Examples of the the word, modeling , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Interface (API). Modern AutoCAD includes a full set of basic solid, modeling ,and 3D tools. With the release of AutoCAD 2007 came improved 3D modeling , which
  2. And dental implants. Stereo lithography is a practical example of medical, modeling ,being used to create physical objects. Beyond modeling organs and the human
  3. Of different specific and general properties of intelligence. Computational, modeling ,can help us to understand the functional organization of a particular cognitive
  4. Years. There are many approaches to the Software development process. Popular, modeling ,techniques include Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (ROAD) and
  5. The Booth method is a technique used in software engineering. It is an object, modeling ,language and methodology that was widely used in object-oriented analysis and
  6. The physical sciences, and uses the scientific method as well as simulation or, modeling , often comparing the output of models with aspects of human behavior. Some
  7. Model,Korzybski's critique of cause-effect thinking, and ideas behind human, modeling ,for performance). As reported in the Third Edition of Science and Sanity, The
  8. Rule-based modeling of natural language from a computational perspective. This, modeling ,is not limited to any particular field of linguistics. Traditionally
  9. Structure include protein threading and de Nova (from scratch) physics-based, modeling , See also: structural motif and structural domain. Molecular Interaction
  10. Events are intrinsically unique and not capable of numerical probabilistic, modeling , Miles and others argued that the application of probabilistic uncertainty
  11. Was a very long, tapering structure resembling a bullwhip. This computer, modeling ,suggested that sauropods were capable of producing a whip-like cracking sound
  12. The Cold War, Cuba became a staunch ally of the USSR during Castro's rule, modeling ,its political structure after that of the CPU. Due to this huge amount of
  13. Branch, an old friend of Marie's, had directed him there including the, modeling ,of the Domain car. It was the beginning of their lifelong friendship.
  14. Of 227Ac (21.77 years) makes it very convenient radioactive isotope in, modeling ,the slow vertical mixing of oceanic waters. The associated processes cannot be
  15. For heat conduction to be anisotropic, which implies that detailed geometric, modeling ,of typically diverse materials being thermally managed is required. The
  16. Formation and interaction with other proteins. In a technique called homology, modeling , this information is used to predict the structure of a protein once the
  17. And the history of biological thought Biostatistical reasoning and, modeling ,were of critical importance to the foundation theories of modern biology. In
  18. WAM) and Prediction of Immunoglobulin Structure (PIGS) enables computational, modeling ,of antibody variable regions. Rosetta Antibody is a novel antibody FM region
  19. Keratin that somewhat resemble the modern helix. Two key developments in the, modeling ,of the modern helix were (1) the correct bond geometry, thanks to the
  20. Properties of the human brain, and is called subsymbolic. * Symbolic, modeling ,evolved from the computer science paradigms using the technologies of
  21. Evaluations of data, including economic indexes. Others have applied computer, modeling ,techniques to investigate trends. Gauquelin's research In 1955,Michel
  22. Missile submarine in American naval slang * Boomer, a freeware pharmacokinetic, modeling ,software Bureaus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990) was an
  23. Often associated with biomechanics, biotransport, medical devices, and, modeling , of biological systems, like soft tissue mechanics. Biotechnology and
  24. Solid modeling and 3D tools. With the release of AutoCAD 2007 came improved 3D, modeling , which meant better navigation when working in 3D. Moreover, it became easier
  25. Was used to slow and manipulate atoms by Steven Chu and team. In 1985,the AMPLE, modeling ,language was developed by Robert Fourier, David M. Gay and Brian W. Kernighan at
  26. Files in Internet Explorer (and other browsers that support the plugin) * 3D, modeling , display applets, used to rotate and zoom a model * Browser games can be
  27. Are generalizations of sets. This extension is needed for, among other things, modeling ,the concepts of" is an element of" or" is a subset of" in set theory
  28. Widely used as a tool with which to study cognitive phenomena. Computational, modeling ,uses simulations to study how human intelligence may be structured. (See the
  29. In EEG is. MEG uses SQUID sensors to detect tiny magnetic fields. Computational, modeling ,Computational models require a mathematically and logically formal
  30. Example of medical modeling being used to create physical objects. Beyond, modeling ,organs and the human body, emerging engineering techniques are also currently
  31. Quality renderings. AutoCAD 2010 introduced parametric functionality and mesh, modeling , AutoCAD supports a number of APIs for customization and automation. These
  32. C fibers and faster-conducting mediated A fibers. More complex mathematical, modeling ,continues to be done today. There are several types of sensory-as well as
  33. Planet. A NASA research group, the Virtual Planet Laboratory, is using computer, modeling ,to generate a wide variety of virtual planets to see what they would look like
  34. And protein–protein interactions, genome-wide association studies and the, modeling ,of evolution. The term bioinformatics was coined by Pauline However and Ben
  35. Is an interdisciplinary field dealing with the statistical and/or rule-based, modeling ,of natural language from a computational perspective. This modeling is not
  36. Economists generally hold that testability in economics and mathematical, modeling ,of a market is virtually impossible since it relies on human actors who cannot
  37. Two women elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame. Career Following a brief, modeling ,career in the late 1960s,Benenson became a freelance photographer. By 1973
  38. Processes is requirements analysis, followed by testing to determine value, modeling , implementation, and failure elimination (debugging). There exist a lot of
  39. A particular cognitive phenomenon. There are two basic approaches to cognitive, modeling , The first is focused on abstract mental functions of an intelligent mind and
  40. How human intelligence may be structured. (See the section on computational, modeling ,in the Research Methods section. ) There is some debate in the field as to
  41. Rents, profit a valid and valuable anticipation of the general equilibrium, modeling ,of Walrus a century later. Smith's allowance for wage increases in the short
  42. As 1835. It took almost hundred years to arrive at a comprehensive theory and, modeling ,of the point image of serrated systems (Bernie and Nibbler). The analysis
  43. Referring to the anatomy of curves. Earth sciences In environmental, modeling ,and especially in hydrology, a " behavioral model" means a model that is
  44. Especially in the context of cognitive decision-making, symbolic cognitive, modeling ,is extended to socio-cognitive approach including social and organization
  45. In areas of software development which require computational understanding and, modeling ,such as finance and economics, data mining and the physical sciences. The
  46. Cognition interrelated with a sub-symbolic not conscious layer. * Subsymbolic, modeling ,includes Connectionist/neural network models. Connectionism relies on the idea
  47. As well as using mirrors, video feedback or classmate observations. Guided, modeling ,with light hand contact is the primary tool for detecting and guiding the way
  48. Level, stylistics,and conversation. It examines the above using statistics and, modeling , and semantics. It analyzes language in context of anthropology, biology
  49. Currently the subject of analogue gravity research, studying the possibility of, modeling ,black holes and their related phenomena in such environments in the lab.
  50. And computation theory, software engineering, data mining, image processing, modeling ,and simulation, signal processing, discrete mathematics, control and system

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