Examples of the the word, enclose , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enclose ), is the 5727 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. These properties can be seen by observing soap bubbles. A soap bubble will, enclose ,a fixed volume and due to surface tension its surface area is minimal for that
  2. Longer than the Planck length,10−35. A bubble microscopically large enough to, enclose ,a ship 200 meters across would require a total amount of exotic matter equal to
  3. Had been reported around the world. (The stock exchange later spent $20,000 to, enclose ,the gallery with bulletproof glass. ) Hoffman wrote a decade later," We didn’t
  4. By hand, or with a device known as a ball winder. When knitting, some knitters, enclose ,their balls in jars to keep them clean and untangled with other yarns; the free
  5. Examples of Baroque architecture built in the city. Its two orders of pilasters, enclose ,niches and windows with fantastical cornices. To the left of the façade is a
  6. To open, to uncover) ** Scipio, saepīre, saepsī, saeptus (to surround, to, enclose , ) ** Sancho, sancīre, sānxī, sānctus (to confirm, to ratify) ** sent
  7. Hard and fleshy material). In gymnosperms, no special structure develops to, enclose ,the seeds, which begin their development" naked" on the bracts of cones.
  8. 10 km in length and 3 km across, area 25 km2. The surrounding reefs, which, enclose , a narrow lagoon, are completely submerged at high tide. Near the center of the
  9. Only the parentheses to group the letters. A pair of parentheses must always, enclose ,a pair of offs. Examples of theorems in this simplified notation are: (p (p (
  10. Even. The Rn are rational approximations to π and two successive terms always, enclose ,the true value of π. Beginning with n 1 the sequence starts: 2,4,3,\franc
  11. Keeps their bodies well protected from the environment, and these skeletons, enclose ,their bodies but are also covered by a thin skin. The feet are powered by
  12. The Oyster Princess) a triple layer of horizontal rectangles with rounded ends, enclose ,sets of dancing feet at the frenzied peak of a foxtrot, and in Die Puppet (The
  13. Decrees and acts as the work of a madman and a dotard. Finally, he neglected to, enclose ,the place where his body was burned except with a low and mean wall. " Nero
  14. To the right side, but some designs seat passengers in a towed trailer or, enclose ,the motorcycle inside a body structure. Passenger seating capacity varies
  15. Are protected by a covering of modified leaves called scales which tightly, enclose ,the more delicate parts of the bud. Many bud scales are covered by a gummy
  16. Long and 1.6 km at its widest, is a nature reserve surrounded by reefs which, enclose ,an area (not a true lagoon like in an atoll) of roughly 40 km². Forests
  17. Own a magazine stand in a New York City Subway station, within which he could, enclose ,himself and listen to the rumble of passing trains while reading. Asimov was
  18. The form attribute1" value1" attribute2" value2" >. Empty elements may, enclose ,no content. The name of an HTML element is the name used in the tags. Note that
  19. Food and no additional supply, the price increased. Landowners were forced to, enclose ,land and convert to pastoral farming, which brought in more profit. Wolsey’s
  20. On a fragment of an ancient Librium, and several of the marble slabs which, enclose ,the scholar canto rum bear upon them, in the style of the sixth century, the
  21. Pathways, and protein complexes such as proteasomes and carboxylases that, enclose ,and separate parts of the cytosol. Definition The term cytosol was first
  22. Salvador to the ocean, is navigable for commercial traffic. Volcanic craters, enclose ,lakes, the most important of which are Lake Sloping (70 km²/27 sq mi) and
  23. Sport. Design A typical open-wheeler has a minimal cockpit sufficient only to, enclose ,the driver's body, with the head exposed to the air. In modern cars the engine
  24. Axis of the inflorescence. These consist of two horizontal valves that tightly, enclose ,the seeds. The follicle opens to release the seed by splitting along the suture
  25. Construction of a new defensive wall to protect Rome. The Aurelia Walls, enclose ,the city with fortifications. Europe * Victorious, Emperor of the Gallic Empire
  26. Cells consist of a skirt surrounding a series of cytoplasmic rods that in turn, enclose ,a central flagellum. These cells, termed astrocytes, connect to a single outlet
  27. Microchip) use the notation H'BCD' ( for ABCD16). * Ada and VHDL, enclose ,hexadecimal numerals in based" numeric quotes ": 16#5A3#. For bit vector
  28. Trees. A bijective correspondence can nevertheless be defined as follows:, enclose ,the Deck word in an extra pair of parentheses, so that the result can be
  29. And can be expanded in a power series, at least inside a circle that does not, enclose ,a singularity. This is in sharp contrast to solutions of the wave equation
  30. Of the star's available energy. Eventually, the civilization would completely, enclose ,the star, intercepting electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths from visible
  31. Degrees East, the group consists of six low narrow islands with sand cays;, enclose ,shallow lagoons, connected by reefs of rock, and about northwest from Lincoln
  32. Of which opens to the exterior on one side of the anus. The tips of these tufts, enclose ,a flame-cell like those found in flatworms and other animals, and these
  33. Subject to flooding, on outdoor walls, or on utility poles. The closures that, enclose ,them may be hermetic, or may be“ free-breathing. ” Hermetic closures will
  34. Molecules are random in every direction, we do not detect any motion. If we, enclose ,the gas within a container, we detect a pressure in the gas from the molecules
  35. Such a polygon does not have to lie in a plane, or have straight sides, or, enclose , an area, and individual elements can overlap or even coincide. For example a
  36. Morphology (in evolutionary terms) consists of toughened plumes that tightly, enclose ,the grains, and (in domesticated wheat) a semi-brittle races that breaks
  37. Babelsberg to the status of a city, giving it the right to operate lower courts, enclose ,itself with a wall and hold markets. The wall was built by Ulrich III, Count of
  38. Wrapped around a fer rite bobbin with wire exposed on the outside, while some, enclose ,the wire completely in fer rite and are referred to as" shielded ". Some
  39. Shock-absorbent protection for the heart, which the lungs flank and nearly, enclose , * Immunoglobulin-A is secreted in the bronchial secretion and protects against
  40. With modules to allow a baby to lie flat or a bubble windshield to completely, enclose ,the child. The frame also came in long or short-handled versions, and could be
  41. Resting on a base or foot and surmounted by the crown of tentacles, which, enclose , an area termed the periscope, in the center of which again is the mouth. As a
  42. Exoskeletons are external, and are found in many invertebrates; they, enclose ,and protect the soft tissues and organs of the body. Some kinds of exoskeletons
  43. Lipid biosynthesis, which occur in peroxisomes. The various membranes that, enclose ,the other subcellular organelles must therefore be constructed by transfer of
  44. Or on stage) pronounce Yi (, clothes,officially pronounced) as, wéi (, to, enclose , officially as) as or. Often these medals are treated as separate from the
  45. Especially the lamps used by miners. Davy conceived of using an iron gauze to, enclose ,a lamp's flame, and so prevent the methane burning inside the lamp from
  46. For example: H3O+ or SO42−. For more complex ions, brackets are often used to, enclose ,the ionic formula, as in B12H122−,which is found in compounds such as
  47. Shows the equivalence of the 1-norm and ∞-norm on R2: as the unit" balls ", enclose ,each other, a sequence converges to zero in one norm if and only if it so does
  48. However, the angle θ is single-valued only in a region that does not, enclose ,the origin. The close connection between the Laplace equation and analytic
  49. Separate from both phonemes and allophones by the use of angle brackets < > to, enclose ,the spelling. The symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and
  50. Coleoptile and colorize - these last two structures are sheath-like and, enclose ,the plumage and article, acting as a protective covering. The test or seed

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