Examples of the the word, basin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( basin ), is the 5265 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Referred to as the Athens or Attica Basin (Greek: Λεκανοπέδιο Αττικής). The, basin ,is bounded by four large mountains: Mount Aigaleo to the west, Mount Parish
  2. Entry for over a century and remains the trading center for the lower Columbia, basin , although it has long since been eclipsed by Portland, Oregon and Seattle
  3. Watershed About of land is drained by the Amu Darya into the Aral Sea endorheic, basin , This includes most of Tajikistan, the southwest corner of Kyrgyzstan, the
  4. An old arm of the sea, dating from a time when the whole central Congo, basin ,was underwater; others holding that the lake water has accumulated in a
  5. Angola in 1955. Production began in the Stanza basin in the 1950s,in the Congo, basin ,in the 1960s,and in the exclave of Cabinet in 1968. The Portuguese government
  6. Filled principally by the Chart coming from the southeast. West of this is the, basin ,of the Niger, the third major river of Africa. With its principal source in the
  7. A royal residence at Tell Break, a crossroads at the heart of the Kabul River, basin ,of the Jewish. Naram-Sin campaigned against Pagan which also revolted;
  8. Into Upper Andalusia (two mountainous areas) and Lower Andalusia (the broad, basin ,of the Guadalquivir). The Sierra Moreno separates Andalusia from the plains of
  9. Are tributaries of the Amazon). The Amazon, which has the largest drainage, basin ,in the world, about,accounts for approximately one-fifth of the world's total
  10. Discovered petroleum in Angola in 1955. Production began in the Stanza, basin ,in the 1950s,in the Congo basin in the 1960s,and in the exclave of Cabinet in
  11. Basin corresponds to the Anadyrsky District of Chukka. It is long and has a, basin ,of. It is frozen from October to late May and has a maximum flow in June with
  12. Of Pennsylvania as part of a canal system to be used as a reservoir for a canal, basin ,in Johnstown. With the coming-of-age of railroads superseding canal barge
  13. Areas, especially on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea and in the upper Nile, basin , have an intensified rainfall, but this rarely approaches that of the rainiest
  14. The continent as a whole. The best marked of the basin s so formed (the Congo, basin ,) occupies a circular area bisected by the equator, once probably the site of
  15. Ocean vessels of 3,000 tons or 9,000 tons a giant tropical forest and river, basin ,with an area that stretches more than. It is the richest tropical forest in the
  16. His own theory. Wallace did extensive fieldwork, first in the Amazon River, basin ,and then in the Malay Archipelago, where he identified the Wallace Line that
  17. The main drainage of the continent is to the north and west, or towards the, basin ,of the Atlantic Ocean. To the main African rivers belong: Nile (the longest
  18. As it runs up to join the Red Sea. There is, however,in the center a circular, basin ,occupied by Lake Sana. Both in the east and west of the continent the
  19. First European encounter of the Amazon by Pinion, the Portuguese portion of the, basin ,remained an untended former food gathering and planned agricultural landscape
  20. The European discovery of the Amazon River, the total cultivated area in its, basin ,was probably less than, excluding the limited and crudely cultivated areas
  21. El Mullen at and El Delta at. Lower Andalusia, the Baltic Depression,the, basin ,of the Guadalquivir, lies between these two mountainous areas. It is a nearly
  22. Streams that do not reach the sea. Of the remaining rivers of the Atlantic, basin , the Orange, in the extreme south, brings the drainage from the d'Arenberg on
  23. Found chiefly on the tropical coasts, and in the west African equatorial, basin ,with its extension towards the upper Nile; and savanna interspersed with trees
  24. In East Africa, where the range of temperature is wider than in the Congo, basin ,or on the Guinea coast. In the extreme north and south the climate is a warm
  25. Pressed by the maritime powers and by the countries encircling the upper Amazon, basin , especially Peru, decreed the opening of the Amazon to all flags; but limited
  26. Expansion is cited as a key factor driving deforestation, in the Amazon, basin ,70 % of previously forested area is now occupied by pastures and the remainder
  27. A genus restricted to Africa) is found only in the dense forests of the Congo, basin , Bears are confined to the Atlas region, wolves and foxes to North Africa. The
  28. Faults and the kart topography present along the northern border of the Amazon, basin ,may have some role in supplying water to the river. If the impermeable rocks
  29. Results: The areas of individual river basin s are: The area of the Congo, basin ,is greater than that of any other river except the Amazon, while the African
  30. From cities or towns located at their rims. Where a lake has formed within the, basin , the water body is usually saline as a result of the internal drainage — the
  31. And fifth longest on the Iberian Peninsula, at. The rivers of the Atlantic, basin ,are characteristically long, run through mostly flat terrain, and have broad
  32. Tune of" Annie Lisle ". The lyrics are:: Far above the dykes of Fundy: And its, basin ,blue: Stands our noble alma mater: Glorious to view: Lift the chorus: Speed it
  33. River (Chukka) from the south and the Achaean River from the north. Its, basin ,is surrounded by (north) Amguyema River and Palyavaam River, ( northwest)
  34. Floristic province and (coinciding roughly with the upper Segura, basin ,) a small portion of the Castilian-Maestrazgan-Manchegan logistic province.
  35. River encircling the world. The Atlantic Ocean occupies an elongated, S-shaped, basin , extending longitudinally between Europe and Africa to the east, and the
  36. The campaign of Caracalla in 213. At that time they apparently dwelt in the, basin ,of the Main, to the south of the Chatty. Cassius Did (
  37. It afterwards turns north through Lake Were and descends to the forest-clad, basin ,of west equatorial Africa. Traversing this in a majestic northward curve, and
  38. Question he had posed in his earlier paper on the monkeys of the Amazon River, basin , Although it contained no mention of any possible mechanisms for evolution
  39. Then dwelt or moved along other coastal people perhaps confederated up to the, basin ,of the Scale (in the neighborhood of the ancient canton of Engrain) on the
  40. A way to the Atlantic Ocean through the western highlands. North of the Congo, basin , and separated from it by a broad undulation of the surface, is the basin of
  41. In the low-lying areas of the Sis tan Basin of the southwest, the Jalalabad, basin ,in the east, and the Turkestan plains along the Amu River in the north, where
  42. Jesuit) ... ". Description The river's total length is and its drainage, basin ,totals in area, providing a mean discharge of around The Pan River forms the
  43. Have increased. There are ten species of salmon inhabiting the Andy river, basin , Every year, on the last Sunday in April, there is an ice fishing competition
  44. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a rugged north-south centerline for the entire Atlantic, basin , first discovered by the Challenger Expedition dominates the ocean floor. This
  45. Women he claimed having encountered and fought there. Afterwards the whole, basin ,and region of the Amazon (Amazonia in Spanish) were named after the river.
  46. Bering Sea and drains much of the interior of Chukka Autonomous Drug. Its, basin ,corresponds to the Anadyrsky District of Chukka. It is long and has a basin
  47. Purple and green sulfur bacteria. Fossilized filamentous algae from the Cinthya, basin ,have been dated back to 1.6 to 1.7 billion years ago. Etymology and study is
  48. Congo basin , and separated from it by a broad undulation of the surface, is the, basin ,of Lake Chad - a flat-shored, shallow lake filled principally by the Chart
  49. Melanosuchus Niger, the Jacare-assu, Large,or Black Caiman of the Amazon River, basin , Black Caimans grow to 16.5 feet (5 m),with the largest recorded size 5.79 m
  50. To the sea. The two largest basin s on the plateau are the Kenya OVAs and the, basin ,occupied by the large salt lake, Tuz Gold. Forested areas are confined to the

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