Examples of the the word, spelling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spelling ), is the 5729 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reading would be =" the god" ( an older form, without contraction),by older, spelling ,practice without for. Unicode has a code point reserved for, = U+FDF2.
  2. Ium spelling in all the patents It has consequently been suggested that the, spelling ,reflects an easier to pronounce word with one fewer syllable, or that the
  3. Charles Martin Hall used the -um spelling , despite his constant use of the -IBM, spelling ,in all the patents It has consequently been suggested that the spelling
  4. Spelling, and these rules are successful most of the time; rules to predict, spelling ,from the pronunciation have a higher failure rate. Sometimes, countries have
  5. And Gloria are the oxides of magnesium, cerium,and thorium respectively. The, spelling ,used throughout the 19th century by most U. S. chemists was aluminum, but
  6. Borrowed from other languages, notice that transliteration mainly indicates, spelling ,not real pronunciation (e.g. " Film" or" democracy" ). However, the
  7. The futuristic NSU RO 80. However, Volkswagen took the K70 for its own range, spelling ,the end of NSU as a separate brand. Modern era The new merged company was known
  8. Japanese hiragana and katakana syllabifies, or the various rules in English for, spelling ,words from Latin and Greek, or the original Germanic vocabulary. National
  9. Of accuracy. At the other extreme, are languages such as English, where the, spelling ,of many words simply has to be memorized as they do not correspond to sounds in
  10. Use of nasal vowels and elision, may seem to lack much correspondence between, spelling ,and pronunciation, but its rules on pronunciation are actually consistent and
  11. It often also stood for the long vowels â or ê. Among Jews, influence of Hebrew, spelling ,often led to the use of He instead of Olaf in word final positions. The
  12. To use aluminum in its publications; American dictionaries typically label the, spelling ,aluminum as a British variant. The name aluminum derives from its status as a
  13. Husen, possibly as a result of the influence of German merchants. Aarhus/Århus, spelling ,After the Danish spelling reform of 1948 Aarhus changed name to Århus. In 2010
  14. In only one way. However, pronunciation cannot always be predicted from, spelling ,in cases of irregular syllabic stress. In standard Spanish, it is possible to
  15. Standard Spanish, it is possible to tell the pronunciation of a word from its, spelling , but not vice versa; this is because certain phonemes can be represented in
  16. Austrian dictionary," Was Österreichische Wörterbuch" gives grammar and, spelling ,rules defining the official language. In addition to this standard variety, in
  17. Would correspond perfectly in two directions: a writer could predict the, spelling ,of a word given its pronunciation, and a speaker could predict the
  18. Its internal publications, although nearly as many IUPAC publications use the, spelling ,aluminum. Most countries use the spelling aluminum. In the United States, the
  19. A seaport. The municipality and the town have chosen to retain the traditional, spelling ,of the name as Aalborg, although the new spelling Aalborg is used in other
  20. Individually matched controls at basic language tasks involving vocabulary and, spelling , Both autistic groups performed worse than controls at complex language tasks
  21. A higher failure rate. Sometimes, countries have the written language undergo a, spelling ,reform to realign the writing with the contemporary spoken language. These can
  22. And a speaker could predict the pronunciation of a word given its, spelling , However, the pronunciation of a language often evolves independently of its
  23. Systems. Some are interested in transliteration,i.e. representing the, spelling ,of Arabic, while others focus on transcription,i.e. representing the
  24. Aluminum. Most countries use the spelling aluminum. In the United States,the, spelling ,aluminum predominates. The Canadian Oxford Dictionary prefers aluminum, whereas
  25. To retain the traditional spelling of the name as Aalborg, although the new, spelling ,Aalborg is used in other contexts, such as Aalborg Bight (Aalborg But),the
  26. Method of producing the metal 1892,Charles Martin Hall used the -um, spelling , despite his constant use of the -IBM spelling in all the patents It has
  27. Was a mistake. Hall's domination of production of the metal ensured that the, spelling ,aluminum became the standard in North America; the Webster Unabridged
  28. Until the 3rd century CE. Etymology The etymology of Apollo is uncertain. The, spelling ,Ἀπόλλων had almost superseded all other forms by the beginning of the common
  29. Entered occasional English usage. For example, the term stationary (French, spelling ,: spationaute) is sometimes used to describe French space travelers, from the
  30. Came into effect on January 1,2011. Mayor Nicolai Women argued that the AA, spelling ,would strengthen the city's international profile, help private enterprise and
  31. The writing with the contemporary spoken language. These can range from simple, spelling ,changes and word forms to switching the entire writing system itself, as when
  32. Or dysmorphia can find text-to-speech (TTS) software useful for reading and, spelling ,programs useful when writing texts. Computers, with their hardware
  33. An to spell the vowel. This is because the spelling was settled before Arabic, spelling ,started habitually using to spell. However, in vocalized spelling , a small
  34. As many IUPAC publications use the spelling aluminum. Most countries use the, spelling ,aluminum. In the United States, the spelling aluminum predominates. The
  35. Letters that exist for historical or other reasons. For example,the, spelling ,of the Thai word for" beer" เบียร์ retains a letter for the final consonant "
  36. The word is always written without an to spell the vowel. This is because the, spelling ,was settled before Arabic spelling started habitually using to spell. However
  37. Most U. S. chemists was aluminum, but common usage is less clear. The aluminum, spelling ,is used in the Webster's Dictionary of 1828. In his advertising handbill for
  38. Enterprise and make it easier to access Aarhus on the internet. The Aarhus, spelling ,has, however,always had some use in non-Scandinavian languages. There is
  39. Even English has general, albeit complex, rules that predict pronunciation from, spelling , and these rules are successful most of the time; rules to predict spelling
  40. Choctaw language and was later adopted by the Alabama tribe as their name. The, spelling ,of the word varies significantly between sources. Although the origin of
  41. Of the influence of German merchants. Aarhus/Århus spelling After the Danish, spelling ,reform of 1948 Aarhus changed name to Århus. In 2010,a majority of the city
  42. many loanwords at different times, retaining their original, spelling ,at varying levels. Even English has general, albeit complex, rules that predict
  43. Some national languages like Finnish, Turkish and Bulgarian have a very regular, spelling ,system with a nearly one-to-one correspondence between letters and phonemes.
  44. Tantalum, discovered in 1802. The -um suffix is consistent with the universal, spelling ,alumina for the oxide, as Santana is the oxide of lanthanum, and magnesia
  45. Reflects an easier to pronounce word with one fewer syllable, or that the, spelling ,on the flier was a mistake. Hall's domination of production of the metal
  46. English, the Austrian and German varieties differ in minor respects (e.g., spelling , word usage and grammar) but are recognizably equivalent and largely mutually
  47. Before Arabic spelling started habitually using to spell. However, in vocalized, spelling , a small diacritic is added on top of the to indicate the pronunciation. One
  48. To 'spell ', compitare, is unknown to many Italians because the act of, spelling ,itself is almost never needed: each phoneme of Standard Italian is represented
  49. However, they were abandoned in Arabic, Cyrillic and Latin. Orthography and, spelling ,Each language may establish rules that govern the association between letters
  50. A, A Novel (1968,ISBN 0-8021-3553-6) is a literal transcription – containing, spelling ,errors and phonetically written background noise and mumbling – of audio

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