Examples of the the word, fertility , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fertility ), is the 5272 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 48.33 years: Male: 47.28 years: Female: 49.43 years (2011 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate :5.05 children born/woman (2011 est. ) HIV/AIDS: Adult prevalence rate:
  2. Suggested that they may have evolved as a visual signal of sexual maturity and, fertility , Many people regard the female human body, of which breasts are an important
  3. Status as rulers. Even certain male deities representing regeneration and, fertility ,were occasionally depicted with breast-like appendices, such as the river god
  4. 2004 – Iambi allegedly admitted to using many steroids, including, fertility , drugs (which could account for his declining health in the past few years).
  5. As a result of this mutually-beneficial relationship, alder improves the, fertility ,of the soils where it grows, and as a pioneer species, it helps provide
  6. Covenant relationship with YHWH) and a Creation Theology (YHWH will undo the, fertility ,of the earth in response to Israel following other fertility gods). " The
  7. And linguistic heritage with the later arrivals. Macho was the Chaldean god of, fertility , Worshiped by the Canaanites as Latham, some time in the 3rd millennium BC
  8. Excellent" and AJO" island, land near water" ), refers to the region's, fertility , today known as the fruit basket of the Netherlands (the Bette). Finds of
  9. 71.61 years: Male: 68.27 years: Female: 75.05 years (2009 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate :2.54 children born/woman (2010 est. ) HIV/AIDS: Adult prevalence rate:
  10. Recovery in recent years. Agriculture Algeria has always been noted for the, fertility ,of its soil. 14 percent of its labor force are employed in the agricultural
  11. Former Czech prime minister, Jan Fischer, is of Jewish origin and faith. The, fertility ,rate is a low 1.50 children per woman. Immigration increased the population by
  12. The hook-and-cross symbol represents Saturn, the God of agriculture and, fertility , The hook and cross symbol also resembles the sickle, which is associated with
  13. North Africa and the Middle East. Many female deities representing love and, fertility ,were associated with breasts and breast milk. Figures of the Phoenician goddess
  14. To the Germanic May Day festival, both in its significance (focusing on, fertility ,) and its rituals (such as maypole dancing). Some Wicca celebrate" High
  15. To at the highest altitudes. Despite the harshness of winter in most parts,the, fertility ,of the plateau's volcanic soil made Armenia one of the world's the earliest sites
  16. Being connected with local ancestral veneration of the breast as a symbol of, fertility ,and well-being. In Asia there was a mountain, known as" Breast Mountain" with
  17. That the overuse of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers damages the long-term, fertility ,of the soil. While this feeling lay dormant for decades, as environmental
  18. 1,000 citizens. The net migration rate is 2.14 migrants per 1,000 citizens. The, fertility ,rate of Angola is 5.97 children born per woman as of 2011. The infant mortality
  19. With larger breasts indicating higher levels of estrogen and a sign of greater, fertility , but the researchers said that" Men may be looking more often at the breasts
  20. In the 70s and 80s,to farm the logged areas, albeit with little success as the, fertility ,of the land has been removed with the trees and what soil remains is washed
  21. YHWH will undo the fertility of the earth in response to Israel following other, fertility ,gods). " The relationship between husband and wife was one of unequal power
  22. 52.95 years: Male: 51.04 years: Female: 54.91 years (2009 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate :6.21 children born/woman (2010 est. ) HIV/AIDS: Adult prevalence rate:
  23. As it wins the favor of the spirits of one's source of food, shelter,and, fertility ,and wards off malevolent spirits. In more elaborate animistic religions, such
  24. Natural growth rate. In 2007,Belarus's population declined by 0.41 % and its, fertility ,rate was 1.22,well below the replacement rate. Its net migration rate is +0.38
  25. The victim a chance to escape. A collection condom is used to collect semen for, fertility ,treatments or sperm analysis. These condoms are designed to maximize sperm life
  26. 60.93 years: Male: 61.11 years: Female: 60.75 years (2010 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate :2.50 children born/woman (2011 est. ) HIV/AIDS: Adult prevalence rate:
  27. The worship of God, they worshiped other gods, especially Baal, the Canaanite, fertility ,god. Other sins followed, including homicide, perjury,theft, and sexual sin.
  28. To the world: 116: Male: 69.06 years: Female: 76.81 years (2009 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate :1.36 children born/woman (2009 est. ): country comparison to the world:
  29. Then ten percent to over sixty percent. There was a dramatic increase in the, fertility ,rate to seven to eight children per mother. Therefore, by 1980,there was a very
  30. Agricultural productivity has been generally disappointing. High initial, fertility ,after clearing and burning usually is depleted rapidly, and acidity and
  31. Popular and often accompany main dishes on the table. Climatic diversity and, fertility ,of the land are reflected in the national dishes, which are based on fish from
  32. Specific conditions Reproduction Proponents believe acupuncture can assist with, fertility , pregnancy and childbirth, attributing various conditions of health and
  33. Irrigation. As agriculture underwent modernization in the 1970s and 1980s,soil, fertility ,became less important for agricultural production than factors related to
  34. 52.09 years: Male: 51.2 years: Female: 53.01 years (2009 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate :6.33 children born/woman (2009 est. ) :6.25 children born/woman (2010
  35. Therefore the country itself, seem stronger and more resilient. It is also a, fertility ,festival, similar in some ways to other harvest-time celebrations in other
  36. To the world: 87: Male: 72.81 years: Female: 76.81 years (2009 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate :2.07 children born/woman (2009 est. ): country comparison to the world:
  37. To the world: 98: male: 70.8 years: female: 76.82 years (2009 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate: 3.22 children born/woman (2010 est. ): country comparison to the world:
  38. 69.87 years.: Female: 73.49 years (2002 est. ): Male: 66.32 years *Total, fertility ,rate: 2.0 children born/woman (2010 est. ) *Ethnic groups: African 85 %
  39. Such as a graduation from college. The Pawnee considered eagles as symbols of, fertility ,because their nests are built high off the ground and because they fiercely
  40. Rocks—whose soils, also derived from weathering in silk, are of varied, fertility , the best coming from the granite, sandstones and limestones, the poorest from
  41. Financial institutions in Melbourne and banks in Sydney closed. The national, fertility ,rate fell and immigration was reduced to a trickle. The value of South
  42. Since the early 1990s,with the country's economic difficulties leading too low, fertility ,rates and high levels of emigration. Despite some progress, the population is
  43. 54.04 years: male: 53.21 years: female: 54.9 years (2010 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate :4.25 children born/woman (2010 est. ) HIV/AIDS: Adult prevalence rate:
  44. Studies of skeletal remains show that this growth was due to increased, fertility ,rather than decreased mortality. However, this tenfold increase in population
  45. And relatively cheaply human growth hormone, clotting factors for hemophiliacs, fertility ,drugs, erythropoietin and other drugs. Most drugs today are based on about 500
  46. 78.5 years: Male: 74.92 years: Female: 82.34 years (2009 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate :1.27 children born/woman (2009 est. ) HIV/AIDS: Adult prevalence rate:
  47. Per year, but this output is attributed more to their extension than their, fertility , Despite the earliest Portuguese explorers' reports that the land was
  48. 62.67 years: Male: 60.31 years: Female: 65.13 years (2011 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS — adult prevalence rate :0.5 % (2011 est. ) HIV/AIDS —
  49. Years and over: 15.2 % (male 2,220,189/female 2,862,787) (2010 est. ) Total, fertility ,rate: 1.58 children born/woman (2009 est. ) Population projection US Census
  50. Cultivated areas, as a result of high temperatures and humidity, this loss of, fertility ,explains the westward movement of the agricultural frontier and slash-and-burn

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