Examples of the the word, marsh , in a Sentence Context

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  1. An adjective meaning" Asian" ); and also a marsh or lowland containing a, marsh ,in Lydia as ασιος. " Asia" in the Bronze Age Before Greek poetry, the Aegean
  2. Issues: government water control projects have drained most of the inhabited, marsh ,areas east of An Mariyah by drying up or diverting the feeder streams and
  3. There is a tendency for the dune slacks soil to be waterlogged and where only, marsh ,plants can survive. These plants would include: creeping willow, cotton grass
  4. London. "" That is true," I said," but we had Jerusalem when London was a, marsh , " He ... said two things which I remember vividly. The first was:" Are there
  5. In most years. The name Gobi is a Mongol word meaning desert, depression,salt, marsh , or steppe, but which usually refers to a category of arid rangeland with
  6. Taurus poiciloptilus). During the breeding season the male call of this, marsh ,dwelling bird is a" low-pitched boom ", hence it is occasionally called the "
  7. For storage. At the time, the body was dubbed" Pete Marsh" ( a pun on" peat, marsh ,") by Middlesex Hospital radiologists, a name subsequently adopted by local
  8. Winning teams" Danny Jones" * Marshmallow, a sweet originally made from the, marsh ,mallow * Mallows' CP, in statistics, a stopping rule for stepwise regression
  9. Living in the reserve. The show highlights scenes from the Reserve's Mustard, marsh ,area and the Leopard Gorge, the Fig Tree Ridge areas and the Mara River
  10. John F. Kennedy (J. F. K.) and Winthrop Streets, then at the edge of a salt, marsh , since filled. The town included a much larger area than the present city, with
  11. The Black Sea originates from warm, salty water of the Mediterranean. Brackish, marsh ,A brackish marsh may occur where a freshwater flow enters a salt marsh . Notable
  12. A Celtic British Iron Age settlement whose name means 'the settlement above the, marsh ,'. After the Roman conquest of Britain in AD 43,it developed as Verulamium and
  13. Shallow mudflats. An important stopover for migratory birds, the mudflats and, marsh ,are the location of the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. The southern end is
  14. Arrive in Lansing to discover that the plots they had bought are located in a, marsh , and are underwater. Some pioneers stay, but develop a village in what
  15. Canada is moss berry. The traditional English name for Actinium oxytocins, (, marsh , ) lands. In 17th century New England cranberries were sometimes called "
  16. Originates from Medieval —" bad air "; the disease was formerly called ague or, marsh ,fever due to its association with swamps and marsh land. Malaria was once common
  17. Are true animals, but live a similar lifestyle as plants do. Mangroves and salt, marsh ,are important coastal vegetation types in topical and temperate environments
  18. Into a seasonal salt marsh . During the monsoons, the area turns into a shallow, marsh , often flooding to knee-depth. After the monsoons, the region turns dry and
  19. These deserters in many instances have formed into large gangs that raid the, marsh ,communities; this also has induced many of the marsh dwellers to abandon their
  20. The Nebeland constructed five additional bridges or causeways across the, marsh ,between Blenheim and Oberglauheim. Marlborough's anxiety was finally allayed
  21. In human history. Evidence of early cultivation of sunflower, a goose foot,a, marsh ,elder and an indigenous squash dates to the 4th millennium BCE. The lifestyle
  22. It derives from the Old Dutch Broke or other spelling variants, which means, marsh ,(broke) and home (SEL) or" home in the marsh ". The origin of the
  23. Albion Hill where Richard and his men stood. As Henry's army advanced past the, marsh ,at the southwestern foot of the hill, Richard sent a message to Stanley
  24. Richard's group was surrounded and gradually pressed back against the, marsh , Richard's banner man—Sir Percival Stairwell—lost his legs but held the Yorkist
  25. Large gangs that raid the marsh communities; this also has induced many of the, marsh ,dwellers to abandon their villages. The war has also affected settlement
  26. Real leeches in a key scene where Bogart has to drag the boat through a shallow, marsh , until reasonable fakes were employed. In the end, the crew overcame illness
  27. Stated in his chronicle that he found firm ground where he expected the, marsh ,to be, and Burton confirmed that by the end of the 16th century, areas of the
  28. Of the sea associated with the draining of the adjacent unique Eco-Park, marsh ,area. The government of Poland has already allocated PLN 90,000 to repair the
  29. Waters of the East River and were once. † (New York City's last freshwater, marsh ,was in Van Cortland Park until displaced in the 1930s by the junction of the
  30. Of suggestions for the location of these subkingdoms including: *Range -, marsh ,district (possibly stretching to the Mar dyke) *Bearings - Barking, in the
  31. Dunes evening primrose, Solano Grass, San Clemente Island larkspur, salt, marsh ,bird's beak,McDonald's rock-cress, and Santa Barbara Island Live forever.,85
  32. A misunderstanding of the Damian temple's location en limns 'in the, marsh ,'. " Pliny's Italian labyrinth According to Pliny, the tomb of the great
  33. From warm, salty water of the Mediterranean. Brackish marsh A brackish, marsh ,may occur where a freshwater flow enters a salt marsh . Notable brackish bodies
  34. Variants, which means marsh (broke) and home (SEL) or" home in the, marsh ,". The origin of the settlement that was to become Brussels lies in Saint
  35. Include the green toad, American toad, common tree frog, and the Cretan, marsh ,frog. There are several species of scorpion such as Scorpius Carpathians
  36. Väinämöinen orders the infant bastard son of Maratha to be drowned in, marsh , The Íslendingabók, a main source for the early history of Iceland, recounts
  37. Lancastrians were harassed by Richard's cannon as they maneuvered around the, marsh , seeking firmer ground. Once Oxford and his men were clear of the marsh
  38. Minority ethnic group of Sri Lanka Places *Moor, an obsolete word for a fen or, marsh , now mostly applied to flat areas of former marsh land in Somerset, England
  39. In the Trojan War named Adios (an adjective meaning" Asian" ); and also a, marsh ,or lowland containing a marsh in Lydia as ασιος. " Asia" in the Bronze Age
  40. Brackish marsh A brackish marsh may occur where a freshwater flow enters a salt, marsh , Notable brackish bodies of water (by type, in alphabetical order) Brackish
  41. Of centuries of flooding and inadequate drainage. Much of it is permanent, marsh , but some parts dry out in early winter, and other parts become marsh land only
  42. Danger (当曲) another leading headwater stream of the Yangtze is Tibetan for ", marsh ,river ". Geography The river originates from several tributaries, two of which
  43. Had grown, forming a natural protection against the sea. Much of the area was, marsh ,and bog. By the tenth century the inhabitants set about cultivating this land
  44. This area gradually filled with silt thus turning it into a seasonal salt, marsh , During the monsoons, the area turns into a shallow marsh , often flooding to
  45. Had in that place, which are said to be (list) ... and around the Dousing, marsh ,... he (frater Herman nus magister) assaulted and levelled by rendering them
  46. Airplane was seen lifting off the runway, and then nose down, impacting in a, marsh ,on the south side of the departure end of runway 27 and then exploding in
  47. Stopped. Work continued on the downhill side towards the Hudson, and when the, marsh ,froze in winter, the crews worked to complete the section across the swamps.
  48. Nubo-Sindian desert and semidesert (PA1328): *Tigris-Euphrates alluvial salt, marsh ,(PA0906): *Red Sea Nubo-Sindian tropical desert and semidesert (PA1325):
  49. The geobotanical area contains an alpine garden, arboretum,meadows, steppes, marsh , and pond, as well as collections of plants from the Canary Islands, Caucasus
  50. The marsh , seeking firmer ground. Once Oxford and his men were clear of the, marsh , Norfolk's battle and several contingents of Richard's group started to

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