Examples of the the word, masters , in a Sentence Context

The word ( masters ), is the 6107 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That the city that had early breathed life into statuary with the works of, masters ,like Donatello and Michelangelo, was still so awed by them that it petrified
  2. Of the Muslim rulers of Zaragoza, Girona,Barcelona, and Hues ca. Their, masters ,had been cornered in the Iberian Peninsula by ABD Brahman I, the Umayyad emir
  3. A bad situation. Fred Allen, Jack Benny, Phil Harris, and,yes, Crosby were, masters ,at this, and the networks weren't about to give it up easily. " Crosby's
  4. Danube however, was eliminated and parts of the peasantry entered to Ottoman, masters ,while Bulgarians lacked judicial equality with the Ottoman Muslims and had to
  5. In 1889. There are many other items, including the chalices made by local, masters , a darohranilka of Russian origin, and several paintings of scenes from the New
  6. Was," Damn the Negroes, I am fighting those traitorous aristocrats, their, masters , " Lincoln appointed Johnson military governor of occupied Tennessee in March
  7. To prepare for the lecturer's position. In April 1880 Markov defended his, masters ,thesis" About Binary Quadratic Forms with Positive Determinant ", which was
  8. Blessed in death ", responds that he would rather be a slave to the worst of, masters ,than be king of all the dead. But Achilles then asks Odysseus of his son's
  9. Was done in Protocols was flown right back to the masters . It was mixed from the, masters ,to an Apex ATR-102 1-inch 2-track customized by Mark Spitz at ATR Services. In
  10. As well as through the University of Aruba (UA) which offers bachelors and, masters ,programs in law, finance and economics and hospitality and tourism management.
  11. Baseness were assistants to the hunt, chasing wild game into nets for their, masters , The Amanda and Magnet people from the northeastern Congo region describe
  12. Merciless satire about a society of animals which mutiny against their human, masters , and then gradually revert to a wretched caricature of their original condition
  13. International Grand master or IGM is used) is awarded to world-class chess, masters , Apart from World Champion, Grandmaster is the highest title a chess player can
  14. And to put his talents to the severest test by a competition with the living, masters ,of the art. The result was equal to the highest hopes cherished either by
  15. Asking myself is this: is it possible to make a synthesis of these three great, masters , a living synthesis that will be valid for our time? (More 1953,92)
  16. Very sparingly. Whatever work was done in Protocols was flown right back to the, masters , It was mixed from the masters to an Apex ATR-102 1-inch 2-track customized by
  17. The Gemäldegalerie (Painting Gallery) focuses on the paintings of the" old, masters ," from the 13th to the 18th centuries, while the Nee Nationalgalerie (New
  18. Roles of knowledge and look-ahead search; brain imaging studies of chess, masters ,and novices; blindfold chess; the role of personality and intelligence in chess
  19. Of the hated reserve clause that kept players virtual slaves to their baseball, masters , *Second, it led to the playing of a" World Series" in 1903 between the two
  20. The city of Kabul has been home to many musicians in the past, who were, masters ,of both traditional and modern Afghan music, especially during the Now (New
  21. From 1574 he worked as a reproductive engraver, copying works of 16th century, masters ,such as Federico Morocco, Tintoretto,Antonio Camp, Veronese and Correggio. He
  22. Epic stories, was understood by all. Without a writing system, the Ainu were, masters ,of narration, with the Year and other forms of narration such as the Seeker (
  23. Decrease in intelligence (and in personal hygiene standards) just as their, masters ,' intellect increases. Each Black adder and Baldric is also saddled with the
  24. Studies and Boston University Brussels was established in 1972 and offers, masters ,degrees in business administration and international relations. Due to the
  25. Union commanders thought they were supposed to return escaped slaves to their, masters , By 1862,when it became clear that this would be a long war, the question of
  26. To the inside ". Joe Frazier, Jack Dempsey, Mike Tyson and Rocky Marciano were, masters ,of bobbing and weaving. *Parry/block – Parrying or blocking uses the boxer's
  27. He could find: alternate takes of studio recordings, originally rejected, masters ," Crying, Waiting,Hoping" and the other five 1959 tracks (adding new
  28. Novices. When the positions of the pieces were taken from an actual game,the, masters ,had almost total positional recall. More recent research has focused on chess
  29. On both sides during the war. The British recruited slaves belonging to Patriot, masters ,and promised freedom to those who served. Because of manpower shortages, George
  30. Late 14th and early 15th centuries and one of the most prominent early Divan, masters ,in Turkic literary history, and Arabic. Was not written earlier than the 15th
  31. Continued to die out. However, at the same time, complete editions of Baroque, masters ,began to become available, and the influence of Baroque style continued to grow
  32. Business Management. There are a variety of courses from diplomas through to, masters ,degrees. Schools There are currently 12 secondary schools and 54 primary
  33. In the gymnasium of Gotha. After he left it in disgust after seeing one of the, masters ,lampooned, he went to live with his mother. But by that time she had already
  34. Then the sheer ability to anticipate moves. De Groot showed that chess, masters ,can memorize positions shown for a few seconds almost perfectly. The ability to
  35. Undergraduate students, and more than 100 graduate programs leading to numerous, masters ,and doctoral degrees in the liberal arts and sciences, engineering,journalism
  36. S work from a major theological resource to an authoritative text from which, masters ,could teach. The commentary (or more correctly titled a Gloss) survived in
  37. Is shaped into an actual form such as that of an animal. One of the current, masters ,of the genre is Hassan Missouri. Romanization There are a number of different
  38. Translation published by Harding Simple. It is said that 99 out of 100 chess, masters ,have read Man System; consequently, most consider it to be Nimzowitsch's
  39. Is drawn irresistibly to a life of doing, rather than being. At the school, Ged, masters ,his craft with ease, but his pride and arrogance grow even faster than his
  40. The ability to memorize does not alone account for chess-playing skill, since, masters , and novices, when faced with random arrangements of chess pieces, had
  41. Is clearly in the ascendant. Musical culture was caught at a crossroads: the, masters ,of the older style had the technique, but the public hungered for the new. This
  42. Core of expertise. In his doctoral thesis, Adriaan de Groot showed that chess, masters ,can rapidly perceive the key features of a position. According to de Groot
  43. Authors of the French Classical Period and is read today as one of the greatest, masters ,of French prose. His use of satire and wit influenced later polemicists. The
  44. As of August 2011,there are 1363 active grand masters and 3153 international, masters ,in the world. Top three countries with the largest numbers of grand masters are
  45. Close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood leadership. In two years, he received his, masters ,degree in Islamic Philosophy. Rabbi was one of the first Afghans to translate
  46. People, seems,in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the, masters ,of mankind. " However, a section of economists influenced by the ideology of
  47. Of paintings are ascribed to him, some of which are likely to be by other, masters ,of the golden landscape, such as Abraham Carpet (1642–1722),whose initials
  48. Been a Mennonite). Travelling through Italy in 1696,he studied the work of, masters ,like Michelangelo Buonarroti UND Gain Lorenzo Bernini. Scouter also worked as
  49. Caves eighteen and nineteen Cave 18: Princess looking in mirror: The Santa, masters ,have shown human lives in all its varied colors. One of the scenes, always
  50. Students from majoring in BME without an expressed intention to also obtain a, masters ,degree or apply to medical school afterwards. Graduate programs in BME, like in

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