Examples of the the word, insufficient , in a Sentence Context

The word ( insufficient ), is the 5264 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bury Moses without providing for purification rites, yet oceans are declared, insufficient , " (Isaiah 40:12). " Why," said Abbey," does it not say,'The Lord comet
  2. Many players want to play. Half court games are also played when there is an, insufficient ,number of players to form full 5-on-5 teams. There are other basketball
  3. An internal wound caused by ulceration, hard stool or penetrative objects with, insufficient ,lubrication. This wound typically becomes infected as a result of the normal
  4. Plague similar to Ebola. Archaeologist Barney Sloane has argued that there are, insufficient ,evidence of the extinction of large number of rats in the archaeological record
  5. Has outpaced jobs, inefficient use of energy resources (such as natural gas), insufficient , power supplies, slow implementation of economic reforms, political infighting
  6. Or bleeding into joint spaces, which can be crippling. ** Ineffective or, insufficient ,platelets can also result in coagulopathy (bleeding disorders). **
  7. From figures for the clergy. In addition to arguing that the rat population was, insufficient ,to account for a bubonic plague pandemic, sceptics of the bubonic plague theory
  8. Mental state that results from a difficult challenge for which the subject has, insufficient ,coping skills. Alan Alexander Milne (18 January 1882 – 31 January 1956) was
  9. Unfortunately, because of cash flow problems (resulting from growing too fast, insufficient ,financial backing, technical problems, and a sudden problem with Z80 processor
  10. For the following conditions, the Cochrane Collaboration has concluded there is, insufficient ,evidence to determine whether acupuncture is beneficial, often because of the
  11. In the Academy rule books and has yet to be retired. However, due to continuous, insufficient ,eligibility each year, it has not been awarded since 1984 (when Purple Rain
  12. Locals becoming stranded on outback trips occasionally occur, sometime because, insufficient ,water and food supplies were taken, or because people have walked away from
  13. In addition, high stocking densities can result in water flow being, insufficient , creating inadequate oxygen supply and waste product removal. Many of these
  14. Credit for the increases in armaments production than was warranted and give, insufficient ,consideration to the" highly political" function of the so-called armaments
  15. Other media surveys of potential voting support. When this charge was deemed, insufficient , interested party officers and senators reinforced it with negative media
  16. The Grand Fleet, as they believed that their smaller number of ships would be, insufficient ,to engage the entire British fleet. This formed part of a larger strategy to
  17. Of many subdivisions of Niger–Congo, not just Bantu, is hampered by, insufficient ,data. Production of publications on all African languages has been spasmodic
  18. Of the best five randomized controlled trials available concluded there was, insufficient ,evidence to support the use of acupuncture in the treatment of the symptoms of
  19. Converge Bellicose was now aware that full fleet engagement was nearing, but had, insufficient ,information on the position and course of the Germans. To assist Beatty, early
  20. For Raise, who was suffering from a serious urinary tract infection because of, insufficient ,water intake. To avoid altering the trajectory of the spacecraft, the crew had
  21. Resolve complaints. * The software prevents improper plays and calls, such as, insufficient ,bids, revokes (failure to follow suit when able),and actions out of turn.
  22. Announced in July 2005,while pressing for more rapid structural reforms. An, insufficient ,electrical supply continues to adversely affect Benin's economic growth though
  23. Cocci Gore, was able to raise some more money, but even this soon proved to be, insufficient ,resources to sustain the club. Florentina were relegated at the end of the
  24. A uniquely defined parent, and up to two children; however, so far there is, insufficient ,information to distinguish a left or right child. If we drop the connectedness
  25. Relied solely on her inability to perform specific manual work tasks which was, insufficient ,in proving the presence of a disability. The Court of Appeals should have taken
  26. However, many Apple III's experienced heating issues, allegedly caused by, insufficient ,cooling and inability to dissipate the heat efficiently. To address the heat
  27. Far south of there. On the other hand, scientists regard the overall data as, insufficient ,due to the" difficulties of undertaking such studies. " Locations. Seaweeds
  28. Consensus. For example Willie Soon and Richard Linden say that there is, insufficient ,proof for anthropogenic attribution. Generally this position requires new
  29. Equipment. Such changes could have rendered previous methods of code breaking, insufficient , with serious implications for the conduct of the war. There was a separation
  30. Of manure on cropland or pastures. Water management is where rainfall is, insufficient ,or variable, which occurs to some degree in most regions of the world.
  31. This was in large part because BASIC dialects on these systems offered, insufficient ,execution speed, as well as insufficient facilities to take full advantage of
  32. The winter and very far removed from civilization even during the summer. With, insufficient ,supplies at the mines, Agassiz struggled to maintain order, while back in
  33. Letter shapes - this would be useful in note-taking scenarios if there was, insufficient ,time to make corrections immediately. To conserve memory and storage space
  34. Dialects on these systems offered insufficient execution speed, as well as, insufficient ,facilities to take full advantage of the available hardware on these systems.
  35. Unless live-stock are on-site. The wastes of a single family are usually, insufficient ,to produce enough methane for anything more than small amounts of cooking.
  36. That the scientific community's attitude towards Bigfoot stems primarily from, insufficient ,evidence. Other scientists who have shown varying degrees of interest in the
  37. An important step in immune response to infection; however, there is currently, insufficient ,evidence to show aspirin helps to fight infection. More recent data also
  38. Extensive variety of diseases. Excessive apoptosis causes atrophy, whereas an, insufficient ,amount results in uncontrolled cell proliferation, such as cancer. Discovery
  39. Description A buffer overflow occurs when data written to a buffer, due to, insufficient ,bounds checking, corrupts data values in memory addresses adjacent to the
  40. Mass for a bare 242m1Am sphere is about 9–14 kg (the uncertainty results from, insufficient ,knowledge of its material properties). It can be lowered to 3–5 kg with a
  41. Extensions of BCS theory exist to describe these other cases, although they are, insufficient ,to completely describe the observed features of high-temperature
  42. Depression, dementia,OCD, PTSD,Personality Disorders,Tourette's) was of, insufficient ,scientific quality to support such use, especially as there was strong evidence
  43. The results of published trials are promising, however as of 2008,data was, insufficient ,to support using topiramate in conjunction with brief weekly compliance
  44. Brown et al. realized that Altair would be rotationally flattened, they had, insufficient ,data to experimentally observe its ob lateness. Altair was later observed to be
  45. Set of batteries (especially when rechargeable batteries of the time supplied, insufficient ,power compared to the intended alkaline),they simply glued the lid of the
  46. Preference for children of a specific sex, disapproval of single motherhood, insufficient ,economic support for families, lack of access to or rejection of contraceptive
  47. Has delicate tissue that can tear, and the rectal mucous membrane provides, insufficient ,natural lubrication for sexual penetration. Researchers say adequate
  48. Including lack of adequate nutrition, lack of recovery time between workouts, insufficient ,sleep, and training at a high intensity for too long (a lack of splitting
  49. Breakout might have been possible in the first few weeks, the 6th Army now had, insufficient ,fuel and the German soldiers would have faced great difficulty breaking through
  50. Assertion that the main countervailing philosophy, empiricism,was also, insufficient ,for determining major truths. In France, prestigious annual awards, Blaise

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