Examples of the the word, functionality , in a Sentence Context

The word ( functionality ), is the 4078 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the container is an interpreted language, hence the greater performance or, functionality ,of the applet. Unlike a" subroutine ", a complete web component can be
  2. Server. AD LDS shares the code base with Active Directory and provides the same, functionality ,as Active Directory, including an identical API, but does not require the
  3. Is a C++ class library, which was also the base for products extending AutoCAD, functionality ,to specific fields, to create products such as AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD
  4. Analysis of Alto, Giedion gave primacy to qualities that depart from direct, functionality , such as mood, atmosphere,intensity of life and even national characteristics
  5. The compliant architecture shares all of Classic Bluetooth’s existing radio and, functionality ,resulting in a negligible cost increase compared to Classic Bluetooth. *
  6. However, the typical user would probably not be aware of this added ROM, functionality ,unless they read the CPC press, as it is not described in the user manual and
  7. A dedicated sound chip (though with six expansion slots, users could add sound, functionality ,via a sound card like the Mocking board). Similar techniques were used for
  8. Small could be an understandable practical" Model T" design that covers this, functionality , 1M lines of code? 200K LOC? 100K LOC? 20K LOC? " Awards and honors Alan Kay
  9. Engineer in the Storage Systems Group. His role once again involved developing, functionality ,and efficiency modifications into Samba to enhance Quantum's
  10. PCs) and PART (in mobile phones and Pas). In Bluetooth devices with simple, functionality ,(e.g., headsets ) the host stack and controller can be implemented on the
  11. Systems and executive software, designed to supersede this basic firmware, functionality , will provide replacement software interfaces to applications. BIOS is
  12. Variety of features, many implemented as compiled modules which extend the core, functionality , These can range from server-side programming language support to
  13. Offered a choice: free of charge with limited functionality , a mode with full, functionality ,which displays advertisements for Eudora, or a paid mode that enables all
  14. Web Server),and has since evolved to rival other web servers in terms of, functionality ,and performance. Typically, Apache is run on a Unix-like operating system.
  15. Its author wants it to do? A few test cases usually suffice to confirm core, functionality , One source uses 3009 and 884. Knuth suggested 40902,24140. Another
  16. A new component is said to be backward compatible if it provides all the, functionality ,of the old component. Backward compatibility is the special case of
  17. Was now possible to do quality renderings. AutoCAD 2010 introduced parametric, functionality ,and mesh modeling. AutoCAD supports a number of APIs for customization and
  18. Development of the Turbo Board, the Master RAM Board duplicated the Turbo Board, functionality ,and added an option of running the micro with 32 KB of shadow RAM in
  19. Under Meyer, the architectural focus shifted away from aesthetics and towards, functionality , There were major commissions: one from the city of Essay for five tightly
  20. Powerful search tools and collaboration, notification,and change-management, functionality , *ANSI, in partnership with Citation Technologies, AAMI, ASTM,and DIN, created
  21. By Locus Computing. AIX/370 was IBM's third attempt to offer Unix-like, functionality ,for their mainframe line, specifically the System/370 (the prior versions were
  22. Of a system, as contrasted from" servlet ". As such, an applet provides, functionality ,or performance beyond the default capabilities of its container (the browser)
  23. The Atari joysticks with the Sega Master System and Mega Drive/Genesis, though, functionality , may be limited. Conversely, Master System and Genesis controllers work quite
  24. And localization and TCP/IP networking. It also allows the user to extend the, functionality ,of the program via user-written shared libraries. It was written before the
  25. Setting and can also support fixed location applications such as smart energy, functionality ,in the home (thermostats, etc.). Wi-Fi is a wireless version of a common
  26. Faster than Thunderbird at the same clock speed, thanks in part to the new SIMS, functionality ,and to several additional improvements. The core has enhancements to the K7's
  27. Adapters carried their own BIOS extension Option ROM, which provided additional, functionality , Operating systems and executive software, designed to supersede this basic
  28. Best match. Error correction in many current handwriting systems provides such, functionality ,but adds more steps to the process, greatly increasing the interruption to a
  29. S features but is sometimes used for clients that only require basic chat, functionality , The TOC/TOC2 protocol specifications were made available by AOL, while OSCAR
  30. To the INPUT function—did, although a PEEK location did provide this, functionality ,). It seems likely that memory constraints were at the root of these
  31. New major feature generally layering on top of the earlier features to add, functionality ,to the product. The 1. X releases focused on managing key/value data storage
  32. Of style modern in Paris. At its best, art deco represented elegance, glamour, functionality , and modernity. Art deco's linear symmetry was a distinct departure from the
  33. Criteria during the diagnostic process, although strictly speaking this is, functionality ,creep, and some have questioned the appropriateness of the criteria in a
  34. But two main methods of regulation have been identified: targeting mitochondria, functionality , or directly transducing the signal via adaptor proteins to the apoptotic
  35. Professionally usually wear two-pieces. These bikinis are designed with, functionality ,rather than fashion in mind. Beach volleyball In 1994,the bikini became the
  36. Low energy solutions. * In a dual-mode implementation, Bluetooth low energy, functionality ,is integrated into an existing Classic Bluetooth controller. Currently (
  37. For a formal description of the IBM System/360 series machine architecture and, functionality ,which resulted in a paper published in IBM Systems Journal in 1964. After this
  38. For a newcomer. Few other programming languages offer the comprehensive array, functionality ,of APL. Unlike traditionally structured programming languages, code in APL is
  39. In 1999,released first with Windows 2000 Server edition, and revised to extend, functionality ,and improve administration in Windows Server 2003. Additional improvements were
  40. A dedicated sound chip (though with six expansion slots, users could add sound, functionality ,via a sound card like the Mocking board). Similar techniques were used for
  41. Are available, the user is offered a choice: free of charge with limited, functionality , a mode with full functionality which displays advertisements for Eudora, or a
  42. A story can have one or many acceptance tests, whatever it takes to ensure the, functionality ,works. Acceptance tests are black box system tests. Each acceptance test
  43. Is able to pair with many devices. To ensure the broadest support of feature, functionality ,together with legacy device support, the Open Mobile Terminal Platform (SMTP)
  44. Technically advanced, had little commercial success, partially because UNIX, functionality ,was added as an option to the existing mainframe operating system, MVS, which
  45. Record. In fact, the commands" print" and" print $0" are identical in, functionality , The print command can also display the results of calculations and/or function
  46. Without the original hardware. Such emulators attempt to replicate the, functionality ,of the Amiga architecture in software. As mentioned above, attempts have also
  47. Market for that year. Although Acorn were able to shrink substantially the same, functionality ,as the BBC into just one chip, manufacturing problems meant that very few
  48. Support from its initial implementation as a batch language and full string, functionality ,being added by 1965. BASIC was first implemented on the GE-265 mainframe which
  49. Gropius and the Bauhaus—the radically simplified forms, the rationality and, functionality , and the idea that mass-production was reconcilable with the individual
  50. ASP. NET AJAX, Microsoft software, a set of ASP. NET extensions providing Ajax, functionality ,* Atlas Terrain Engine, developed by Garage Games for use in their Torque

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