Examples of the the word, caregiver , in a Sentence Context

The word ( caregiver ), is the 5726 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their signals become more conscious and babies often point to, or look at,a, caregiver ,or potty to indicate need. Older babies can learn a gesture or baby sign for "
  2. Alone, it has been found safe and effective, though any woman's prenatal, caregiver ,must help guide treatment for these symptoms. At least one preliminary study
  3. Theory explains how infants learn about their environment while keeping their, caregiver ,close. Bowlby explains his theories with the principles of variety, heredity
  4. And scent marking. Only one infant is born each year. The male is the primary, caregiver , and the mother only carries the infant for the first week or so of its life.
  5. A child is learning how to become a social being. Abuse of the child by the, caregiver ,is bound to distort the developing personality and create a much greater risk
  6. Attended the ceremony. Grandma Nussbaum appears to have been a primary, caregiver ,to Ronnie through the age of six. When he (instead of Grandma Nussbaum) moves
  7. Children when removed from their mother, compared with removal from their, caregiver ,(called a metaled in Hebrew). He found that the child showed separation
  8. Idaho, Princess Ireland (who, since the death of Paul, has taken the role of, caregiver ,to the Abrades children) and Stellar — meet and lament the fact that they
  9. Unloving actress (West had trained as an actress in her youth) and poor, caregiver ,so wounded West that she broke off relations with her son and threatened to sue
  10. May also be appropriate. Educating and providing emotional support to the, caregiver ,(or carer) is of importance as well (see also elderly care). Pain and
  11. Life and after one final trip to the hospital, informed his best friend and, caregiver , Joe Moe, that he didn't want to go on. Honoring his wishes, his friends
  12. Ends at copulation, while in other species the male becomes the main, caregiver , Plumage polymorphisms have evolved to reflect these differences and other
  13. And ready-to-feed forms. They are designed to be prepared by the parent or, caregiver ,in small batches and fed to the infant, usually with either a cup, as
  14. To give great weight to the traditional role of the mother as the primary, caregiver , application of this standard in custody historically tended to favor the
  15. As he and Harris never officially divorced, Harris took the role of Wilson's, caregiver ,for the singer's remaining nine years. Wilson converted to Judaism. Later
  16. That" the experiences of early loss, separation and rejection by the parent or, caregiver ,(conveying the message that the child is unlovable) may all lead to insecure
  17. That allow the entry of air without the escape of liquids. This avoids the, caregiver ,having to get the sealing ring tension just right. It remains to be seen
  18. As part of their early acquisition of language. Cueing consists of the, caregiver ,making a particular sound or other cue when the baby is in an appropriate place
  19. Responsiveness, and vocal patterns that are not synchronized with the, caregiver , In the second and third years, autistic children have less frequent and less
  20. Particular person's risks. When the alert is triggered, a message is sent to a, caregiver ,or contact center who can respond appropriately. Technology similar to PEERS can
  21. From this standard to one that completely favored the mother as the primary, caregiver , In the 1970s,the Tender Years Doctrine was replaced by the best interests of
  22. That correlated, for example, with the direction it was held vis-à-vis a, caregiver ,'s body. In many societies caregiver s hold a child facing outward to
  23. And the quality of the earlier bond between the infant and their adult, caregiver , In particular, it is thought that" the experiences of early loss, separation
  24. And has tired of a father's responsibilities. Now that George is the sole, caregiver ,of a baby to whom she has no blood ties, Social Services wish to remove baby
  25. Shaking the hand side to side from the wrist. Intuition refers to a, caregiver ,'s unprompted thought that the baby may need to eliminate. Although much
  26. Traditional role of the father was more the breadwinner, and less the direct, caregiver ,of an infant, he has been traditionally viewed as impacting an infant
  27. B and also cites the California Supreme Court Ruling narrowly defining ", caregiver ," in the state's medical marijuana law. In 2004,Measure H was passed in
  28. Metal band The Red Chord * A patient receiving health care from an independent, caregiver ,is sometimes referred to as a" client" ** See also Client-centered therapy, a
  29. Some babies are raised without the stimulation and attention of a regular, caregiver , or locked away under conditions of abuse or extreme neglect. The possible
  30. Are more significant than first thought as we moved into the concept of primary, caregiver , Affirming a role for fathers, studies have shown that children as young as 15
  31. The case determines that the intent of the law is to make sure a full-time, caregiver ,would be present; with Uncle Charley meeting that role, he assents to a legal
  32. Book features a cruel governess named Miss Caroline, modeled after his own, caregiver , At age eight Balzac was sent to the Oratorio grammar school in Genome, where
  33. A previous history of neglect by a female caregiver and abuse by a male, caregiver ,were consequently at significantly higher risk for being sexually abused by a
  34. That have landed on their fur, not just those inhaled. Effects of pets on their, caregiver ,'s health benefits Pets have the ability to stimulate their caregiver s
  35. This process is often performed by a secondary person such as a parent or, caregiver , Failure to change a diaper on a regular enough basis can result in diaper rash
  36. Is a noncustodial parent. The obliged is typically a custodial parent,a, caregiver , a guardian, or the state. Depending on the jurisdiction, a custodial parent
  37. With the mother of the child. The emphasis of study has shifted to the primary, caregiver ,(regardless of gender or biological relation),as well as all persons
  38. Carl Rogers * Personal Care Assistant/Attendant or Patient Care Assistant,a, caregiver ,who assists a person with day-to-day tasks * Patient-controlled analgesia, any
  39. Leaving her life of crime in the past, and lived with her invalid father as his, caregiver , She married Eddie Erasure in 1940,worked as a taxi cab dispatcher and a
  40. Ceiling lift, or patient lift),a manual or powered lift or hoist to assist a, caregiver ,in transferring a disabled patient from a bed to a wheelchair, gurney,toilet
  41. Had a minor stroke. After two weeks in hospital, Zimmerman became his full-time, caregiver , traveling with him and Billie wherever they went. After the stroke, Cagney was
  42. Women with BPD who reported a previous history of neglect by a female, caregiver ,and abuse by a male caregiver were consequently at significantly higher risk
  43. Urinate or defecate, in order to develop two-way communication. At first,the, caregiver ,can make the cueing sound when the baby is eliminating, to develop an
  44. Died. Although he was undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia he was, according to, caregiver ,Serene Nickle," funny up to the end. " Barks' influence Barks' Donald Duck
  45. The main method of training. Signals are the baby's way of informing a, caregiver ,of an elimination need. Some babies signal very clearly from the beginning
  46. Over. Elimination communication (EC) is a toilet training practice in which a, caregiver ,uses timing, signals,cues, and intuition to address an infant's need to
  47. Been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 1994,she made herself his primary, caregiver ,and became actively involved with the National Alzheimer's Association and its
  48. Effects of physical casualties and loss pose enormous stress for the primary, caregiver ,that can adversely affect her or his parenting, as well as the couple's
  49. Florence Nightingale syndrome is a term used to describe a situation where a, caregiver , typically a doctor or nurse, develops an emotional attachment to a vulnerable
  50. Altogether, or do a mixture of the two. EC emphasizes communication between the, caregiver ,and child, helping them both become more attuned to the child's innate rhythms

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