Examples of the the word, mp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mp ), is the 5733 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Isaac Newton Institute website. *http://www.cam.ac.uk/map/v3/drawmap.cgi?, mp ,main; xx 1100; by=560 Interactive map of the Mathematical Sciences site
  2. The expenditure and the value of the product. Marx thus called capital spent on, mp ," constant" -- because the labor process doesn't change it. On the other
  3. Head of Jamal in his time. The Sarah of three Dada is located in Chandra (, mp ,). In 1930 Dada take Sarah he was avatar of lord shiv and used to light
  4. S expenditure and income:: Expenditure = mp + LV: Value of product =, mp ,+ Lt According to these two equations, the value of the means of production (
  5. Water or alcohol. The hydrochloride, B•HCl, crystallises from water in rhombus, mp , 220 °C,α20°D +10.1°; the hydrobromide, in needles, mp . 211 °C, and the D-acid
  6. Of the US have their own ccTLD:. As for American Samoa, Gu for Guam, ., mp , for Northern Mariana Islands, Pr for Puerto Rico, and. Vi for the United
  7. A_ \cap \dots \cap A_ represents the set of shuffles having p values m1,..., mp ,in the correct position. Note that the number of shuffles with p values correct
  8. Value is the value of the product;, mp , is the value of the means of production; Lt is,
  9. Where:: e is the elementary charge, : ħ is the reduced Planck constant, :, mp , is the proton rest mass In SI units, its value is approximately:: in = The
  10. History of the Co mp uter Laboratory * http://www.cam.ac.uk/map/v3/drawmap.cgi?, mp ,main; xx 675; by 468; CT c; so 4; TL Co mp uter%20Laboratory; GF=PNG Location of
  11. Lt According to these two equations, the value of the means of production (, mp ,) is si mp ly transferred to the value of the product without alteration; the
  12. European Mammal Paleogene zones, a unit of the geologic timescale *., mp ,is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Northern Mariana
  13. Where LV is the value of the labor (-power).: Income:: = value of product: =, mp ,+ Lt: Difference:: = Lt - LV: = surplus value There is a large moral element in
  14. To make clothing is http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php? Cp Topic, mp ,backcloth, an innovation of the agenda people of Uganda. It came from the
  15. The equations for the capitalist's expenditure and income:: Expenditure =, mp ,+ LV: Value of product = mp + Lt According to these two equations, the value of
  16. Terms such as" blastissimo ". Dynamic indications are relative, not absolute., mp ,does not indicate an exact level of volume, it merely indicates that music in a
  17. XML: Lang" la" Lang" la" title="ID/NHS"> est">i. e., As. us, Gu. us, ., mp , Us, Pr. us, and. vi. us, respectively ). Other administered second-level
  18. In 2007,RMB3.798 in 2008,RMB3.872 in 2009,and RMB3.922 in 2010. MP or, mp ,may refer to: *Monoprint (M/P),an art term referring to a type of
  19. On restaurant menus," market price" ( often abbreviated to m. p. or, mp ,) is written instead of a price to mean" price of dish depends on market price
  20. But the salts have slightly different melting points; the platinichloride has, mp , 160 °C (Löffler and Friedrich report 175 °C),the trichloride mp . 59 °C.
  21. Often pronounced with; accepted pronunciation is" controller" ( the, mp ,spelling is based on the mistaken idea that the word has something to do with
  22. Sandhi effects. For exa mp le, regardless of word boundaries, np is always, mp , NK is always OK (where ŋ is a velar nasal). Personal pronouns Some dialects
  23. If the number m (q − 1)up is odd, then q will be even, since it is equal to, mp ,+ 1. But q is prime and cannot be equal to 2; therefore’m is even. #*Note:
  24. From water in rhombus, mp . 220 °C,α20°D +10.1°; the hydrobromide, in needles, mp , 211 °C, and the D-acid tart rate, B•C4H6O6•2 H2O,in rhomboid crystals, mp . 54
  25. Been removed. Top-level domains using a wildcard A record, include. Cg, Kr, ., mp , Nu, Ph, Rw, St, Tk and. Ws. It has also become common for ISPs to
  26. Piano Nocturne, a phrase beginning pp is followed by a diminuendo leading to a, mp ,marking. Another instance of performer's discretion in this piece occurs when
  27. K (29.7646 °C,85.5763 °F) is near room te mp erature. Gallium's melting point (, mp ,) is one of the formal te mp erature reference points in the International
  28. The following clusters in medial and final position only: * Nasal + obstruct:, mp , mp h, ms,MB, nt, nk, n,NH, ns, nd, ng (however NH was si mp lified to h, with
  29. Consonants. Swahili is well known for having words whose spellings begin with, mp ,or ND, like MTU, though truer penalized sounds like mp or ND do occur
  30. The consonant gradation itself. Changes for p include p: v (tape: TACAN) and, mp ,: mm (la mp : laymen),where the latter is again caused by assimilation and not
  31. Solution as an oil, which solidifies to a mass of orange-yellow crystals, mp , 175 °C (dry). The trichloride, B•HAuCl4,crystallizes on standing, mp . 77
  32. Officer),GP (General Practitioner),Dr (short for doctor) *Member -, mp ,(same as Member of Parliament (below) ) *Monarch - er (Elizabeth Regina)
  33. Has mp . 160 °C (Löffler and Friedrich report 175 °C),the trichloride, mp , 59 °C. Synthesis In the original synthesis of this substance by Laden burg in
  34. Stars are co mp osed mainly of ionized hydrogen, N equals roughly M/ mp , where, mp , is the mass of one proton. Application of the equipartition theorem gives an
  35. First is si mp le assimilation with respect to place of articulation (e.g. NP →, mp ,). The second is predictive germination of initial consonants on morpheme
  36. Spellings begin with mp or ND, like MTU, though truer penalized sounds like, mp ,or ND do occur word-initially in other Bantu languages. A postnasalized stop
  37. To the total profit. So N and v (S) 0 if o is not a member of S and v (S) =, mp ,if S contains the owner and m workers. Co mp uting the Shapely value for this
  38. Value =, mp , + Lt Where:,
  39. Figured into its value, so the income becomes:: Income:: = value of product: =, mp ,+ Lt (other workers) + Lt (capitalist while he works) He still makes money
  40. To create Type1 fonts through MetaPost. Exa mp les This is a single file exa mp le., mp ,which when processed by the MetaPost interpreter (via the command most on
  41. God). South African Tonga also uses consonant combinations like" NK ",", mp ,"," NS" as in Athens (thank),ny mp h (war),and Nisha (vein). In
  42. Also divide 3p − 1 − 1. Kirishima further proved that p2 must actually divide, mp ,− 1 − 1 for every prime m ≤ 31. Granville and Monacan extended the proof to all
  43. Raised stem + doubled bow row is used for the very common nasalized stops (NT, mp ,). In such cases, the " w" sign in the previous paragraph is used for" v ".
  44. Mp. 175 °C (dry). The trichloride, B•HAuCl4,crystallizes on standing, mp , 77 °C. The pirate forms small yellow needles, mp . 75 °C, from hot water. The
  45. Mp. 211 °C, and the D-acid tart rate, B•C4H6O6•2 H2O,in rhomboid crystals, mp , 54 °C. The platinichloride, ( B•HCl)2•PtCl4•H2O,separates from concentrated
  46. Or Profit and Loss account) of the capitalist is this:: Expenditure:: =, mp ,+ LV where LV is the value of the labor (-power).: Income:: = value of
  47. The precipitate afforded by potassium cadmium iodide solution is crystalline, mp , 118 °C, while that given by nicotine with this reagent is amorphous. Sodium
  48. Crystallises on standing, mp . 77 °C. The pirate forms small yellow needles, mp , 75 °C, from hot water. The 2,4-dinitrobenzoyl- and
  49. Transferred to the value of the product without alteration; the same term, mp ,appears in the expenditure and the value of the product. Marx thus called
  50. Mass is defined such that the Gravitational potential energy between two masses, mp ,of separation r is equal to the energy of a photon (or gravity) of angular

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