plains of flood basaltic lava flows. These rocks were sampled by the
  46. Material inside formed in the Upper Brian epoch. Unlike most of the lunar, maria , Mare Austral has an uneven surface that is marked by a number of craters
  47. Plains on Earth's Moon, formed by ancient volcanic eruptions. They were dubbed, maria , Latin for" seas ", by early astronomers who mistook them for actual seas.
  48. To follow Pliny's description of a projection running out into the" seas" (, maria ,). There is a set of obscure words in modern Germanic languages that seem
  49. Of their iron-rich compositions, and hence appear dark to the naked eye. The, maria ,cover about 16 percent of the lunar surface, mostly on the near-side visible
  50. In a thick, nearly flat layer of solidified magma. Unlike the other lunar, maria , however, Oceanus Procellarum is not contained within a single well-defined

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