Examples of the the word, fed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fed ), is the 5260 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were taken over by the legions of local and state banks that sprang up. This, fed ,an expansion of credit and speculation. At first, as Jackson withdrew money
  2. And arrived on 5 September 1642. The reason for this was the crew could be, fed ,well on the island; there was plenty of fresh water and timber to repair the
  3. Phone to be cloned, containing the phone's ESN/MIN Pair. This signal would be, fed ,into the sound card audio input of the PC, and Banana would decode the ESN/MIN
  4. The time of the spring thaw. At that time bears were weak because they had not, fed ,at all during long hibernation. Ainu hunters caught hibernating bears or bears
  5. To this system is that while the SAA5050 would expect to be repeatedly, fed ,the same 40 bytes of data for every display scan line of every character row
  6. This requirement, more than 50 percent of the world fish oil production is, fed ,to farmed salmon. In addition, as carnivores, salmon require large nutritional
  7. Study apparently was flawed by faulty pollen-collection procedure; researchers, fed ,nontoxic pollen mixed with anther walls containing BT toxin. The weight of the
  8. Seeps and springs, which the Ancient Pueblo used as water sources. Snow also, fed ,the smaller, more predictable tributaries, such as the Chile, Animas,Jeez
  9. K. Bagpipes are a class of musical instrument, aerophones,using enclosed reeds, fed ,from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. Though the Scottish
  10. And eaten. The droppings of the bird are collected by other ants and, fed ,to their young leading to the further spread of the nematode. South American
  11. Send seven young men and seven young women every nine years to Crete to be, fed ,to the Minotaur, a vicious monster. This continued until Theseus killed the
  12. Those containing radioisotopes of cesium, such as 134Cs and 137Cs. Rats, fed ,cesium instead of potassium die. Cesium chloride (non-radioactive) has also
  13. Through a“ choke” ( high value inductor). The AM modulation tube plate is, fed ,through the same inductor, so that the modulator tube diverts current from the
  14. Ratio of output RF power to input DC power when primary input DC power has been, fed ,to the drain of an FET. Based on this definition, the drain efficiency cannot
  15. Floods, some fishes, mainly carp, were trapped in lakes. Early agriculturists, fed ,their brood using nymphs and silkworm feces, and ate them. A fortunate genetic
  16. This strategy would also potentially have allowed the prey to recover and be, fed ,upon similarly later. The arms, compared with those of other theropods
  17. Army then encountered it along with other serpents on the march. Amphisbaenae, fed ,off of the corpses left behind. The amphisbaena has been referred to by the
  18. Agamemnon's father, murdered the children of his twin brother Theses and, fed ,them to him after discovering Theses' adultery with his wife Europe.
  19. In addition, they read history, geography and biographies. Those readings, fed ,the Bronzes' imaginations. The children's creativity soared after their
  20. Generally cooler, less dense and less salty than the deeper waters, as they are, fed ,by large fluvial systems, whereas the deep waters originate from the warm
  21. Associated with each other. For much of the 5th century at least democracy, fed ,off an empire of subject states. Thucydides the son of Silesia (not the
  22. World has grown gray from thy breath;: We have drunken of things Lethe an, and, fed , on the fullness of death. The line" Time and the Gods are at strife" inspired
  23. Around human settlements and temples, where it becomes accustomed to being, fed ,by humans, particularly in any of the three“ monkey forest” temples, such as
  24. Offset presses, but most books are now printed on web presses, which are, fed ,by a continuous roll of paper, and can consequently print more copies in a
  25. The habit of regularly visiting the town of Brandon, and the people there, fed ,it, so that over time the bear became tame. A young girl teased the bear, and
  26. Of guinea pigs. However, guinea pigs proved to be susceptible to scurvy when, fed ,a diet similar to that of sailors that developed scurvy, and the food-factor of
  27. With the removal of the amino group by a transaminase, the amino group is then, fed ,into the urea cycle. The other product of transmutation is a keto acid that
  28. XIII. The scandal of the Great Schism created anti-papal sentiment, and, fed , into the Protestant Reformation at the turn of the 16th century. List of
  29. Belts) involves few steps. The gathered signatures, book blocks, will be, fed ,into the line where they will use one by one be gripped by plates converging from
  30. A pupal stage before emerging as an adult. The larva is largely immobile and is, fed ,and cared for by workers. Food is given to the larvae by prophylaxis, a
  31. Development of the bus, was the invention of the electric trolleybus, typically, fed , through trolley poles by overhead wires, which actually preceded, and in many
  32. Under command of Colonel de la Silver. Colonel Belville's Hanoverian's were, fed ,into the battle to steady the resolve of the dragoons, and once more went to
  33. Since the advent of MTV and other video music channels, pop audiences have been, fed ,elaborate videos thick with jaw-dropping effects, awesome choreography
  34. One pound of farmed salmon, products from several pounds of wild fish are, fed ,to them. As the salmon farming industry expands, it requires more wild forage
  35. A river almost in reverse, for long reputed to be sourced by a powerful glacier, fed ,stream high in the Pair Knot at the eastern end of Afghanistan's Khan
  36. The BBC Micro in mode 7 — the SAA5050 — but used software to ensure that it was, fed ,with the correct graphics data. A software ROM would put the machine into an
  37. Having (Constant-Current) Modulation. The RF amplifier plate voltage is, fed ,through a“ choke” ( high value inductor). The AM modulation tube plate is
  38. Precise 'seed' value, using an analog computer front-end, which value is then, fed ,into a digital computer, using an iterative process to achieve the final
  39. The pilot or Weapon Systems Officer (WHO). In an A-10,for example, the video, fed ,from the seeker head is relayed to a screen in the cockpit, where the pilot can
  40. In physics, the department in which John Standoff worked. The machine could be, fed ,two linear equations with up to twenty-nine variables and a constant term and
  41. With their age and in some species, such as honeypot ants, young workers are, fed ,until their Masters are distended, and act as living food storage vessels.
  42. Prevalently in OECD member countries. In the U. S.,70 % of the grain grown is, fed ,to animals on feedlots. Pest control includes the management of weeds
  43. Circuit is reset by the appropriate sync timing pulse. These waveforms are, fed ,to the horizontal and vertical scan coils wrapped around the CRT tube. These
  44. To have lived on areas of the ocean floor that received little or no light and, fed ,on detritus that descended from upper layers of the sea to the bottom. In
  45. Heroes to a more cynical view of many of them as spoiled and overpaid. This was, fed ,by the growing legions of television reporters, commentators,and print sports
  46. Of the Great Frigate bird, whose chicks take up to six months to fledge and are, fed ,by the parents for up to an additional 14 months. In some species, both parents
  47. Aegis thus claiming his right of revenge for Agamemnon's father Atreus having, fed ,Theses his own children (Theses then crying out" So perish all the race
  48. Time base circuits In an analog receiver with a CRT display sync pulses are, fed ,to horizontal and vertical time base amplifier circuits. These generate modified
  49. Throats without anesthetizing them first but also expressed that she was ", fed ,up with being under the thumb of this population which is destroying us
  50. Into the lakes in the great rift valley. The largest river is the OMO, which, fed , by the rains of the Ethiopian highlands, carries down a large body of water

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