Examples of the the word, lender , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lender ), is the 5736 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Safeguard" rules covering ten sensitives issues ... no other development, lender ,is hamstrung in this way" ( page 389). The ten policies cover: Environmental
  2. Selling equity claims, decreasing its expenses, or increasing its income. The, lender ,can find a borrower, a financial intermediary such as a bank, or buy notes or
  3. Resilience, for example, the fact, as stated above, that the country is a net, lender ,rather than a borrower nation and the government and the Bank of Israel's
  4. And a $734 million mortgage. In 2003 Tried surrendered the building to, lender ,MetLife. In 2004 MetLife sold the building to a group of investors, including
  5. Duties include controlling interest rates (monetary policy),and acting as a, lender ,of last resort to the banking sector during times of financial crisis. It may
  6. Towards an FHA mortgage principal, may take the initiative through their, lender ,to have the insurance terminated using the 78 % rule, but not sooner than after
  7. The Bank also acts as the bankers' bank, especially in its capacity as a, lender ,of last resort. The Bank of England has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes in
  8. Set up by the UK Government. The Bank of England of course still remains, lender ,of last resort in the case of any further unexpected shock to the UK financial
  9. If a property purchaser borrows more than 80 % of the property's value,the, lender ,will likely require that the borrower purchase private mortgage insurance to
  10. As Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia, has set up a regional bank and development, lender ,called Bank of the South, based in Caracas, an attempt to distance himself from
  11. Monetary policy and oversees the transfer of currencies abroad. It is the, lender ,of last resort, exercises supervisory authority over commercial banks, and
  12. Central bank may include: * the Government's banker and the bankers' bank (", lender ,of last resort" ) * managing the country's foreign exchange and gold reserves
  13. Buying homes in black neighborhoods. Mortgages Reverse redlining occurs when a, lender ,or insurer particularly targets minority consumers, not to deny them loans or
  14. Merchants. If a merchant received a loan to fund his shipment, he would pay the, lender ,an additional sum in exchange for the lender 's guarantee to cancel the loan
  15. Unless the airline cures all defaults. More specifically, the right of the, lender ,to take possession of the secured equipment is not hampered by the automatic
  16. Intermediary such as a bank, or buy notes or bonds in the bond market. The, lender ,receives interest, the borrower pays a higher interest than the lender receives
  17. Purchase private mortgage insurance to cover the lender 's risk. If the, lender ,is FHA approved and the mortgage is within FHA limits, the FHA provides
  18. Similarly, many U. S. states have usury laws limiting the amount of interest a, lender ,can charge, but federal law allows corporations to 'import' these laws from
  19. To a debtor clearing his long term debt with" hyperinflated-cash" nor could a, lender ,simply somehow suspend the loan. " Early redemption penalties" were (and
  20. Require that the borrower purchase private mortgage insurance to cover the, lender ,'s risk. If the lender is FHA approved and the mortgage is within FHA limits
  21. Both at home and abroad. In exceptional circumstances, the Bank may act as the, lender ,of last resort by extending credit when no other institution will. The Bank
  22. To prevent or minimize the occurrence of bank runs, and possibly act as a, lender ,of last resort if a bank run does occur. Many economists, following Milton
  23. Deals, if the Yeltsin government did not repay the loans by September 1996,the, lender ,acquired title to the stock and could then resell it or take an equity position
  24. Lender of last resort In the United States the Federal Reserve serves as the, lender ,of last resort to those institutions that cannot obtain credit elsewhere and
  25. Merchandise are busy at sea. He promises to cover a bond if Bassanio can find a, lender , so Bassanio turns to the Jewish money lender Shylock and names Antonio as the
  26. Interest. Many U. S. states have usury laws limiting the amount of interest a, lender ,can charge. Federal law allows a national bank to" import" these laws from
  27. Want capital to those who have it. Typically, a borrower issues a receipt to the, lender ,promising to pay back the capital. These receipts are securities which may be
  28. Of a default of payment. Generally, if the debtor defaults on any debt to the, lender , a cross default covenant in the debt contract states that that particular debt
  29. Leaving their dependents to starve. Credit procurement was difficult if the, lender ,worried about repayment in the event of the borrower's death or infirmity.
  30. Ranging from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf to Scouting for Boys. He was a major, lender ,to the 1963 exhibition Printing and the Mind of Man. Fleming served on the
  31. As lender of last resort, helped support Northern Rock, a specialist mortgage, lender ,that suddenly became unable to rely on wholesale market borrowing to finance
  32. Stability in the purchasing power of the national currency. It is also the, lender ,of last resort. Currency policy Mexico has a floating exchange rate regime. The
  33. Toyota's financial unit has asked for an emergency loan from a state-backed, lender ,on March 16, 2009,with reports putting the figure at more than. It says the
  34. Bond. In the case of a private placement bond, the bond is held by the, lender ,and does not enter the large bond market. Sometimes the documentation allows
  35. An industry-wide crackdown on transfer-of-title structures where the private, lender ,may sell or sell short the securities to fund the loan. See sell short.
  36. Is US$84 billion, or approximately 44 % of GDP, since 2001 it has become a net, lender ,nation in terms of net external debt (the total value of assets vs.
  37. May be freely bought or sold. In return for lending money to the borrower,the, lender ,will expect some compensation in the form of interest or dividends. In
  38. Of about US$19.6 billion (€15 billion). IFA tackles poverty not only as a, lender , but also as a http://www.ifad.org/pub/brochure/corporate/e.pdf advocate for
  39. Not all, of these coverages. When a car is used as collateral for a loan the, lender ,usually requires specific coverage. Home insurance provides
  40. Copernicus (1540) *Tabular choreographic rough Pressed UND cliché umbliegende, lender ,(1541) *De materials et Angeles Triangulum (with Copernicus; 1542)
  41. 21st century More recently, in 2007 the Bank of England, in its role as, lender ,of last resort, helped support Northern Rock, a specialist mortgage lender that
  42. But not to middle- or upper-income blacks. Reverse redlining occurs when a, lender ,or insurer particularly targets minority consumers, not to deny them loans or
  43. Forbidden by Hebrew Law as stated in Deuteronomy 24: 10-13: By giving the, lender ,the cloak as well the debtor was reduced to nakedness. Public nudity was viewed
  44. The lender receives interest, the borrower pays a higher interest than the, lender ,receives, and the financial intermediary earns the difference for arranging the
  45. To involuntary unemployment. However," unanticipated" inflation leads to, lender ,losses. Thus, Keynesian monetary policy aims for a steady rate of inflation. In
  46. Covenants require them to use one of the Big Four. This approach from the, lender ,prevents accounting firms in the next tier from competing for audit work for
  47. A copy of his Tabular choreographic rough Pressed UND cliché umbliegende, lender ,(Map of Prussia and Neighboring Lands) to Albert, Duke of Prussia, who had
  48. His shipment, he would pay the lender an additional sum in exchange for the, lender ,'s guarantee to cancel the loan should the shipment be stolen or lost at sea.
  49. Such as unemployment, disability,or death. * Mortgage insurance insures the, lender ,against default by the borrower. Mortgage insurance is a form of credit
  50. A severe adverse impact on the economy. " The Federal Reserve System's role as, lender ,of last resort has been criticized because it shifts the risk and

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