Examples of the the word, bitterness , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Queen in Edward Dmytryk's The Caine Mutiny, then griped with some of his old, bitterness ,about it. For all his success, he was still his melancholy old self, grumbling
  2. Accused the historian of prejudice against Corinth, sourcing it in personal, bitterness ,over financial disappointments - an account also given by Marcellus in his
  3. Of the European Bitterness Units scale, often abbreviated as EBU, and the, bitterness ,values should be identical. Color Beer color is determined by the malt. The
  4. Players and personnel having played and/or coached for both sides, and personal, bitterness , Though the rivalry has cooled in Pittsburgh due to the Model move (as well
  5. Happy that he had been included at all, and never expressed public or private, bitterness , Darwin's social and scientific status was far greater than Wallace's, and it
  6. Prevents a lot of infections. During the boil hops are added, which contribute, bitterness , flavor, and aroma compounds to the beer, and,along with the heat of the boil
  7. During the period that followed. The traumatic civil war created a legacy of, bitterness , fear, hatred and desire for revenge, and deepened the divisions within Finnish
  8. Czech). However, Pilsners are brewed with 100 % barley malt and aggressive hop, bitterness , flavor, and aroma. Lager yeast normally ferments at a temperature of
  9. Continued to operate from Munich, by mid-1978 Bergman had overcome some of his, bitterness ,toward the government of Sweden. In July of that year he visited Sweden
  10. Outcome of human behavior and the appropriate visualization of his own, bitterness ,and disappointment. " Criticisms Despite the extraordinary acclaim that
  11. Gregory VII. The issues had been contentious and had continued with unabated, bitterness ,for almost a century. Guido, as he was called before his elevation to the
  12. Conduct in the war. Eddington, a Quaker pacifist, struggled to keep wartime, bitterness ,out of astronomy. He repeatedly called for British scientists to preserve their
  13. And he dwelled on the humiliation for some time to come, channeling some, bitterness ,into new paintings. His paintings Still Life (The Murderess) and The Death of
  14. More than one point during the boil. The longer the hops are boiled, the more, bitterness ,they contribute, but the less hop flavor and aroma remains in the beer. After
  15. As the aromatic compounds evaporate off during the boil. The degree of, bitterness ,imparted by hops depends on the degree to which otherwise insoluble alpha acids
  16. Measured and assessed by bitterness , by strength and by color. The perceived, bitterness ,is measured by the International Bitterness Units scale (IBM),defined in
  17. Term noble hops traditionally refers to four varieties of hop which are low in, bitterness ,and high in aroma. They are the central European cultivars, Hallertau
  18. Beer. They contribute a bitterness that balances the sweetness of the malt; the, bitterness ,of beers is measured on the International Bitterness Units scale. Hops
  19. More seats, and the legislature re-elected Douglas to the Senate. Despite the, bitterness ,of the defeat for Lincoln, his articulation of the issues gave him a national
  20. Dual use hop used in European pale lagers, sometimes with Alberta. Soft, bitterness , (Alpha Acid 3.5–5.5 % / Beta Acid 3.5–5.5 %) Other uses Beverages The only
  21. Him. " Post-presidency Hoover departed from Washington in March 1933 with some, bitterness , disappointed both that he had been repudiated by the voters and unappreciated
  22. Beta acids lupine, colupulone, and adlupulone. Their low relative, bitterness ,but strong aroma are often distinguishing characteristics of European-style
  23. Contain several characteristics that brewers desire in beer. They contribute a, bitterness ,that balances the sweetness of the malt; the bitterness of beers is measured on
  24. Fits these characteristics is Jade Fox. The poison is a weapon of her, bitterness ,and quest for vengeance: she poisons the master of Wu dang, attempts to poison
  25. Contain several characteristics that brewers desire in beer. Hops contribute a, bitterness ,that balances the sweetness of the malt; the bitterness of beers is measured on
  26. Style known as India Pale Ale, or IPA) can have high levels of hop, bitterness , Untried or" wet" hops are sometimes used. Hop varieties Particular hop
  27. Clean. I know this by my own experience, & to this day I cherish an appeased, bitterness ,against the unfaithful guardians of my young life, who not only permitted but
  28. Near his home in County Cork, in August 1922. Collins' death increased the, bitterness ,of the Free State leadership towards the Republicans and probably contributed
  29. Consent. By late 1919,Mickey’s tyrannical reign over the SOX had sown deep, bitterness ,among the players, and White Sox first baseman Arnold" Chick" GANIL decided
  30. Malt beverage character from the base. For example, they remove the color, bitterness , and taste generally associated with beer, ale,porter, stout,and other malt
  31. Blamed his relapse into drug use on the death of his father, combined with the, bitterness ,stemming from being falsely accused of rape. Filmography Bibliography * 1993
  32. Which contribute to the sourness. Measurement Beer is measured and assessed by, bitterness , by strength and by color. The perceived bitterness is measured by the
  33. To Francis I of France that" Divine Providence ... hath mingled my joy with, bitterness ,of the death of her who brought me this happiness ". Upbringing and education
  34. Of caramel. Again, hop presence is low to undetectable, providing just enough, bitterness ,so that the sweetness is not cloying, and the aftertaste is muted. Quizzes Bock
  35. Were killed by the Afghans. This final act was to be the start of long-lasting, bitterness ,between Sikhs and Afghans. Third battle of Animal The Mughal power in northern
  36. It to be bland. The beer is light-bodied with faint sweet notes and negligible, bitterness , leading to reviews characterizing it as a" ... beer of underwhelming
  37. School. He was a contemporary of Aristotle, against whom he wrote with great, bitterness , He taught logic to Demosthenes, and he is also said to have taught Apollonian
  38. On 16 February 1936,the left won by a narrow margin. Growing political, bitterness ,surfaced again. The government and its supporters, the Popular Front, had
  39. Beer. Hops contribute a bitterness that balances the sweetness of the malt; the, bitterness ,of beers is measured on the International Bitterness Units scale. Hops
  40. Stands in command of cold, windswept Dragon stone, which led to many years of, bitterness ,on Stands' part. During the War of the Five Kings the castle supported Rely
  41. They failed to achieve at a huge cost in men and material; but true to the, bitterness ,and intransigence shown by both sides, Ayatollah Khomeini rejected the
  42. Between Finnish non-Socialist forces and oppressive Russia provoked great, bitterness ,among the Socialists, and had resulted in dozens of politically motivated
  43. In Bohemia to flavor pale Czech lagers such as Pilaster Ur quell. Soft aroma and, bitterness , (Alpha acid 3–4.5 % /Beta acid 3–4.5 %) * Salt–Traditional German noble hop
  44. End-product of the long tradition of seed selection needed to reduce the sap's, bitterness ,and increase its sugars. By 1699,John Evelyn could recommend it in his
  45. As" alienated "; in the words of Silver and Ward," filled with existential, bitterness ,". Certain archetypal characters appear in many film noir—hard boiled
  46. Because of their lower cost. Most beer is flavored with hops, which add, bitterness ,and act as a natural preservative, though other flavorings such as herbs or
  47. A record field of 22 candidates. Hawks apparently had few regrets, although his, bitterness ,towards Keating surfaced in his memoirs. Hawks now claims to have buried his
  48. And little book (Revelation 10) represents the Miller ite movement; the ", bitterness ," of the book (Rev 10:10) represents the Great Disappointment. The vision of
  49. She strides on the earth with her head striking heaven. She then hurled down, bitterness ,equally between both sides as she walked through the onslaught making men's
  50. Left over from the mashing stage. Hops are added during boiling as a source of, bitterness , flavor and aroma. Hops may be added at more than one point during the boil.

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