Examples of the the word, ie , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ie ), is the 4075 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is long despite the second rule). For an i that is neither in the combination, ie , ( making it long) nor followed by a double consonant or cluster (making it
  2. Bray, and Cork amongst other operators such as Irish City link and Gobs., ie , which compete on the Dublin-Galway route. Matthews Coaches run a direct service
  3. A long syllable (that is, a syllable containing á, é,í, ý,ó, ú,ŕ, ĺ,IA, ie , IU, ô ) cannot be followed by another long syllable in the same word. This
  4. Or). In native Czech words, only of exists as a diphthong. Vowel groups IA, ie , ii, io, and IU in foreign words are likewise not regarded as diphthongs; they
  5. Archetypes represented by the gods and other characters in Norse mythology (, ie , Wotan, Fricka, Alberich, etc.). Nazi appropriation Adolf Hitler was an
  6. Berlin-Charlottenburg, Flatowallee 16,Berlin http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?, ie ,UTF8&hl enema 0&msid 103295916315134076315.00045eab933932056ccb4≪
  7. Point from level 1/2,although some compan ie s have them as product support, ie , each member in level 3 does support for a specific application, generally they
  8. Hidden) *The 'verbal noun' ( = the ... ING) is formed using the suffix –, ie , :: sky (to hide): sort ie (the hiding): SYVAT (to be hiding):
  9. Of Mandarin. For example:: Standard finals such as e, o,AI, ei, ao, u,UE, and,i.e., often turn up unpredictably as other vowels in other dialects. The rules are
  10. Roger Casement A discussion about Casement on Politics., ie , *
  11. Has five short vowels, written an e i o u; six long vowels, written a, e,i.e., i, o,u, and seven diphthongs: represented by GI, and written as GPU. Stress
  12. Human culture may be understood by means of a structure-—modeled on language (, ie , .,structural linguistics)—that is distinct both from the organizations of
  13. Reliability of an expert system is the same as the reliability of a database, ie , good,higher than that of a classical program. Scalability Evolving an expert
  14. Unite d'Habitation, Marseille,France http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?, ie ,UTF8&hl enema 0&msid 103295916315134076315.00045eab933932056ccb4≪
  15. Was SO, possessed–possessor, and noun–adjective http://books.google.com/books?, ie ,UTF-8&hl Enid n2F3KfTWX_APG PA157&lpg PA157&dq
  16. Neuter pronoun,'k first-person pronoun, je second-person singular pronoun, ie ,third-person masculine singular pronoun, ze third-person plural pronoun *
  17. Project) *1931: Immense Clarke (, Switzerland http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?, ie ,UTF8&hl enema 0&msid 103295916315134076315.00045eab933932056ccb4≪
  18. Used for college years); in Canada, the specific levels are used instead (, ie ," grade nine" ). As for higher education, only the term freshman (often
  19. Clarissa Dickson Wright claims that it" came to Scotland in a longship, ie , From Scandinavia even before Scotland was a single nation. " Dickson-Wright
  20. Is not considered a separate diphthong. Its phonemic interpretation is. * IA, ie , IU form diphthongs in native Slovak words, but two monophthongize in foreign and
  21. Penalized by the logic used. Most of the logics operate on" variables" facts, ie , whose value changes several times during one reasoning, considered as a
  22. Into the mainstream culture. Years of adaptation have led to these cuisines (, ie , : Byzantine from Arab migration to Haiti) to merge into Haitian cuisine. Rice
  23. Annulment declaration impl ie d that the marriage was void from the start -, ie , There was in law no marriage. Furthermore, continuing sexual relations between
  24. Return Pro. New, Proc. New end setter, getter = create_set_and_get #, ie , Returns two values setter. Call (21) getter. Call # → 21 #You can also use
  25. 1928: Villa Savoy, Poissy-sur-Seine, France http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?, ie ,UTF8&hl enema 0&msid 103295916315134076315.00045eab933932056ccb4≪
  26. Somewhat like in the English word set. However, the letter e is pronounced as, ie , ( j sounds like 'y' in 'you' ) when it is the first letter of any form of the
  27. A founder of ecology, stated:" Any unit that includes all the organisms (, ie , : the" community" ) in a given area interacting with the physical environment
  28. To clearly defined trophic structure, biotic diversity and material cycles (, ie , : exchange of materials between living and nonliving parts) within the system.
  29. Service the need of a community for cheap bars, clubs etc. *4 Conservation -, ie , preserving monuments because the authorit ie s have let them decay *5 Political -
  30. Supported by archaeological evidence, maple tree sap, called " Sinzibuckwud" (, ie , , "drawn from trees" ) by the Algonquin Oral The Algonquins recognized maple
  31. A founder of ecology, stated:" Any unit that includes all the organisms (, ie , : the" community" ) in a given area interacting with the physical environment
  32. Genitals by the doctor until the woman exper ie nced" hysterical paroxysm" (, ie , .,orgasm). Paroxysm was regarded as a medical treatment, and not a sexual
  33. The diacritically altered letters ż, ċ and ġ, as well as the letters go, ħ,and, ie , Maltese has a Semitic base with substantial borrowing from Sicilian, Italian
  34. Were deliberately starved to death in German camps as part of a Hunger Plan, ie , the program to reduce the Eastern European population. German intentions Nazi
  35. One departure from the basic strummed chord technique is to play arpeggios, ie , To play individual notes in a chord separately. If this is done rapidly enough
  36. Or Foot-shift (1972 and prior) ), H (HANDLE BAR/ FRONT END MOUNTED FAIRING., ie , bat wing fairing/quick release windsh ie ld. ), I (Fuel injection),L (Low
  37. Chappelle Notre Dame du Hat, Ronchamp, France http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?, ie ,UTF8&hl enema 0&msid 103295916315134076315.00045eab933932056ccb4≪
  38. Fishes, bats and birds cannot and require it as a d ie tary micronutr ie nt (, ie , Vitamin). History From the middle of the 18th century, it was noted that
  39. With singers or other instruments; and to provide all or part of the harmony, ie , the chords, where a chord is a group of notes played together. Therefore, the
  40. D'Habitation of Nantes-Rezé, Nantes,France http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?, ie ,UTF8&hl enema 0&msid 103295916315134076315.00045eab933932056ccb4≪ 47.188515
  41. Evident at their maturity; making them more" Central European" in outlook (, ie , similar to the Prework culture) rather than of the" forest-Venedic" or
  42. Exoplanets with orbital periods of 20 days or less have near-circular orbits, ie , very low eccentricity. That is bel ie ved to be due to tidal circularization:
  43. Shimatsu) * 1985: Family Without a Dinner Table (Shokutaku no Nazi, ie , ) Film availability *Nine no joke, a. k. a. The Human Condition (1959–61)
  44. Been constructed. However, successful experiments involving similar principles, ie , Superpositions of relatively large (by the standards of quantum physics)
  45. Geneva Conventions .... The following are Israel's primary issues of concern, ie , with the rules of the ICC: The inclusion of settlement activity as a" war
  46. Bypassing the 'rules' of welfare provision. " *1 Deprivation based -, ie , homeless people squatting for housing need *2 An alternative housing strategy -
  47. Of Masai ch ie fly titles. Items of great cultural value include the finely woven, ie , toga. Samoan mythology includes many gods with creation stor ie s and figures of
  48. Letters are appended singly or in pairs, as follows:: B (BLACKED OUT, ie , Street Bob, Night Train, and Cross Bones models),C (Classic or Custom),CW
  49. Would expect when considering the component letters: Additionally, the digraph, ie , generally represents the phoneme, which is not a diphthong. In many var ie t ie s
  50. Guitar in gypsy jazz uses a special form of strumming known as" la Pope ", ie ," the pump ". This form of percussive rhythm is similar to the" boom-chick "

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