Examples of the the word, omit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( omit ), is the 5257 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By Britain and its colonies in 1752,and thus modern editions invariably, omit ,it. To make it easier to locate a particular passage, each chapter was
  2. In 662,a Nestorian bishop living in what is now called Iraq said: I will, omit ,all discussion of the science of the Indians ... of their subtle discoveries in
  3. Sound, and vigorous vocals. Metal subgenres variously emphasize, alter,or, omit ,one or more of these attributes. New York Times critic Jon Pearls writes," In
  4. We omit the PTH term. That is, for the first term we multiply all n numbers but, omit ,the first, for the second we multiply all n numbers but omit the second and so
  5. Verse numbers. Later editors freely substituted their own chapter summaries, or, omit , such material entirely. Pillow marks are used to indicate the beginnings of
  6. A blessing for the leaders and patrons of the synagogue. The Sephardi, omit ,much of the Serum Urban. Prayers are then recited (in some communities) for
  7. Working groups, which can have several Sub Groups (SG). It is possible to, omit ,certain stages, if there is a document with a certain degree of maturity at the
  8. Scientific magazines, which often state that the INK simply" lost 50 µg" and, omit ,the very important caveat of" in comparison to its official copies ".
  9. The Harlan after the Modem (" Thanksgiving" ) prayer. (American Reform Jews, omit ,the USAF service. ) Missed prayer In the event one of the prayers was missed
  10. Steps of procedures such as loading, firing and emptying in the wrong order or, omit ,steps of the procedures. *Misunderstandings about a firearm's status. For
  11. All n numbers but omit the first, for the second we multiply all n numbers but, omit ,the second and so on. The numerator, excluding the n, which goes with the
  12. Replaced with an 'o' as in =O. In most circles it has become acceptable to, omit ,the hyphen, whether a colon or an equal sign is used for the eyes, e. g.:). In
  13. From the Minister; thirdly, that the Minister should have the option to, omit ,part of the set liturgy at his discretion; fourthly, that short Collects should
  14. Not Christian, the epitomes paint a favorable image of Constantine, but, omit , reference to Constantine's religious policies. The Panegyric Latin, a
  15. Destructive of his life, or takes away the means of preserving the same; and to, omit ,that by which he thinks it may best be preserved. Hobbes was a social
  16. The official aeronautical navigation charts for the area show Groom Lake but, omit ,the airport facilities. Similarly, the National Atlas page showing federal lands
  17. To be the arithmetic mean of the product of numbers n times but each time we, omit ,the PTH term. That is, for the first term we multiply all n numbers but omit
  18. Is not necessarily incremental. Some levels are interdependent but a PBX may, omit ,support of some levels (above 6) and support others. DPNSS is a compelled
  19. Sub-zones2 other than Classic can produce Chianti Superior wines but must, omit ,the sub-zone name on the label. Aging is calculated from 1 January after the
  20. Field, whitespace characters were generally ignored, allowing the programmer to, omit ,space between tokens for brevity, or include spaces within identifiers for
  21. Call at least for briefly cooked coddled eggs or pasteurized eggs. Recipes may, omit ,the egg and produce a" Caesar vinaigrette ". Yogurt is sometimes substituted
  22. Years of the Hebrew calendar in the present millennium, writers usually, omit ,the thousands (which is presently 5 ‫ה‬),but if they do not, this is accepted
  23. Which … equipped him with a mythical biography from which it was impossible to, omit ,combat with a reptilian monster. " Calling the Christ story" a particularly
  24. For the same real odds, so Big 6/8 are rarely used and many casinos simply, omit ,them from the layout. Casinos in Atlantic City are even prohibited by law from
  25. Have a register file located on each chip and integer-only implementations to, omit ,the floating-point register file containing the floating point registers. A
  26. Of a preceding to become. Omissions in consonant clusters Faeroese tends to, omit ,the first or second consonant in clusters of different consonants: *foals (
  27. In our fundamental law that I can not, in accordance with my sense of duty, omit ,to press them upon the consideration of a new Congress. " Spoils system When
  28. Year William Webb wrote in his Discourse of English Poetry that: I may not, omit ,the deserved commendations of many honorable and noble Lords and gentlemen in
  29. A Void (La Disposition) (1969) and its English translation by Gilbert Aware, omit ,‹ e › and are considered better works. Is the fifth letter in Uyghur (
  30. Words become increasingly naturalized, there is an increasing tendency to, omit ,the accent marks, even in formal writing. For example, words such as rôle and
  31. Degree abbreviations vary. In the United Kingdom, it is increasingly common to, omit ,punctuations from abbreviations that are not truncation: while the usual
  32. Is" Nimrod ", depicting Jaeger. Purely musical considerations led Elgar to, omit ,variations depicting Arthur Sullivan and Hubert Parry, whose styles he tried
  33. As birthplace were coded as" United Kingdom ". This interpretation may, omit ,as few as 21,500 Irish-born present in the country, as many as 29,500,or
  34. Software to foil this protection. Another Wozniak optimization allowed him to, omit ,Shugart's Track-0 sensor. When the Operating System wants to go to track 0
  35. Pawn and an idiot—going so far as to hide his use of Claudius as a source and, omit ,Claudius' character from his works. Even his version of Claudius' Lyons
  36. With TA the total concentration of species A. Note that it is customary to, omit ,the ionic charges when writing and using these equations. When the equilibrium
  37. Responded," As far as the text is concerned, I confess that I would gladly, omit ,even the word German and instead use Human; also with my best knowledge and
  38. There is a tendency to gravitate towards brevity; Japanese speakers tend to, omit ,pronouns on the theory they are inferred from the previous sentence, and are
  39. Recitation of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed are officially encouraged to, omit ,it. The agreement that brought about the 1595 Union of Brest expressly declared
  40. And the table, and sometimes a casino will have different tables that use or, omit ,these variants and others. * 11 is a point number instead of a natural. Rolling
  41. Of an unfamiliar word (auditory processing disorder) * Tendencies to, omit ,or add letters or words when writing and reading Secondary school children and
  42. And Ь as" er-maluk" ( small Er). When saying the alphabet fast, people often, omit ,to say Й and Ь, and say Ъ simply as. For the transliteration of Bulgarian into
  43. Basic format or" 13:47:30" in the extended format. It is also acceptable to, omit ,lower order time elements for reduced accuracy: Combined date and time
  44. Have complex lifecycles with asexual polyp stages and sexual medusae, but some, omit ,either the polyp or the medusa stage. Cnidarians were for a long time grouped
  45. At the end of the word. Vowels Users of Arabic usually write long vowels but, omit ,short ones, so readers must utilize their knowledge of the language in order to
  46. Treaties contrarily but consistently place" witnesses" earlier and, omit ,prologue and blessing sections, requiring classification of the Sinai covenant
  47. Published from 1834 to 1948 and traditional native speakers of Hawaiian generally, omit ,the marks in their own writing. The OKing and Kazakh are intended to help
  48. No more credibility than the British ones mentioned above. Most estimates also, omit ,the microscopic Algae, such as the phytoplankton, entirely. Distribution The
  49. Software to foil this protection. Another Wozniak optimization allowed him to, omit ,Shugart's Track-0 sensor. When the Operating System wants to go to track 0
  50. Included Sussex, Surrey and Kent. List of kings The following list of kings may, omit ,whole generations. Spelling There are a number of variations of the spelling of

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