Examples of the the word, introductory , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Linguistic relationships. And so does Terry Crowley, who are both authors of, introductory ,texts in historical linguistics. The abbreviated summary below is based on
  2. Helped film and edit this short (Film Comment). **Note: Marker wrote the, introductory ,text for this film under the name" Boris Villeneuve" ( Film Comment). **Note
  3. Series include Formula Three, Formula Renault, Formula Ford with the leading, introductory ,series being Formula BMW. Single-seater racing is not limited merely to
  4. Two parts. Contents of the Roman Breviary At the beginning stands the usual, introductory ,matter, such as the tables for determining the date of Easter, the calendar
  5. He also did this in the second movement of his Quartet op. 127. Under the, introductory ,slow chords in the last movement Beethoven wrote in the manuscript" Mud BS
  6. For proving deep results about differential equations and is covered in most, introductory ,courses on differential geometry. It appears in unlikely fields such as game
  7. Also called Galois fields) are fields with finitely many elements. The above, introductory ,example F4 is a field with four elements. Highlighted in the multiplication and
  8. Success over successive generations. Predator-prey interactions are an, introductory ,concept into food-web studies as well as behavioral ecology. Prey species can
  9. Accounting for the lack of representation of educational psychology content in, introductory ,psychology textbooks. Social, moral and cognitive development To understand the
  10. Sophocles, who established the setting and background of his plays in the, introductory ,dialogue, Euripides used a monologue in which a divinity or human character
  11. Capacity (1 – N/K). The discipline of population ecology builds upon these, introductory ,models to further understand demographic processes in real study populations
  12. A reading by Williams, sent the older poet several of his poems and wrote an, introductory ,letter. Most of these early poems were rhymed and metered and included archaic
  13. Le diner (dinner) often consists of three courses, hors d'sure or entrée (, introductory ,course, sometimes soup),plat principal (main course),and a cheese course
  14. And third years of JD study at many American law schools. Curricula vary: an, introductory ,course might focus on the" big five" federal statutes - NEPAL, CAA,CWA
  15. One term of biology, a freshman elective" menu" course, two terms of, introductory ,lab courses,2 terms of science writing, and 12 terms of humanities. A typical
  16. Law binding on Christians? "; see also Biblical law in Christianity. After an, introductory ,address (Gal http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/? Search Galatians%201:1-10;
  17. Emphasis on balance in trade. For example, the second edition of the popular, introductory ,textbook, An Outline of Money, devoted the last three of its ten chapters to
  18. Boulanger in Paris. It was because of Ravel's high praise of Gershwin in an, introductory ,letter to Boulanger that caused Gershwin to seriously consider taking time to
  19. The Testimony of Eight Witnesses. These affidavits are published as part of the, introductory ,pages to the Book of Mormon. Smith enlisted the help of his neighbor, Martin
  20. Fungi (including lichens),and photosynthetic protists are usually covered in, introductory ,botany courses. The study of plants is vital because they are a fundamental
  21. Accounting for the lack of representation of educational psychology content in, introductory ,psychology textbooks (Lucas, Blazek, & Rally,2006). Sociology The sociology
  22. Edited book Critical Psychology by Dennis Fox and Isaac Prilleltensky. Various, introductory ,texts to critical psychology written in the United Kingdom have tended to focus
  23. Its uses in full instrumental works, its importance in development and, introductory ,sections, and the developmental capabilities of fugal composition. It employs a
  24. Which appeared in the first edition of K&R, has become the model for an, introductory ,program in most programming textbooks, regardless of programming language. The
  25. Used, and when they did occur in American films it was usually in the, introductory ,stages. By 1918 the edges of ordinary circular irises were becoming very fuzzy
  26. Main divisions: the first is the Liturgy of the Catechumens which consists of, introductory ,litanies, antiphons and scripture readings, culminating in a reading from one
  27. Prior to being incorporated into the present text. Scholars agree that the, introductory ,and concluding sections of the book, the framing devices, were composed to set
  28. Each individual dance just before the music for that dance begins. During this, introductory ," walk-through" period, participants learn the dance by walking through the
  29. Reasoning.; The New Elements of Mathematics Pace wrote drafts for an, introductory ,textbook, with the working title The New Elements of Mathematics, that
  30. With Newton's laws in non-inertial reference frames, it is commonly taught in, introductory ,physics classes that the centrifugal force does not exist. Derivation For the
  31. Prokosch's nearly complete German translations of the tenth volume, the 2004, introductory , work entitled The World of Eliza Celebs: An Ottoman Mentality written by
  32. By all individuals in the population remains constant. " An example of an, introductory ,population model describes a closed population, such as on an island, where
  33. Until Roll May's highly influential 1985 book Existence - and especially his, introductory ,essay - introduced their work into this country. A more recent contributor to
  34. The core concepts of topology, which is treated in full generality below. The, introductory ,portion of this article focuses on the special case where the inputs and
  35. A limit of a sequence. The chief among these representations, particularly in, introductory ,calculus courses is the limit: \LIM_\left (1+\franc\right)in, given above, as
  36. As Deus Ex in Europe) was released on March 25, 2002. Along with pre-rendered, introductory ,and ending cinematic that replaced the original versions, it features a
  37. Of grains of sand required to fill the universe is 8 in modern notation. The, introductory ,letter states that Archimedes' father was an astronomer named Phidias. The
  38. For God's mercy on the living and the dead, readings from the Psalter with, introductory ,prayers, troparia, and other prayers and hymns surrounding them. The Psalms are
  39. F× is cyclic. This applies in particular to FM×, it is cyclic of order. In the, introductory ,example, a generator of F4× is the element A. *From the point of view of
  40. With a venue and title in reference to judicial proceedings. In some cases,an, introductory ,clause, called a preamble, is added attesting that the affine personally
  41. 1918) and The Pilgrim (1923) for which he composed the music and recorded an, introductory ,narration. As well as directing these final films, Chaplin also wrote My
  42. Provides some general notes about Paul. He introduces his apostleship here and, introductory ,notes about the gospel he wishes to preach to the church at Rome. Jesus' human
  43. Moore: The Analytic Heritage (1971) and Russell (1972). He also wrote an, introductory ,book on the philosophy of David Hume and a short biography of Voltaire. In
  44. FRAUD DEPT (press 1) United Kingdom *08081707788,it does have a long, introductory ,message, but it is useful on Coots which have 17070 barred. *18866,Same
  45. Women and girls play baseball around the world, including Little League and the, introductory ,game of Tee Ball. A varsity baseball team is an established part of physical
  46. Jews such as Theophilus, whom Saint Luke the Evangelist addresses in the, introductory ,chapter of his gospel. When the church was founded by Saint Mark during the
  47. The ceremony, a celebratory meal takes place. At the brat Amazon additional, introductory ,lines, known as Node Leshimcha, are added. These lines praise God and request
  48. Of a typical Aristophanes plot can be summarized as follows:: *prologue - an, introductory ,scene with a dialogue and/or soliloquy addressed to the audience, expressed in
  49. Later packages, such as Learn to Program BASIC would also have gaming as an, introductory ,focus. Maturity: the personal computer era As early as 1979 Microsoft was in
  50. Science faculty held a degree in geology, and the university offered only one, introductory ,course in the subject. Although ten of the sixteen members of the science

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