Examples of the the word, dissolve , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dissolve ), is the 5327 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Would be the final song written with the original lineup, as the band would, dissolve ,shortly after. Interesting note ..." Bottom Line" from the first LP was
  2. Indifference. The picture lost money and caused the Club of the Four Knights to, dissolve , Initial reception abroad was somewhat more favorable, but Dodesukaden has
  3. Discovery that aqua Regina, a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, could, dissolve , the noblest metal, gold,was to fuel the imagination of alchemists for the next
  4. That officially suspended the practice. Although this Manifesto did not yet, dissolve ,existing plural marriages, and did not entirely stop the practice of polygamy
  5. And science as reagents or solvents. Because of its low toxicity and ability to, dissolve ,non-polar substances, ethanol can be used as a solvent in medical drugs
  6. Minister, his Deputies and Ministers. The president does not have the right to, dissolve ,the National Assembly, but he has the right to veto its decisions. To override
  7. Pressure of less than 1 bar even at. Solutions of metals Liquid ammonia will, dissolve ,the alkali metals and other electromotive metals such as magnesium, calcium
  8. Some supreme violation of all the laws of my being would break down my Karma or, dissolve ,the spell that seems to bind me. " Slightly more than a month later, having
  9. Knew it) on chalk in order to produce carbon dioxide, and forcing the gas to, dissolve ,by agitating a bowl of water in contact with the gas. This was the invention of
  10. Sunlight and heat may weaken the adhesive. Solvents can deteriorate or, dissolve ,adhesive. Physical stresses may also cause the separation of surfaces. When
  11. Given a cellulose-containing material, the carbohydrate portion that does not, dissolve ,in a 17.5 % solution of sodium hydroxide at 20 °C is α cellulose, which is true
  12. Time. Carbonic acid in groundwater slowly reacts with complex silicates to, dissolve ,calcium, magnesium,alkalis and silica and leave a residue of clay minerals.
  13. Heated, similar to zinc oxide. Hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid, dissolve ,cadmium by forming cadmium chloride (CdCl2),cadmium sulfate (CdSO4),or
  14. Of Alchemy in Latin: Solve et Coagulant — Separate, and Join Together (or ", dissolve ,and coagulate" ). At the beginning of the 16th century, King James IV of
  15. And custards. For making jelly, it is boiled in water until the solids, dissolve , Sweetener, flavouring, colouring, fruit or vegetables are then added and the
  16. Are fully miscible there exists a concentration at which no further solute will, dissolve ,in a solution. At this point, the solution is said to be saturated. If
  17. Being passed over calcium carbonate in order to allow the calcium carbonate to, dissolve ,into the water more freely where it is used by some corals to build their
  18. South Dublin, each with its own county seat. In discussing the legislation to, dissolve ,Dublin County Council, Avril Doyle, a Teach ta Daley, said," The Bill before us
  19. With oxygen in a chemical reaction above a certain temperature; sugar and salt, dissolve ,in water because their molecular/ionic properties are such that dissolution is
  20. Legislative functions. As under the Westminster system, the prime minister may, dissolve ,parliament and call a general election at any time within a five-year term. The
  21. Established in 1869 as the first professional baseball team, voted to, dissolve ,after the 1870 season. Player-manager Harry Wright then went to Boston
  22. Metal, but rather uses microbial metabolism as source of acids which directly, dissolve ,the metal. Compared with other extraction techniques Extractions involve many
  23. Have originated from Brouwer's observation of a cup of coffee. If one stirs to, dissolve ,a lump of sugar, it appears there is always a point without motion. He drew the
  24. Parliament, nominate Constitutional Court judges for Senate's approval, and, dissolve , the parliament under certain special and rare conditions. He also appoints the
  25. Covered by polymeric side products. Additionally, heterogeneous catalysts can, dissolve ,into the solution in a solid–liquid system or evaporate in a solid–gas system.
  26. Isotope of curium needs to be separated. An example procedure could be to, dissolve ,spent reactor fuel (e.g. MOX fuel) in nitric acid, and remove the bulk of
  27. Non-aqueous ionizing solvent. Its most conspicuous property is its ability to, dissolve ,alkali metals to form highly colored, electrically conducting solutions
  28. Fracture caves are formed when layers of more soluble minerals, such as gypsum, dissolve ,out from between layers of less soluble rock. These rocks fracture and collapse
  29. The liquid CO2 reacts to form solid CO2 elaborate hydrates, which gradually, dissolve ,in the surrounding waters. This method, too,has potentially dangerous
  30. A small majority of members of the House of Alike attempted a coup, claiming to, dissolve ,the elected government and to take control of the country's leadership. "
  31. Produce it in solution. Therefore, one may also speak of hydroxide bases which, dissolve ,in water, and thus these would also be alkalis. Some examples, then,of alkalis
  32. For the dissolution of alcohol within the body, because alcohol does, dissolve ,in fatty tissue as well. When it does, a certain amount of alcohol is
  33. Boyle). * Chemistry (1663) – a scientific art, by which one learns to, dissolve ,bodies, and draw from them the different substances on their composition, and
  34. Is to other carbons or nitrogen in a sodium cyanide crystal. When such salts, dissolve ,into water, the ionic bonds are typically broken by the interaction with water
  35. Regulation of absorption Cholesterol is only slightly soluble in water; it can, dissolve ,and travel in the water-based bloodstream at tiny concentrations.
  36. Or steel ship's hull may be protected by a zinc sacrificial anode, which will, dissolve ,into the seawater and prevent the hull from being corroded. Sacrificial anodes
  37. Alkalis may be defined as soluble bases, which means they must be able to, dissolve ,in water. Bases generally are defined as substances which contain hydroxide ion
  38. On 24 October 2001,The Prescription Access Litigation (PAL),filed suit to, dissolve ,an agreement between Bayer and three of its competitors which produced generic
  39. Such as (orange). Most alkaloids are poorly soluble in water but readily, dissolve ,in organic solvents, such as diethyl ether, chloroform and 1,2-dichloroethane.
  40. To both sterilize and evaporate off any solvent that may have been used to, dissolve ,the often polar hormones. This hormone/GM solution can be spread across the
  41. Covered by polymeric side products. Additionally, heterogeneous catalysts can, dissolve ,into the solution in a solid–liquid system or evaporate in a solid–gas system.
  42. Saturated. If additional solute is added to a saturated solution, it will not, dissolve ,(except in certain circumstances, when supersaturation may occur). Instead
  43. Allow it to penetrate deep into the beans but also liquid-like properties that, dissolve ,97–99 % of the caffeine. The caffeine-laden CO2 is then sprayed with high
  44. Insurance, commercial and financial banking. Upon the Board's decision to, dissolve ,a for-profit corporation, shareholders receive the leftovers, following
  45. Folk HOL drum and electronic DJ looped sampling caused most bands to either, dissolve ,or morph into Punjabi folk singers albeit keeping the band name. In the 1980s (
  46. A transitional device, it is used as a substitute for the straight cut or the, dissolve ,(though Kurosawa, of course, often used both of those devices as well). In
  47. Henry that if" systematically and pertinaciously pursued ", they would ", dissolve ,the union or produce coercion ". The influence of Jefferson's doctrine of
  48. Unit, which uses either propane or butane in a supercritical phase to, dissolve ,the lighter molecules which are then separated. Further processing is possible
  49. A small majority of members of the House of Alike attempted a coup, claiming to, dissolve ,the elected government and to take control of the country's leadership. "
  50. History. Since the second emperor Taiping, military campaigns were launched to, dissolve ,threats from nomadic tribes, extend the border, and submit neighboring states

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