Examples of the the word, loft , in a Sentence Context

The word ( loft ), is the 12770 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Roma (formally No. 2 Piazza San Domenico). Stradivari probably worked in the, loft ,and attic, and he stayed in this house for the rest of his life. Stradivari's
  2. He died April 5,1997,surrounded by family and friends in his East Village, loft ,in New York City, succumbing to liver cancer via complications of hepatitis. He
  3. Provide a modern house for the contest, with a jacuzzi, sauna,VIP suite, loft ,and other luxuries. The housemates are required to do housework, and are set
  4. Sprung up all over the SOMA district of San Francisco in vacant warehouses, loft ,spaces, and clubs like DV8 (on Howard st between 3rd and 4th) and 1015 Folsom
  5. Angel finds Collins on the street (" You are Okay Honey? "). Back at the, loft , Mark tries to get Roger out of the apartment before reminding him to take his
  6. Of tequila and the vile, fibrous taste of peyote, the dust in the car, and the, loft ,of a crow's flight. It is a superbly concrete setting, dense with animistic
  7. 1963. The original Cavaillé-Coll console, ( which is now located near the organ, loft ,), was replaced by a new console in Anglo-American style and the addition of
  8. The center of town, Downtown Topeka has experienced apartment and condominium, loft ,development, and façade and streets cape improvements. On the other side of the
  9. Engelhardt Stanley founded Steinway & Sons. His first workshop was in a small, loft ,at the back of 85 Va rick Street in Manhattan, New York City. The first piano
  10. The huge fires caused by nuclear explosions (from burning urban areas) would, loft ,massive amounts of dense smoke from the fires, into the upper troposphere /
  11. Building and into the nearby and newly completed Steinway Hall Building. The, loft ,space was shared with Robert C. Spencer, Jr., Myron Hunt, and Dwight H. Perkins
  12. S usefulness for a knitting project is judged by several factors, such as its, loft ,(its ability to trap air),its resilience (elasticity under tension),its
  13. Loft, building on 14th Street, just east of Seventh Avenue. The university campus
  14. And quiet during services. There is often a choir area at the side or in a, loft ,in back. In addition to the Choir, a Chanter is always present at the front of
  15. And swift. A yarn's usefulness is judged by several factors, such as its, loft ,(its ability to trap air),its resilience (elasticity under tension),its
  16. Sent it mid-course corrections, which allowed the fire control system to ", loft ," the missile up over the target into thinner air where it had better range.
  17. Space. Composer La Monte Young urged Ono to let him organize concerts in the, loft , and Ono agreed. But Ono claims to have been eventually pushed into a
  18. The burning of cities that would be expected to follow a nuclear strike, would, loft , significant amounts of smoke into the stratosphere. In his later years Sagan
  19. Such as quilted coats and sleeping bags; goose and eider down have great, loft , the ability to expand from a compressed, stored state to trap large amounts of
  20. Synagogue is Europe's oldest active synagogue. Legend has Golem lying in the, loft , File: Prada, Vítkov, památník II. JPG|National Monument on Vito Hill with
  21. With works of other New York avant-garde artists. She eventually found a cheap, loft ,in downtown Manhattan at 112 Chambers Street that she used as a studio and
  22. The burning of cities that would be expected to follow a nuclear strike, would, loft , significant amounts of smoke into the stratosphere: History Early work In June
  23. Together. He met a fellow named Terry Or at Max's Kansas City, who had a huge, loft ,in Chinatown and needed a roommate, so Lloyd moved in to Ork's Chinatown loft
  24. 13, 2008,a fire ripped through the wharf. The museum’s workshops, rigging, loft , block shop, offices,part of a restaurant and the entire hand-sewn suit of
  25. Astronomer Carl Sagan on ABC's Nightlife, Sagan arguing that the smoke might, loft ,into the upper atmosphere and lead to massive agricultural failures. Singer
  26. Building built by the city for them. The building now houses shops and luxury, loft ,apartments. Takeover and break-up by G. E. Business and financial conditions
  27. 1880s. In 1900,the Singer company retained Ernest Flag to build a 12-story, loft , building at Broadway and Prince Street in Lower Manhattan. The building is now
  28. In the meantime, some of these areas began to become gentrified, attracting, loft , developments and new apartments, which have profited from its river views and
  29. Mechanically typically has high relative moisture content and low amounts of, loft ,because the crystal structure resembles small, dense pellets. Even the
  30. East side has facilitated the transformation of old industrial buildings into, loft ,spaces for artists. Suburbs Cleveland's older inner-ring suburbs include
  31. To wit, sociologist Sharon Skin reports the economic realities of the" artist, loft ," real estate business in Manhattan, when the owners of the building where she
  32. To the Kuwait oil fires, finding that individual smoke plumes are not able to, loft ,smoke into the stratosphere, but that smoke from fires covering a large area
  33. Simon, as an ordinary teenager. His dog," Chippy ", discovers a chest in the, loft ,of his house containing a spell book titled" Ye Old Spellbound" ( which Simon
  34. Jones, Michael Malta, and Barry Windsor-Smith to form The Studio, a shared, loft ,in Manhattan where the group would pursue creative products outside the
  35. Of the City Hall. Multiple existing downtown buildings are being converted to, loft ,apartments and condominiums. This trend is highlighted by the success of the
  36. New York art world, helped Ono start her career by using her Chambers Street, loft ,in Tribe ca as a performance space. At one performance, Ono set a painting on
  37. Years earlier. He died in his home" in a bed set up in the library of his Soho, loft , surrounded by his wife Rhonda, his mother Eleanor, and the many books he loved
  38. Berry on guitar, and Michael Diamond on vocals. Their first gig was at Berry's, loft ,at 100th Street and Broadway on Yauch's 17th birthday, August 5,1981. The
  39. Loft in Chinatown and needed a roommate, so Lloyd moved in to Ork's Chinatown, loft , living in the front room, a small room facing East Broadway. Or worked for
  40. Within a year, and the three moved to New York, eventually sharing a communal, loft , Unable to find a bass player in New York City, Frantz encouraged Weymouth to
  41. Son of Anshan and Fisher. ENIL was considered to be the god of breath, wind, loft , and breadth (height and distance). Origins One story names his origins as the
  42. Apartment; some Canadians, especially in Prince Edward Island, call it a, loft , * Public house: or more often 'pub '. Drinking establishments which are not
  43. The corner of Washington and Fen wick Street. The family all slept in the attic, loft ,of the one-room house. His Doubleday grandfather, also named Abner, had fought
  44. The country as a member of the group. The singers originally worked out of a, loft ,in New York City hosting regular concerts called" hootenannies ", a word Pete
  45. Has been replaced by retail and office uses, as well as residential live/work, loft ,space, with the decline of manufacturing in the United States. The areas of
  46. Shot down but miraculously managed to take flight again. He arrived back at his, loft ,at division headquarters 25 miles to the rear in just 25 minutes, helping to
  47. An experimental theater group called Bastard Theater in 1975. Working out of a, loft ,on Massachusetts Avenue they wrote and produced the music/theater piece "
  48. Occupy, the industrial buildings (usually) converted into an" artist's, loft ,complex ". First renting to urban pioneer" poor artists" develops the
  49. To the Kuwait oil fires, finding that individual smoke plumes are not able to, loft ,smoke into the stratosphere, but that smoke from fires covering a large area
  50. Chapel, arriving just as Elaine and Carl are about to kiss. Watching from the, loft ,at the back of the church, Benjamin bangs on the glass window and screams,"

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