Examples of the the word, kettle , in a Sentence Context
The word ( kettle ), is the 12772 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Image: Hokusai tank tea kettle . JPG|A tank (raccoon dog) as a tea, kettle , by Katsushika Hokusai (1760—1849),Japanese Image: Maehwaseo. JPG|A House
- At the high temperature employed, the reaction is practically completed in the, kettle , before the soap is poured into molds. This process is simple and quick and is
- Seldom do the Indians, pagan or Christian, meet for any function ... without a, kettle ,of onto'qua ', hot and savory, to regale the crowd ". The soup was served at
- Equipment and household appliances such as DVD player, fridge freezer, iron, kettle , toaster, microwave,light bulbs, television,vacuum cleaner, and washing
- Commenting that he" went hands-free" and could" save the universe using a, kettle ,and some string. " The device did not appear again for the remainder of the
- This is when the wort is transferred rapidly from the whirlpool or brew, kettle ,to a heat exchanger to be cooled. The heat exchanger consists of tubing inside
- Times columnist Maureen Down asked" Wasn't this a case of the pot calling the, kettle ,elite? " Bush explained however that, unlike Harvard,Yale's reputation was "
- Ronkonkoma in Suffolk County and Lake Success in Nassau County, each a deep, kettle ,lake. Climate Long Island has a climate similar to other coastal areas of the
- Raising the boiling point by a few Celsius degrees. Upon return to the boil, kettle , a vigorous vaporization occurs. The higher temperature due to increased
- Sheet metal pan as it was more efficient for boiling than a heavy rounded iron, kettle , because it created a greater surface area for evaporation. Many
- Counter-flow wort chiller. Hops are added to the chamber, the hot wort from the, kettle ,is run through it, and then immediately cooled in the wort chiller before
- Of the goals of boiling. Many breweries have a boiling unit outside the, kettle , sometimes called a Casandra, through which wort is pumped. The unit is
- Of the pond is connected by a small river. The north head is an extremely deep, kettle ,hole with steep sides. The pond offers many kayaking opportunities, but is
- And The Fixer-Uppers (1935),the phrase becomes" Well,here's another nice, kettle ,of fish you pickled me in! " In Saps at Sea (1940) it becomes" Well,here's
- Also named Ymir, had made ale for the Æsir, when he had received the great, kettle ,of which was told" ( see Hymiskviða). Thor did not attend, but his wife Sigh
- Among the best known of the company's product range are Richard Sapper's, kettle ,with a two-tone whistle, Michael Graves' kettle with the bird shaped whistle
- The bowl, the three robes, a bathing cloth, an umbrella tent, a mosquito net,a, kettle ,of water, a water filter, razor,sandals, some small candles, and a candle
- Boil, but are also apt to scorch the wort where the flame touches the, kettle , causing caramelization and making clean up difficult. Most breweries use a
- Following the retreat of ice age glaciers which left the area dotted with, kettle ,holes, locally referred to as meres. The bedrock of this region is almost
- Hogback A hogback is a sealed chamber that is inserted in between the brewing, kettle ,and counter-flow wort chiller. Hops are added to the chamber, the hot wort from
- And Moon ", Sakai Hits, ( 1761-1828),Japanese Image: Hokusai tank tea, kettle , JPG|A tank (raccoon dog) as a tea kettle , by Katsushika Hokusai (
- Flavors, such as sweet and saltiness, tend to go well together, such as in, kettle ,corn and with nuts. Food preparation While many foods can be eaten raw, many
- Cavitation and acoustic effects, such as the broad-spectrum hiss one hears in a, kettle ,not yet heated to the point where bubbles boil to the surface. Film boiling If
- Were found inside, some of which the colonists took and placed into an iron, kettle ,they also found nearby, while they reburied the rest, intending to use the corn
- Range are Richard Sapper's kettle with a two-tone whistle, Michael Graves ', kettle ,with the bird shaped whistle, Massimo Giacon's Mr Suicide, and Philippe Stack
- In thermoregulation. A group of vultures is called a wake, committee,venue, kettle , or volt. The term kettle refers to vultures in flight, while committee, volt
- And herbs added for flavor. Oatmeal could be cooked in a large metal, kettle ,over hot coals, or heated in a cheaper earthenware container by adding hot
- Southward advance over North America, and then started to retreat. Many ", kettle ,ponds" — clear, cold lakes — were formed and remain on Cape Cod as a result of
- Eurasia and Antarctica. The erratic boulders, till,drumlins, eskers, fjords, kettle , lakes,moraines, cirques,horns, etc., are typical features left behind by the
- Wort is evenly boiled by the end of the boil. The wort is then boiled in the, kettle ,at atmospheric pressure, and through careful control the inlets and outlets on
- Condictione de are" ). Bur chard described how the Pope's mouth foamed like a, kettle ,over a fire and how the body began to swell so much that it became as wide as
- Group of vultures is called a wake, committee,venue, kettle ,or volt. The term, kettle ,refers to vultures in flight, while committee, volt,and venue refer to
- Shrimp eyes, the first tiny bubbles that start to appear on the surface of the, kettle ,water, crab eyes, the secondary, larger bubbles, then fish eyes, followed by
- Becoming rounded. The lakes that often form in these depressions are known as ", kettle ,lakes ". Deposits in contact with ice When a glacier reduces in size to a
- The winter. The center of the city, referred to by locals as the" Vessel" (, kettle ,) experiences more severe heat in the summer and less snow in the winter than
- All four of the Brothers. The introductory scene, showing ducks swimming in a, kettle ,and quacking merrily, is scored with an instrumental medley of the
- Was cooked to death in it. According to local tradition, There are holes in the, kettle ,shot by footmen of Napoleon's army around 1809. * The Lebuïnuskerk (St.
- Miracle" ) features the Wang. ** On the outer wall of the Wang hangs a large, kettle ,that is over 500 years old, said to have been used for a public execution in
- Germany, the most prominent outdoor form of grilling is by using charcoal in a, kettle , Besides charcoal, sometimes gas and electric heat sources are used, too. Other
- Times columnist Maureen Down asked" Wasn't this a case of the pot calling the, kettle ,elite? " Bush explained however that, unlike Harvard,Yale's reputation was "
- Called part Kyle brewing. The sweet wort collected from sparking is put into a, kettle , or" copper ", ( so called because these vessels were traditionally made from
- Most breweries use a steam-fired kettle , which uses steam jackets in the, kettle ,to boil the wort. The steam is delivered under pressure by an external boiler.
- Caramelisation and making clean up difficult. Most breweries use a steam-fired, kettle , which uses steam jackets in the kettle to boil the wort. The steam is
- Religious events, the people getting a baleful every time they encircled the, kettle , Styles Chicken soup is a soup made by bringing to a boil and then simmering
- Is known as wort. The wort is moved into a large tank known as a" copper" or, kettle ,where it is boiled with hops and sometimes other ingredients such as herbs or
- By Irish. File: More Crater moraines. JPG|More Crater moraines and, kettle ,holes, as seen by Irish. Location is Genius Lacks quadrangle. Image: Glacier
- To have carried out experiments in natural gas, using coal heated in a copper, kettle ,in a small cave near his father's mill. However, there is no contemporary
- Trub cone in the middle of the whirlpool. Smaller breweries often use the brew, kettle ,as a whirlpool. The true being the solids that the brewer wants to remove from
- Air in the horizon of the flat landscape, similar to the hot steam over a, kettle ,or a burning fire” And in Thy, from the same source;” ... when you look at
- A fondness for glissandi, sometimes on a half-valved trumpet, sometimes on a, kettle ,drum, but most frequently on pitched percussion instruments and slide guitars.
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