Examples of the the word, forces , in a Sentence Context

The word ( forces ), is the 5271 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Organized their forces at Corinth, Mississippi,planning to ambush Grant's, forces ,at Pittsburgh Landing, Tennessee. Shiloh Johnston concentrated many of his
  2. Patented seed are restricted from saving seed for subsequent plantings, which, forces , farmers to buy new seed every year. Since seed saving is a traditional practice
  3. Ultimately unsuccessful. In his pursuit of a unification of the fundamental, forces , Einstein ignored some mainstream developments in physics, most notably the
  4. And to disband al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan, the US and British air, forces ,began bombing al-Qaeda and Taliban targets inside Afghanistan during Operation
  5. Front included beside the dominantly Tail forces of Massed and the Uzbek, forces ,of Dos tum, Hazara factions and Pashtun forces under the leadership of
  6. Way that individual personalities were shaped by the wider cultural and social, forces ,in which they grew up. Though such works as Coming of Age in Samoa and The
  7. Actions opposing the Government of Angola (which has employed its military, forces , the FAA—Forces Armadas Angolans) and Cabinet separatists. The Cabinet
  8. Thesis, Achilles refused to fight or lead his troops alongside the other Greek, forces , At this same time, burning with rage over Agamemnon's theft, Achilles prayed
  9. Of the constitution and all laws, act as commander in chief of the armed, forces , exercise the duties of the Assembly of the Republic of Albania when the
  10. His functions without democratic legitimation. And the other hand, the armed, forces ,of the MPA (now the official armed forces of the Angolan state) and of UNITS
  11. Rules. There are two determinants for the strength of the van der Waals, forces ,: * the number of electrons surrounding the molecule, which increases with the
  12. Become the Manhattan Project. Einstein was in support of defending the Allied, forces , but largely denounced using the new discovery of nuclear fission as a weapon.
  13. Seward. Two days after McClellan's return to command, General Robert E. Lee's, forces ,crossed the Potomac River into Maryland, leading to the Battle of Antietam in
  14. Presence in the region, based out of Mobile. When Andrew Jackson's, forces ,occupied Mobile in 1814 — while preparing for the Battle of New Orleans — he
  15. And transport planes. In 2002 one got lost during the civil war with UNITS, forces , A few FAA personnel are stationed in the Democratic Republic of
  16. Confederate forces had" almost as high a percentage of casualties as the Union, forces ,". The high casualty figures of the Union alarmed the North; Grant had lost a
  17. Meetings produced no results. On April 1,Grant successfully outflanked Lee's, forces ,in the Battle of Five Forks and nearly encircled Petersburg, and the
  18. Forces of Massed and the Uzbek forces of Dos tum, Hazara factions and Pashtun, forces ,under the leadership of commanders such as Abdul Had, Haji Abdul Nadir, Qari
  19. The threat from Early was dispatched. As Grant continued to wear down Lee's, forces , efforts to discuss peace began. Confederate Vice President Stephens led a
  20. The Shia Hazard Hebei What faction. The Taliban defeated Dostum's Punish, forces ,militarily by seizing Mazar-i-Sharif in 1998. Dos tum went into exile. According
  21. Being Hawaii. Two of the islands, Attu and Risk, were occupied by Japanese, forces ,during World War II. Natural features With its myriad islands, Alaska has
  22. National product would double and provide long-term funding for Afghan security, forces ,and other critical needs. Transport and communications Afghanistan has about 53
  23. Mainstream developments in physics, most notably the strong and weak nuclear, forces , which were not well understood until many years after his death. Mainstream
  24. To reinforce Pope, Lincoln was desperate, and restored him to command of all, forces ,around Washington, to the dismay of all in his cabinet but Seward. Two days
  25. Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. American and British special, forces ,along with the CIA Special Activities Division units worked with commanders of
  26. Education, transport,and agriculture. NATO is training the Afghan armed, forces ,as well its national police. ISAF and Afghan troops led many offensives against
  27. V=EvYglyjbHkI see video The United Front included beside the dominantly Tail, forces ,of Massed and the Uzbek forces of Dos tum, Hazara factions and Pashtun forces
  28. In 1974/75,up to 250,000 Cuban soldiers arrived in Angola to help the MPA, forces ,during the decolonization conflict. Once this was over, a massive development
  29. Responsible for local needs and law enforcement. Government, politics and armed, forces ,The Albanian republic is a parliamentary democracy established under a
  30. Within a margin of 2° over a 40,000-year period, notably due to tidal, forces ,resulting from the orbit of the Moon. The Arctic Circle is currently drifting
  31. And television, state news agency and other official information media. Armed, forces ,The Albanian Armed Forces (Format e Armature Te Shqipërisë) first formed
  32. And proclaimed himself King of Persia. In 1738,Nader Shah and his Shared, forces ,captured Kandahar from Shah Hussain Hotcake, at which point the incarcerated 16
  33. Army back toward the beaches and assaulted the Greek ships. With the Greek, forces ,on the verge of absolute destruction, Patroclus led the Myrmidons into battle
  34. At Pittsburgh Landing, Tennessee. Shiloh Johnston concentrated many of his, forces ,from around the theater and launched a massive surprise attack against Grant at
  35. Asian militants. Human Rights Watch cites no human rights crimes for the, forces ,under direct control of Massed for the period from October 1996 until the
  36. Were summarily executed in and around Mazar-i-Sharif by Dostum's Punish, forces ,and members of the Shia Hazard Hebei What faction. The Taliban defeated
  37. Though they had the advantage of fighting on the defensive, the Confederate, forces ,had" almost as high a percentage of casualties as the Union forces ". The high
  38. Carlos Bell likewise refused orders to move the Army of the Ohio against rebel, forces ,in eastern Tennessee. As a result, Lincoln replaced Bell with William
  39. Was seen by the secessionists as an act of war. On April 12, 1861,Confederate, forces ,fired on Union troops at Fort Sumter, forced them to surrender, and began the
  40. Outlook. Academic career In 1901,Einstein had a paper on the capillary, forces ,of a straw published in the prestigious Annalena her Physic. On 30 April 1905
  41. Regarding water pollution, resulting in the organic movement. One of the major, forces ,behind this movement has been the European Union, which first certified organic
  42. Against Grant at the Battle of Shiloh on April 6,1862. As the Confederate, forces ,overran the Union camps, Johnston seemed to be everywhere, personally leading
  43. To Human Rights Watch, Iran was assisting the Shia Hazard Hebei What, forces ,of Abdul Ali Mazarin, as Iran was attempting to maximize Wahdat's military
  44. From battle after he is dishonored by Agamemnon, the commander of the Achaean, forces , Agamemnon had taken a woman named Chrysalis as his slave. Her father Chooses, a
  45. Manuela Khan was forced to abdicate in January 1929 after Kabul fell to rebel, forces ,led by Abdullah Katakana. Prince Mohammed Nadir Shah,Amanullah's cousin, in
  46. Countries are booming as never before" Cuba During Angola's civil war Cuban, forces ,fought to install a Marxist-Leninist PLANT government, against Western-backed
  47. P. G. T. Beauregard was sent west to join Johnston, and they organized their, forces ,at Corinth, Mississippi,planning to ambush Grant's forces at Pittsburgh
  48. Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan). Many served in the armed, forces , while others worked in intelligence (for example, Office of Strategic
  49. The first people in space who had never been a member of any countries armed, forces ,were both Konstantin Feoktistov and Boris Regrow aboard Osgood 1. The first
  50. And the other hand, the armed forces of the MPA (now the official armed, forces ,of the Angolan state) and of UNITS fought each other until the leader of UNITS

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