Examples of the the word, conditioning , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conditioning ), is the 5268 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As such, many Canadians, especially in older homes, simply choose to forgo air, conditioning ,in lieu of simple fans and evaporative coolers. Cost of operation (as a factor
  2. Of modern urban high-rise condominiums built in Canadian cities have air, conditioning ,systems. While energy is comparatively cheap in Canada, the large size of the
  3. Name is revealed as F. Alexander, shelters Alex and questions him about the, conditioning , During this sequence, it is revealed that Mrs. Alexander died from the
  4. System also applies to heating systems. However, SEER ratings only apply to air, conditioning , Air conditioners (for cooling) and heat pumps (for heating) both work
  5. When cooling many rooms it is generally more expensive than central air, conditioning , The first practical through the wall air conditioning unit was invented by
  6. Cycle. In construction, a complete system of heating, ventilation and air, conditioning ,is referred to as" HVAC ". History In 1758,Benjamin Franklin and John Hadley
  7. Air conditioning unit. Mini (small) duct, high velocity A central air, conditioning ,system using high velocity air forced through small ducts (also called
  8. To add moisture to the air in his textile mill. Crater coined the term" air, conditioning ,", using it in a patent claim he filed that year as an analogue to" water
  9. A way that only the finest aerosol droplets (< 10 km) enter the flame. This, conditioning ,process is responsible that only about 5 % of the aspirated sample solution
  10. In the variant form, which was initially phonologically conditioned. This, conditioning ,can still be seen in the Vocative Singular form, where the is followed by the
  11. Naturally flow in the opposite direction. This is the most common type of air, conditioning , A refrigerator works in much the same way, as it pumps the heat out of the
  12. Portrays a society operating on the principles of mass production and Pavlovian, conditioning , Huxley was strongly influenced by F. Matthias Alexander and included him as a
  13. In a single outdoor unit that may be located on the ground or roof. Central air, conditioning ,performs like a regular air conditioner but has several added benefits: * When
  14. Each room be cooled separately. PAC systems are also known as wall split air, conditioning ,systems or ductless systems. These PAC systems which are frequently used in
  15. Rather than personal coolness. In 1902 the first modern electrical air, conditioning ,was invented by Willis Carrier in Syracuse, New York. Designed to improve
  16. Was no longer directly relatable to phonological processes. Phonological, conditioning ,also accounts for the form found in the Instrumental Plural, where the
  17. Then central air conditioning . The first practical through the wall air, conditioning ,unit was invented by engineers at Chrysler Motors and offered for sale starting
  18. Refrigerants are R-22,R-11 and R-123. Air conditioning applications Air, conditioning ,system basics and theories Refrigeration cycle In the refrigeration cycle, a
  19. Of America, and increasingly a standard design factor. In Canada, home air, conditioning ,is less common than in East Asia and the United States, but it still quite
  20. Response from age, and result in underdevelopment of the strength and, conditioning ,needed for the safe and effective practice of both partners. Another criticism
  21. Commonly referred to as central air (U. S.) or air-con (UK),is an air, conditioning ,system that uses ducts to distribute cooled and/or dehumidified air to more
  22. Not be used to heat rooms that are below. Central air conditioning Central air, conditioning , commonly referred to as central air (U. S.) or air-con (UK),is an air
  23. 3 to 20 kilowatts (kW) ) in capacity. The use of electric/compressive air, conditioning ,puts a major demand on the electrical power grid in hot weather, when most
  24. Heaters though and should not be used to heat rooms that are below. Central air, conditioning ,Central air conditioning , commonly referred to as central air (U. S.) or
  25. Conditioning Company of America was formed to meet rising demand. Over time air, conditioning ,came to be used to improve coolness in homes and automobiles. Residential sales
  26. Drive and other magnetic media. Bell's own home used a primitive form of air, conditioning , in which fans blew currents of air across great blocks of ice. He also
  27. Though cold, starving,and overworked, remain convinced through psychological, conditioning ,that they are better off than they were when ruled by Mr Jones. Squealer abuses
  28. Cooling is not needed. Unloaders can be electrical or mechanical. Humidity Air, conditioning ,equipment usually reduces the humidity of the air processed by the system. The
  29. Exterior air, converting the air conditioner into a heat pump. While room air, conditioning ,provides maximum flexibility, when cooling many rooms it is generally more
  30. Snap pictures, Alex daydreams of orgiastic violence and realizes the Ludovic, conditioning ,has been reversed:" I was cured all right. " In the final chapter, Alex has a
  31. On the pipe surface that would otherwise accelerate corrosion. Home air, conditioning ,systems around the world This especially applies to capitals and urbanized
  32. Residential systems are split types. In the United States of America, home air, conditioning ,is most prevalent in the South/Southwest and on the East Coast. Central air
  33. Cheapest form other than walking in Acapulco. The most expensive buses have air, conditioning , while the cheaper buses do not. For tourists, the Acapulco city government has
  34. To regulate the temperature of buildings. He even envisioned centralized air, conditioning ,that could cool entire cities. Though his prototype leaked and performed
  35. Him feel sick and is forced to watch graphically violent films, eventually, conditioning , him to suffer crippling bouts of nausea at the mere thought of violence. As an
  36. Which is used as a skin conditioner in ruminants. Antimony has a nourishing or, conditioning ,effect on keratinized tissues, at least in animals. Antimony-based drugs, such
  37. Air conditioning faded away for 50 years. Early commercial applications of air, conditioning ,were manufactured to cool air for industrial processing rather than personal
  38. Using it in a patent claim he filed that year as an analogue to" water, conditioning ,", then a well-known process for making textiles easier to process. He combined
  39. The most common ozone-depleting refrigerants are R-22,R-11 and R-123. Air, conditioning ,applications Air conditioning system basics and theories Refrigeration cycle In
  40. Next generation I believe that the world's leaders will discover that infant, conditioning ,and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs
  41. At the University of Chicago Carrel also wrote in his book that: (t)he, conditioning ,of petty criminals with the whip, or some more scientific procedure, followed
  42. Against his invention. Dr. Corrie died impoverished in 1855 and the idea of air, conditioning ,faded away for 50 years. Early commercial applications of air conditioning were
  43. Of the 2003 North America blackout locals were asked to keep their air, conditioning ,off. During peak demand, additional power plants must often be brought online
  44. The home, it offers a lower level of indoor noise than a freestanding air, conditioning ,unit. Mini (small) duct, high velocity A central air conditioning system
  45. Refrigerator that runs on surplus heat rather than electricity * Absorption air, conditioning , a type of solar air conditioning Mathematics and economics * Absorption law
  46. F. M. Alexander's approach emphasizes the use of freedom to choose beyond, conditioning ,in every action. The technique is applied dynamically to everyday movements, as
  47. Cylinder unloaders are a method of load control used mainly in commercial air, conditioning ,systems. On a semi-hermetic (or open) compressor, the heads can be fitted
  48. From the cooled space and thereby lowering its relative humidity. Some air, conditioning ,units dry the air without cooling it. These work like a normal air conditioner
  49. As an example, the annual cost of electric power consumed by a 72,000 BTU/h air, conditioning ,unit operating for 1000 hours per year with a SEER rating of 10 and a power
  50. Heat rather than electricity * Absorption air conditioning , a type of solar air, conditioning ,Mathematics and economics * Absorption law, in mathematics, an identity linking

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