Examples of the the word, uncertain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( uncertain ), is the 5263 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A term for woman warriors in general. Etymology The origin of the word is, uncertain , It may be derived from an Iranian ethnonym *Hamadan-," warriors ", a word
  2. When it also was given 29 days. The derivation of the name (Latin Aprils) is, uncertain , The traditional etymology is from the Latin aperture," to open," in allusion
  3. To comply with this royal order was to be punished by loss of office. It is, uncertain ,how seriously this should be taken; Asset was more concerned to represent
  4. It had seniority. The stated history of the discovery of actinium remained, uncertain ,for decades. Articles published in the 1970s and later suggest that Debierne's
  5. Unusual experience; it may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an, uncertain ,outcome. The term is often used to refer to activities with some potential for
  6. Isolating Data and causing more troops to defect to Aurangzeb. Shula, however, uncertain , of Aurangzeb's sincerity, continued to battle his brother, but his forces
  7. And remains of settlements date from 600 AD. The date of European discovery is, uncertain ,: some sources claim that Columbus sighted the island in 1493,while others
  8. Government had lied to them and was neither just nor dependable. During this, uncertain ,time Akira Kurosawa, in a series of first-rate films, sustained the people by
  9. Then they deserved, being supposed to be of some local Asiatic fabric of, uncertain ,date. Nor was a connection immediately detected between them and the objects
  10. Incentives to diagnose ASD, resulting in some over diagnosis of children with, uncertain ,symptoms. Conversely, the cost of screening and diagnosis and the challenge of
  11. Death and aftermath The circumstances that surround Agrippina's death are, uncertain ,due to historical contradictions and anti-Nero bias. All surviving stories of
  12. Sad where Marić's parents lived. Her full name is not known, and her fate is, uncertain ,after 1903. Einstein and Magic married in January 1903. In May 1904,the couple
  13. The Latinization, fūcus, meant primarily the cosmetic rouge. The etymology is, uncertain , but a strong candidate has long been some word related to the Biblical פוך (
  14. Universities were offering some form of CAM training. " Regulation Due to the, uncertain ,nature of various alternative therapies and the wide variety of claims
  15. And more chemically similar and indistinguishable lanthanides, which were of an, uncertain ,number, led to inconsistency and uncertain ty in the numbering of all elements
  16. Number! Dual: | |! Plural:! Plural: | | |! Plural: | /V/ symbolizes an, uncertain ,vowel. Suffixes reconstructed for Proto-Turkic, Proto-Mongolic, Proto-Korean
  17. Wide-based" drunken sailor" gait (called truncate ataxia),characterized by, uncertain ,starts and stops, lateral deviations, and unequal steps. * Dysfunction of the
  18. Systematic position of the order Agnostic within the class Trilobite remains, uncertain , and there has been continuing debate whether they are trilobites or a stem
  19. With the accepted canon prima facie. Non-canonical books are texts of, uncertain ,authenticity, or writings where the work is seriously questioned. Given that
  20. The nature of this alliance and their previous tribal affiliations remain, uncertain , The alliance had a warlike history, frequently attacking the Roman province of
  21. Related to Jockeyed prior to the marriage, although the exact relationship is, uncertain ,; some Greek and Latin manuscripts of the Septuagint state that Jockeyed was
  22. Is estimated to be two and a half times as massive, though this is highly, uncertain , The fact that such large asteroids as Sylvia can be rubble piles, presumably
  23. Old Norse ask literally means" ash tree" but the etymology of emblem is, uncertain , and two possibilities of the meaning of emblem are generally proposed. The
  24. Theropod dinosaur. The genus has a complicated taxonomy, and includes an, uncertain ,number of valid species, the best known of which is A. fragile. The bulk of
  25. From Masses (Latin Mini) in Saxony. The dates of his birth and death are, uncertain , but he was probably born before 1050 and died on 12 October of an unknown year
  26. God and Devil, that combines all opposites into one Being. Sources It is, uncertain ,what the actual role and function of Abraham was in the Basilica system, as
  27. Mentioned that Eagle's orbit had decayed, resulting in it impacting in an ", uncertain ,location" on the lunar surface. The location is uncertain because the Eagle
  28. The difficulty in classifying the families involved, estimates are likely to be, uncertain , From an economic point of view, the order Asparagus is second in importance
  29. This, says Wanton, is why he was named the" Fierce ". The dating of this is, uncertain , as are his enemies' identity. However, in 1116 the Annals of Ulster report: "
  30. Recovered fairly quickly, with Kurosawa now taking refuge in domestic life, uncertain ,if he would ever direct another film. In early 1973,the Soviet studio Mos film
  31. Texts until the 3rd century CE. Etymology The etymology of Apollo is, uncertain , The spelling Ἀπόλλων had almost superseded all other forms by the beginning of
  32. Is of unknown ultimate provenience. Its etymology and language of origin are, uncertain , It appears to be one of the most ancient of recorded names. A number of
  33. Nothing about such things. " Theology Alien was a devout Muslim, though it is, uncertain ,which branch of Islam he followed. He may have been either a follower of the
  34. Low, by broadening of X-ray diffraction peaks. This effect makes somewhat, uncertain ,the temperature of americium and some of its properties, such as electrical
  35. Late Byzantine Greek, take their names, is ammonium. The origin of this is, uncertain ,; all suggestions have some difficulty either of form or interpretation. The
  36. Of the economy as the means to achieve such ambitions. With an increasingly, uncertain ,economic outlook, after his attempt to nationalize the banks and a strike by
  37. It impacting in an" uncertain location" on the lunar surface. The location is, uncertain ,because the Eagle ascent stage was not tracked after it was jettisoned, and the
  38. As descended from two ancestors, Qahtan and Adnan. Overstuff (1997) is, uncertain ,whether to ascribe this distinction to the memory of a real difference of
  39. Work of Arab geographers of the ninth century (Salesman in 851),though it is, uncertain ,whether ancient geographers like Ptolemy also knew of the Andaman's but referred
  40. Surviving play, Wealth II, it more closely resembles New Comedy. However it is, uncertain ,whether he led or merely responded to changes in audience expectations.
  41. Pigs, sheep and goats found only on the island. The origin of these breeds is, uncertain , and is a matter of some speculation. Common suggestions are that they are old
  42. And NSAIDs The exact mechanism of action of paracetamol/acetaminophen is, uncertain , but it appears to be acting centrally rather than peripherally (in the brain
  43. Of Athens; Any connection to the city of Athens in the Knossos inscription is, uncertain , We also find A-ta-no-dju-wa-ja /Athena Divya/, the final part being the Linear
  44. Is currently under treatment with antiparasitic drugs, but the result is still, uncertain , The other threatened population is the one in Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden
  45. Name, originally from the Gothic language. The original meaning of the name is, uncertain , It could be derived from Adam" noble" and fans" ready" or from the name
  46. For their ancestors are marked with an asterisk, and /V/ represents an, uncertain ,vowel. Other basic vocabulary The following table is a brief selection of
  47. Successor Girl in Strathallan and other king lists have the same report. It is, uncertain ,which, if any, of the Prophecy of Merchant kings should be taken to be AED.
  48. Antimony. The Egyptians called antimony midst; in hieroglyphs, the vowels are, uncertain , but there is an Arabic tradition that the word is ميسديميت mesdames. The Greek
  49. And King Consort, Francis,Duke of Cádiz. Alfonso's biological paternity is, uncertain ,: there is speculation that his biological father may have been Francisco
  50. The Genius, now led by Unsound,Thurisind's son. The cause of the conflict is, uncertain , as the sources are divided; the Lombard Paul the Deacon accuses the Genius

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