Examples of the the word, poison , in a Sentence Context

The word ( poison ), is the 5273 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Wu dang, attempts to poison Jen and succeeds in killing Mu Bad. However,the, poison ,is not only of the physical sort: Jade Fox’s tutelage of Jen has left Jen
  2. She likely married to protect. Dr. Rank's disease becomes a metaphor for the, poison ,infecting the Helmets' marriage and society at large. Mrs. Linde provides the
  3. Was a household secret that differed from family to family. They enhanced the, poison ,with mixtures of roots and stalks of dog's bane, boiled juice of Mekuragumo
  4. He gave his consent" ( ibid.,3). The experiment failed; the monks tried to, poison ,him, and he returned to his cave. The legend goes that they first tried to
  5. In this movie, both literally and figuratively. In the world of martial arts, poison ,is considered the act of one who is too cowardly and dishonorable to fight; and
  6. Trojan War, the Iliad and the Odyssey, spears and arrows were tipped with, poison , During the First Sacred War in Greece, in about 590 BC, Athens and the
  7. Are limited by the toxicity of Ba2+ ions (Barium carbonate is a rat, poison ,), which is not a problem for the insoluble BaSO4. *Barium oxide is used in a
  8. Called" sure ", from the roots and stalks of aconites. The recipe for this, poison ,was a household secret that differed from family to family. They enhanced the
  9. The case. They ruled that, though the herbicides contained a dioxin (a known, poison ,), they were not intended to be used as a poison on humans. Therefore, they
  10. Leaders LEV Rebel and Stefan Band era with a spray gun that fired a jet of, poison ,gas from a crushed cyanide ampule, making their deaths look like heart attacks.
  11. Bait is gathered by the ants as food and brought back to the nest where the, poison ,is inadvertently spread to other colony members through prophylaxis. Boris
  12. That he had planned to kill Hitler in early 1945 by dropping a canister of, poison ,gas into the bunker's air intake. Speer stated his motive was despair at
  13. Caraway, Centella Asiatic - got kola (pennyworth),Confirm maculate -, poison ,hemlock, Coriandrum sativa - coriander, Cuminum coming - cumin, Daucus ca rota
  14. Hangovers; and they made the mistaken assumption that Icarus had tried to, poison ,them. It was decided that Icarus should pay the price with his own life, and
  15. Stating the herbicides used during the war were not intended to be used to, poison ,humans and therefore did not violate international law. The US Supreme Court
  16. Of early human history, leading assassins to attempt stealthy means, such as, poison ,(which risk was answered by having another person taste the leader's food
  17. To their young leading to the further spread of the nematode. South American, poison ,dart frogs in the genus Dendrites feed mainly on ants, and the toxins in
  18. Also shows that companies often improve their corporate governance by removing, poison ,pills or classified boards and by reducing excessive CEO pay after their
  19. Alexander Knox. His character was originally supposed to die by the Joker's, poison ,gas in the climax, but the filmmakers" liked my character so much," Who said
  20. See below). Other accounts claimed that he committed suicide by taking the, poison ,concealed in his ring. In fiction The defeat of Bayed became a popular
  21. Are produced by a wide range of structures including Dufour's glands, poison ,glands and glands on the hind gut, pygidium,rectum, sternum and hind tibia.
  22. Warfare dominated strategy on the Western Front, and the use of chemical and, poison ,gases added to the devastation. The Second World War broke out in 1939 with the
  23. Blue tones and is called neela Santa, or blue-throated, for having swallowed, poison ,in an attempt to turn the tide of a battle between the gods and demons in the
  24. Acid in the body. Native Americans used Red Alder bark (Anus Aubrey) to treat, poison ,oak, insect bites, and skin irritations. Blackfeet Indians used an infusion
  25. That mislabeling a poison as an innocuous herb, and then selling the mislabeled, poison ,through a dealer who would be expected to resell it, put " human life in
  26. For the plaintiffs' claims. He concluded Agent Orange was not considered a, poison ,under international law at the time of its use by the U. S.; the U. S. was not
  27. Lucien leucocephala. This compound is an analogue of tyrosine and can, poison ,animals that graze on these plants. Uses in technology Amino acids are used for
  28. The only character that explicitly fits these characteristics is Jade Fox. The, poison ,is a weapon of her bitterness and quest for vengeance: she poison s the master
  29. Thomas v. Winchester,6 N. Y. 397 (N. Y. 1852),which held that mislabeling a, poison ,as an innocuous herb, and then selling the mislabeled poison through a dealer
  30. Has been developed. Fire ants, Solenopsis SPP., are unique in having a, poison ,sac containing piperidine alkaloids. Their stings are painful and can be
  31. Two college students, Allen Sch wander and Stephen Era, who had planned to, poison ,the city's water supply with typhoid and other bacteria. Sch wander had founded
  32. Even though she is the one who initially trained Jen, Jen is never seen to use, poison ,herself. This indicates that there is hope yet to reform her and integrate her
  33. But from time to time she had to turn away to empty it, at which point the, poison ,would drip onto Loki, who writhed in pain, thus causing earthquakes. He would
  34. A Little Nightmare Music, by P. D. Q. Bach. In the opera, Salieri attempts to, poison ,an anachronistic Shaffer but is bumped by a" clumsy oaf ", which causes him to
  35. In small quantities. For example, barium acetate was used by Marie Towards to, poison ,her father in 1993. Non-toxicity of barium sulfate Because it is highly
  36. Him, and he returned to his cave. The legend goes that they first tried to, poison ,his drink. He prayed a blessing over the cup and the cup shattered. Then they
  37. To ask him to capture the Marathon Bull, but Theseus succeeded. She tried to, poison ,him, but at the last second, Aegeas recognized his sword and knocked the
  38. Shaffer but is bumped by a" clumsy oaf ", which causes him to inadvertently, poison ,Mozart instead and spill wine on his favorite coat. *Patrick Stewart played
  39. Influenced her work, as many of the murders in her books are carried out with, poison , Despite a turbulent courtship, on Christmas Eve 1914 Agatha married Archibald
  40. Densities (algal blooms) these algae may discolor the water and outcompete, poison , or asphyxiate other life forms. Algae are variously sensitive to different
  41. And quest for vengeance: she poison s the master of Wu dang, attempts to, poison ,Jen and succeeds in killing Mu Bad. However, the poison is not only of the
  42. Ainu hunted with arrows and spears with poison -coated points. They obtained the, poison , called" sure ", from the roots and stalks of aconites. The recipe for this
  43. To good use in her post-war crime novels. For example, the use of thallium as a, poison ,was suggested to her by SUCH Chief Pharmacist Harold Davis (later appointed
  44. Apse Vienna Bias" (" Evil are the things thou profferest, drink thou thy own, poison ,"). This medal was first struck in 1880 to commemorate the fourteenth
  45. Rome by the warnings of Cardinal Contains, whom he found at Bologna, dying of, poison ,administered by the reactionary party. 1542,escape to Geneva He turned aside
  46. Of the Soviet Union, begins publication in Saint Petersburg. *1915 – The use of, poison ,gas in World War I escalates when chlorine gas is released as a chemical weapon
  47. Agrippina to his dinner table. Agrippina later stated that Tiberius tried to, poison ,her. In 29,Agrippina and her sons Nero and Dress, were arrested on the orders
  48. He prayed a blessing over the cup and the cup shattered. Then they tried to, poison ,him with poison ed bread. When he prayed a blessing over the bread, a raven
  49. Is usually undesirable because of its explosive character and its ability to, poison ,Ziegler-Natta catalysts. It is selectively hydrogenated into ethylene, usually
  50. Contained a dioxin (a known poison ),they were not intended to be used as a, poison ,on humans. Therefore, they were not considered a chemical weapon and thus not a

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