Examples of the the word, disable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disable ), is the 5326 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Discs made with DVD copying programs such as DVD Shrink automatically, disable ,any Macro vision copy protection. USB-based video interfaces designed to allow
  2. Of the trap vector. #rK, the interrupt mask register #: Used to enable and, disable ,specific interrupts. #rQ, the interrupt request register #: Used to record
  3. 5.5.11 and newer feature an auto-update feature that allowed Lime Wire LLC to, disable ,newer versions of the Likewise software. Older versions of Likewise prior to
  4. Or disorienting to any web user. For example, using script to alter or, disable ,the normal functionality of the browser, such as by changing the way the
  5. The choice of the individual, with the report recommending" to allow users to, disable ,ClearType if they find it produces effects other than improved performance ".
  6. Library District (NCRL) in Washington State for its policy of refusing to, disable ,restrictions upon requests of adult patrons, but CIA was not challenged in
  7. Animals like eels can generate a powerful voltage from certain cells that can, disable ,much larger animals. Edinburgh (; Scottish Gaelic: Dun Deann) is the capital
  8. Examples of common usage of compiler dramas would be to, disable ,certain features, such as run-time type checking or array subscript boundary
  9. Put a 250 kg bomb on a Zero and let it crash into a U. S. carrier, in order to, disable ,her for a week. " First kamikaze unit Commander ASCII Tami asked a group of
  10. Rest—was simply left undisturbed for years until corrosion would (hopefully), disable , the mines. Mine breaking A more drastic method is simply to load a cargo ship
  11. Ground pin that indicated that the i487 was installed. That signal was used to, disable ,the i486SX when the i487 was installed. Although i486SX devices were not used
  12. After the DEC PDP-11 processor. The 6800 has a three-state control that will, disable ,the address bus to allow another device direct memory access. A disk controller
  13. Collected but allow the user to manually delete objects and also entirely, disable ,garbage collection when speed is required. While integrating garbage collection
  14. The helicopters are equipped with anti-materiel rifles which can be used to, disable ,the motors of the go-fast boat. The U. S. Coast Guard go-fast boat is a
  15. The French Grande batteries. Though the Grey's had neither the time nor means to, disable ,the cannon or carry them off, they put very many out of action as the gun crews
  16. To ease the transition, the " Memory" control panel contained a switch to, disable ,this feature, allowing for compatibility with older applications. One notable
  17. The rest of the round from multiple selectable views, although some servers, disable ,some of these views to prevent dead players from relaying information about
  18. Enabled, although a patch available on the 3D Realms website allows the user to, disable ,the lock and revert the game back to its original uncensored version. The LFLC
  19. Registers. #rA, the arithmetic status register #: Used to record, enable and, disable ,arithmetic exception like overflow and divide by zero. #rF, the failure
  20. Functional. As a result, neither the RIAA nor Lime Wire LLC have the ability to, disable ,older versions of Likewise, unless the user chooses to upgrade to a newer
  21. To commit copyright infringement. On October 26, 2010,Likewise was ordered to, disable ,the" searching, downloading,uploading, file trading and/or file distribution
  22. Of mesh and grid generation. *Interrupt, in computer science is used to, disable ,interrupts * IMR-1,2,and 3 armored engineering vehicles (Inzhenernaya
  23. The same report also recommends employing browser add-ons wherever possible to, disable ,Adobe Flash Player when visiting untrusted sites. McAfee predicted that Adobe
  24. Regional Library District (NCRL) in Washington for its policy of refusing to, disable ,restrictions upon an adult patron's request. Library patrons attempting to
  25. Crusader and Boy Wonder use a sonic charge weapon called" Bat-Charges" to, disable ,Penguin's submarine and bring it to the surface, where a grand fist fight
  26. Type information to do bounds checking an option is provided to enable or, disable ,it. Static code analysis can remove many dynamic bound and type checks, but
  27. Microsoft belatedly took steps to prevent the misuse by adding the ability to, disable ,macros completely, to enable macros when opening a workbook or to trust all
  28. ISP's own choice, should deploy such software without allowing the users to, disable ,the filtering for their own connections. Critics argue that content-filtering
  29. OS uses for interrupt handling. For example, most processors allow programs to, disable ,interrupts, putting off the execution of interrupt handlers, in order to
  30. Some operating systems, including Windows XP pre-SP 1,and Windows 2000, disable ,48-bit LBA by default, requiring the user to take extra steps to use the entire
  31. Status, a wire needed to be manually soldered between pins on the sound chip to, disable ,the filter. Paula can read directly from the system's RAM, using direct memory
  32. To drop a fully working rootkit. We even have a little code that can remove or, disable ,antivirus. ” Mebromi is a Trojan primarily targeting Chinese users
  33. A tactical draw, and both sides came up short. Pleasant was not able to, disable ,Stuart's force at the start of an important campaign, and he withdrew before
  34. Surges, brown-outs,blown fuses, and various other power outages instantly, disable ,all computer systems, since they are dependent on an electrical source. Other
  35. Never gained traction; see RFCs 3885 through 3888. ) Many ISPs now deliberately, disable ,non-delivery reports (DRS) and delivery receipts due to the activities of
  36. Affecting Android-based mobile devices. Android users have been recommended to, disable ,Flash or make it only on demand. Symantec's Internet Security Threat Report
  37. And sea otters are less frequently taken. Often, to avoid injury, killer whales, disable ,their prey before killing and eating it. This may involve throwing it in the
  38. In" Lessons ", he takes Theora's place in Control to guide Edison as well as, disable ,the Censor computer—gaining him the respect of other controllers who watch him
  39. They reside there. Some carriers (such as Bell Canada) have been known to, disable ,payphone calls to 958 or 959 test lines: in the specific case of Bell Canada
  40. Kong to eliminate Tracer Tong, a hacker whom Paul has contact with, and who can, disable ,the kill switches. Instead, JC returns to Paul's apartment to find Paul hiding
  41. In contiguous display modes. Due to the timing of interrupts it was possible to, disable ,either the top 100 or bottom 156 lines of the display with palette changes.
  42. Beta-lactam drugs, there are drugs, such as Augmenting/CLA, that are designed to, disable ,the beta-lactamase enzyme. Augmenting/CLA (FGP) is made of amoxicillin, a
  43. A lot of data from the same type has to be processed, modern processors can, disable ,parts of the pipeline so that when a single instruction is executed many times
  44. Iranian attack. It took a second preemptive strike by the Israeli Air Force to, disable ,the reactor, in the process killing a French engineer and causing France to
  45. Text to scroll off the top of the screen or window. Some old programs could, disable ,this and restart at the top of the window when scroll lock was pressed. The
  46. That the second device is available for use without having to disconnect or, disable ,the first. Directing originally allowed access to multiple mice as separate
  47. Before that. The W3C suggests that user agents should allow users to, disable ,it, otherwise META refresh should not be used by web pages. For Internet
  48. Will see themselves as living during the closing of a window of opportunity, to, disable , future artifacts before they are built, after which humans will no longer have
  49. Funds to use content-control software. Like CIA, the law requires libraries to, disable ,filters for an adult library user when requested to do so by the user.
  50. Immerse (it is used with literal and figurative meanings such as" sink ",", disable ,"," overwhelm "," go under "," overborne "," draw from a bowl" ), lexical

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