Examples of the the word, sheer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sheer ), is the 5735 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is found at an elevation of 749 meters (2,457 ft). The massif is bordered by, sheer ,cliffs up to 150 meters (492 ft) high. The average altitude of Burkina Faso
  2. Of ordinary acting here that their performances are best understood in terms of, sheer ,lack of inhibition; both give themselves entirely over to the material, which
  3. Until now. " Chopin's works emphasize nuance and expressive depth rather than, sheer ,virtuosity. Vladimir Horowitz referred to Chopin as" the only truly great
  4. Expressionists were considered madmen to give up their brushes and rely on the, sheer ,force of energy to leave an image, but then the import of atomic bombs, all
  5. Doonesbury sometimes experience a temporary bout of character shock,” as the, sheer ,number of characters—and the historical connections among them—can be
  6. Agnes produced at least 71 manuscript atlases of sea charts. Due to the, sheer ,physical difficulties inherent in cartography, map-makers frequently lifted
  7. Of the themes to be heard. This limitation exists in consequence of, sheer ,proportionality: the more voices in a fugue, the greater the amount of possible
  8. But the forces of nature will soon overcome that artificial skepticism, and the, sheer ,agreeableness of animal faith will protect us from excessive caution and
  9. Earned," still think that the Chinese Room Argument is dead wrong. " The, sheer ,volume of the literature that has grown up around it inspired Pat Hayes to quip
  10. Never uses" d' " alone).; négligée: A robe or a dressing gown, usually of, sheer ,or soft fabric for women. French uses negligee (masculine form, with accents)
  11. At a time. This way, any ABM defense system could be overwhelmed with the, sheer ,numbers of warheads. Upgrading it to counter the additional warheads would be
  12. The Stag Beetle, Rhinoceros Beetle, Kabutomushi, and Goliath Beetle, as their, sheer ,size and jumping ability make them formidable opponents. They are trained by
  13. Generally lacks finesse and footwork in the ring, but makes up for it through, sheer ,punching power. Mainly Irish, Irish-American,Mexican, and Mexican-American
  14. To prevent the disruption of future events by a variety of tactics, including, sheer , weight of numbers, infiltrating the groups to determine their plans, and
  15. The entrance of the joint. This then cracks it. Wave pounding is when the, sheer ,energy of the wave hitting the cliff or rock breaks pieces off. Abrasion or
  16. And crushed the Italians. While Menelik's victory was in a large part due to, sheer ,force of numbers,Menelik's careful preparations had made them well-armed
  17. Which is still over 10,000 times less massive than an electron),just by the, sheer ,number of them in the universe, the universe would collapse due to their mass.
  18. The Sabbath by being primarily for business. ... very often the ESBAB was for, sheer ,enjoyment only ". Murray used 16th to 17th century French sources on supposed
  19. city's early citizens in the enduring future of their city is evident in the, sheer ,scale of many of the early public buildings, generous public recreational
  20. Peak, Ténakourou, is found at an elevation of. The massif is bordered by, sheer ,cliffs up to high. The average altitude of Burkina Faso is and the difference
  21. Range from tender whispers to sighs down to shout, grunts,grumbles and, sheer ,gruffness that could move the listener from calmness and surrender, to fear.
  22. Most alien life will be orbiting Sun-like stars. The greatest problem is the, sheer ,size of the radio search needed to look for signals (effectively spanning the
  23. However, while the members of the expedition are at first stunned by the, sheer ,beauty of the surrounding land, they begin to notice that things are not as
  24. There is a lack of archaeological proof for this reconstruction, and the, sheer ,number of broths, sometimes in places with a lack of good land, makes it
  25. Laughless the affair could be, and how nearly every strained gag depends on the, sheer ,stupidity of its characters. " Ken Parish Perkins, writing for Fort Worth
  26. Game StarCraft--used when a raid's main strategy is to overwhelm an enemy by, sheer ,force of numbers. Monsters are sometimes called mobs, a shorthand term for "
  27. Centuries passed, the houses kept several core traits. Most apparent is their, sheer ,bulk; complexes averaged more than 200 rooms each, and some enclosed up to 700
  28. Continue to produce specialized automated systems to manage the, sheer ,volume of sequence data produced, and they create new algorithms and software
  29. Making any major innovations in narrative film construction, but eventually the, sheer ,volume of their production led to their film-makers giving a further precision
  30. Existence, is incalculable. In terms of technology, art and culture, as well as, sheer ,size, Constantinople was without parallel anywhere in Europe for a thousand
  31. Hunters using 8 gauge" elephant" shotguns, firing the two two-ounce slugs for, sheer ,stopping power at close range. Later models used a single trigger that would
  32. Anchors achieve holding power either by" hooking" into the seabed, or via, sheer ,mass, or a combination of the two. Permanent moorings use large masses (
  33. Match, and falls in love with erudite and wealthy Lydia Care. Lydia, drawn by, sheer ,animal magnetism, eventually consents to marry despite the disparity of their
  34. And under his lead the Hussite's were victorious for another ten years, to the, sheer ,terror of Europe. The Hussite cause gradually splintered into two main factions
  35. The intensity of kamikaze attacks from the Japanese defenders, and to the, sheer ,numbers of Allied ships and armored vehicles that assaulted the island. The
  36. Different from contemporary cinema, he responded," From ignorance ..., sheer ,ignorance. There is no confidence to equal it. It's only when you know
  37. Rhetoric and domestic pressure-groups. Germany's reliance time and again on, sheer ,power, while Britain increasingly appealed to moral sensibilities, played a
  38. Shoot as the owners' lease was too expensive. Henning himself admitted, sheer ,embarrassment when the finished product aired, blaming his inability to rewrite
  39. And Martin Smith, forming a group called" Adams-Smith-Adams," but through, sheer ,doggedness managed to become a member of the Footlights by 1973. Despite doing
  40. Older editions of Seafarers but is not included in newer editions. Due to the, sheer ,amounts of equipment needed, two copies of Settlers and Seafarers are required
  41. College game has a much larger margin for talent than its pro counterpart,the, sheer ,number of fans following major colleges provides a financial equalizer for the
  42. Major telephone companies aimed at dividing up the world between them, but the, sheer ,size of the ITT empire made it hard to compete with. With its financial
  43. Are examples of modernist fantasies, has been compared to Fellini for the, sheer ," luxuriance of his images ". I Villon inspired European directors Juan
  44. Made possible by years of practice and study, is more important than the, sheer ,ability to anticipate moves. De Groot showed that chess masters can memorize
  45. Expensive and extravagant fashions for nights out at their local disco, such as, sheer , flowing Alston dresses for women and shiny polyester Diana shirts for men
  46. The road from Bands to Puzo has long been known for its narrowness, curves and, sheer ,drops (only one lane in some places, in one area, actually cut into the side
  47. Of experience which lured many writers earlier in this century down the path of, sheer ,opinion-mongering. Later on this trend was reversed by a renewed interest in
  48. For example, those in the eastern states will tend to pronounce" fear" and ", sheer ," without any jaw movement, while the westerners would pronounce them like "
  49. Second, smaller box). Popular with CAD and DTP communities of the time for its, sheer ,graphical capability (its high resolution only recently having become a common
  50. Then a great dinner afterwards at one of the city's excellent restaurants. The, sheer ,bravado of the offer enticed some show business' biggest names. " Today

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