Examples of the the word, enhanced , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enhanced ), is the 5255 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Treatment may select for bacterial strains with physiologically or genetically, enhanced ,capacity to survive high doses of antibacterials. Under certain conditions, it
  2. Also had a connector allowing use of an actual Apple floppy drive, which, enhanced , its compatibility with software that took advantage of Apple hardware for
  3. This poison was a household secret that differed from family to family. They, enhanced ,the poison with mixtures of roots and stalks of dog's bane, boiled juice of
  4. Indirect fire emerged at the beginning of the 20th Century and was greatly, enhanced ,by the development of predicted fire methods in World War I. Indirect fire uses
  5. The critical branch predictor unit, essential to keeping the pipeline busy, was, enhanced , compared to what was on board the K6. Deeper pipe lining with more stages
  6. VA Linux Systems, making enhancements to Samba and the Linux kernel to provide, enhanced ,performance for their network-attached storage device range. Bridge continued
  7. Competitive with Intel's mid to high range Core 2 Quads. The processor also, enhanced ,the Phenom's memory controller, allowing it to use DDR3 in a new native socket
  8. Damaging. In the past century agriculture has been characterized by, enhanced ,productivity, the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, selective
  9. Produced by Allianz Tech systems. The AAR GM will feature the latest software, enhanced ,capabilities intended to counter radar shutdown, passive radar and active
  10. Was not deliberate, adding it had since" significantly strengthened and, enhanced ,its controls around the usage of third parties ". Acquisitions On August 22
  11. Shift from mainly religious texts to writings with secular outlooks further, enhanced ,and enriched the vocabulary. “ A Word of Wisdom,” a poem by Johannes Sarawak
  12. Was expanded to include ABM capabilities. The Standard missile system was also, enhanced ,and tested for ballistic missile interception. During the late 1990s SM-2 block
  13. Recommended no more torture),the VP's office ordered them to continue the, enhanced ,methods. The detainee had not revealed any alpha'ida-Baghdad contacts yet. This
  14. 2005 with the aim of designing and building an Amiga clone motherboard that is, enhanced ,with modern features. The Tatami motherboard is a standard Mini-ITX-compatible
  15. The Commodore Amiga 500 Plus (often A500 Plus or simply A500+) is an, enhanced ,version of the original Amiga 500 computer. It was notable for introducing new
  16. Intended to be completely backward compatible with the original CPC models. Its, enhanced ,features are only available after a deliberately obscure unlocking mechanism
  17. 960x640 display,Apple's A4 processor used in the iPad, a gyroscope for, enhanced ,gaming,5MP camera with LED flash, front-facing VGA camera and FaceTime video
  18. Platform. Simulation games like Falcon and Flight Simulator II made use of the, enhanced ,graphics found in the ST machines, as did many arcade ports. One game, MIDI
  19. For spectators. Air burst The destructiveness of artillery bombardments can be, enhanced ,when some or all of the shells are set for air burst, meaning that they explode
  20. Other software was hit-or-miss. Apple also challenged VTech's Laser 128,an, enhanced ,clone of the Apple IIC first released in 1984,in court. This suit proved less
  21. With your keyboard for more — and peep. Co. UK http://www.peepo.co.uk with, enhanced ,graphics, unique style controls and improved interactivity (requires an SVG
  22. Distribution law if the emission of light into a mode with n photons would be, enhanced ,statistically compared to the emission of light into an empty mode. This paper
  23. Least, that anthems should be only in English, the repertoire has been greatly, enhanced ,by the addition of many works from the Latin repertoire. Modern use The word "
  24. Dick Cheney claims there are memos in existence which show the success of the, enhanced ,interrogation techniques. Cheney stated: I haven't talked about it, but I know
  25. Which followed the Napoleonic wars. Gas street lighting arrived in 1824 and an, enhanced ,water supply appeared in 1830 when water was pumped from the Dee to a reservoir
  26. The Puzzle Collection, MSN Mind Aerobics and MSN Games groups. Pajitnov's new, enhanced ,version of Mexico, Hexic HD, was included with every new Xbox 360 Premium
  27. The structure before the filling of the reservoir: 'It has an octagonal body, enhanced ,by alcoves, some of which are blind. ... Conservation work on the building was
  28. Favored buildings that reinforced the paternalistic metaphor and, enhanced ,civic pride. Between 1886 and 1917,Carnegie reformed both library philanthropy
  29. Of Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) ** kernel scheduler has been, enhanced ,to dynamically increase and decrease the use of virtual processors. ** Ability
  30. Later hardware generations. Several new features, including better scalability, enhanced ,clustering and management capabilities are mentioned. The ability to run older
  31. Windows NT 4.0 with service pack 3,introduced in 1997. Linux's support for AGP, enhanced ,fast data transfers was first added in 1999 with the implementation of the
  32. With a color palette extended from 17 out of 27 to 32 out of 4096 colors. The, enhanced ,sound hardware offers automatic DMA transfer, allowing more complex sound
  33. For the purposes of improved public safety, attaining grade separation and, enhanced ,railway operations. History Construction began in May 1844. The tunnel opened
  34. Upper motor neuron syndrome, and particularly PLS, often report an, enhanced ,startle reflex to loud noises. Neuroimaging and neuropsychology has demonstrated
  35. And infantry weapons by steel plate boarding. This gave the horse protection and, enhanced ,the visual impression of a mounted knight. Late in the era, elaborate boarding
  36. To destroy cancer cells. In surgery, it is used in a procedure called" argon, enhanced ,coagulation" which is a form of argon plasma beam electrosurgery. The
  37. Degree, the archer's error. Further, an effect that does not actually give, enhanced ,accuracy, except in the mind of the archer, is the pleasing" forward roll" of
  38. Abbreviation has been dropped from the model names. The redesign significantly, enhanced ,the CPC hardware, mainly to rectify its previous shortcomings as a gaming
  39. Operating system to utilize journal ling file systems, and IBM has continuously, enhanced ,the software with features like processor, disk and network virtualization
  40. Commodore to sell more than 1 million Amiga 500s in 1989. In late 1991,an, enhanced ,model known as the Amiga 500+ replaced the standard Amiga 500 in some markets
  41. Current terminology The terms" integrated drive electronics" ( IDE),", enhanced ,IDE" and" EIDE" have come to be used interchangeably with ATA (now Parallel
  42. 4 seconds of flight—an average acceleration of 90 g) and had a smaller W66, enhanced , radiation warhead in the 1-3 kiloton range for in-atmosphere interceptions. The
  43. And behavioral-stimulant effects of amphetamine, however,are linked to, enhanced ,dopaminergic activity, primarily in the Mesolithic dopamine system. Amphetamine
  44. AMD the x86 performance lead with the 1800+ model. Less than a month later, it, enhanced , that lead with the release of the 1600 MHz 1900+, and subsequent 1.67 GHz
  45. Access control, workload partitions (which enable application mobility), enhanced , security (Addition of AES encryption type for NFS v3 and v4) and Live
  46. Places for the 1 Byte DRAM chips.; 520STE and 1040STE: a 520STFM/1040STFM with, enhanced ,sound, the Bitter chip, and a 4096-color palette, in the older 1040 style
  47. From which he resigned after three years. During the exercise of his duties he, enhanced ,his reputation for humility by refusing to ride a horse—in accord with the
  48. That the small benefit of antidepressants over placebo might itself be an ", enhanced ," placebo effect, brought about because patients in clinical trials are able to
  49. Previous constraints. In the past century agriculture has been characterized by, enhanced ,productivity, the substitution of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides for
  50. As GSM and CDMA2000 support multiple voice calls on the same channel and offer, enhanced ,features such as two-way text messaging and data services. Unlike in the United

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