Examples of the the word, bacterial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bacterial ), is the 7634 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a result of normal cell metabolism, or because of viral or intracellular, bacterial ,infection. The fragments are then presented on the cell surface in the complex
  2. To around. The hydrochemical environment shifts from oxygenated to anoxic, as, bacterial , decomposition of sunken biomass utilizes all the free oxygen. Certain
  3. Or penicillin SP. were able to indicate bacterial growth, and even to cure, bacterial ,infections in animal (Ernest Duchess in 1897 in his thesis" Contribution to
  4. Laszlo Deter) (1874–1939) named the hypothetical substances halfway between, bacterial ,constituents and antibodies" substances immunogens of antigens ". He
  5. Herpes simplex virus, hepatitis A, and coxsackievirus; while the, bacterial ,infections include Cytoplasm pneumonia, Borrelia burgdorferi, Leptospira, and
  6. Kill timeframes ranged between 45 and 90 minutes. A novel assay that mimics dry, bacterial ,exposure to touch surfaces was developed because this test method is thought to
  7. Such as sorbitol, sucralose, sodium saccharin, and Capitol (which doubles as a, bacterial ,inhibitor). Sometimes a significant amount of alcohol (up to 27 % vol) is
  8. Viruses that invade bacterial cells and, in the case of lytic phages, disrupt, bacterial , metabolism and cause the bacterium to lose. Phage therapy is the therapeutic
  9. Of contracting disease is very high. There are food and waterborne diseases, bacterial ,and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever; vector borne diseases
  10. Universe. According to astrophysicist Dr. Stand Sigurdsson," There are viable, bacterial ,spores that have been found that are 40 million years old on Earth - and we
  11. Published or pointed out that mold or penicillin SP. were able to indicate, bacterial ,growth, and even to cure bacterial infections in animal (Ernest Duchess in
  12. Therapy is the therapeutic use of lytic bacteriophages to treat pathogenic, bacterial ,infections. Bacteriophage therapy is an important alternative to antibiotics in
  13. Antioxidants are an especially important class of preservatives as, unlike, bacterial , or fungal spoilage, oxidation reactions still occur relatively rapidly in
  14. Feeding them large quantities of antibiotics. Instead, the use of autotrophic, bacterial ,strains (and function-replacement plasmids) is preferred. An antigen is a
  15. And dizziness (1 %). Some reported adverse effects include 50 cases of, bacterial ,infections, and more than 80 cases of Hepatitis B since 1970. A 2011 review
  16. Preliminary analysis of 75 isolates showed that 48 were archaeal and 27 were, bacterial , In research published on October 17, 2008 in Cell, a team of scientists
  17. Genes (for example, mexAB-oprM, mexXY etc.) and the low permeability of the, bacterial ,cellular envelopes. Besides intrinsic resistance, P. Aeruginosa easily develop
  18. Of mouthwash claim that antiseptic and anti-plaque mouth rinse kill the, bacterial ,plaque causing cavities, gingivitis,and bad breath. Anti-cavity mouth rinse
  19. Bactericidal agents kill bacteria, and bacteriostatic agents slow down or stall, bacterial ,growth. History Before the early 20th century, treatments for infections were
  20. Treat bacterial diseases. Resistance-modifying agents One strategy to address, bacterial ,drug resistance is the discovery and application of compounds that modify
  21. Of multidrug resistance varieties and the spread of resistance between, bacterial ,species. Antibiotics are often used in rearing animals for food and this use
  22. That attack is successful. The myxopyronin binds to and inhibits the crucial, bacterial ,enzyme, RNA polymerase. The myxopyronin changes the structure of the switch-2
  23. Bacterial strains. For example,NDM-1 is a newly identified enzyme conveying, bacterial ,resistance to a broad range of beta-lactam anti bacterial s. In agriculture
  24. Therapies has prompted the development of alternative strategies to treat, bacterial ,diseases. Resistance-modifying agents One strategy to address bacterial drug
  25. In purine metabolism * Ada (protein),an enzyme induced by treatment of, bacterial ,cells Video games * Ada (Castlemaine),a character in Castlemaine: Legacy of
  26. Parasites are important pathogens of human and domestic animals. In contrast to, bacterial ,pathogens, these apicomplexan parasites are eukaryotes and share many metabolic
  27. Structure, or spectrum of activity. Most anti bacterial antibiotics target, bacterial ,functions or growth processes. Production Since the first pioneering efforts of
  28. Strains, have become less effective, because of increased resistance of many, bacterial ,strains. For example,NDM-1 is a newly identified enzyme conveying bacterial
  29. In the early 1940s. Bacteriophages or" phages" are viruses that invade, bacterial ,cells and, in the case of lytic phages, disrupt bacterial metabolism and cause
  30. Occurs following a viral infection but may appear following vaccination, bacterial ,or parasitic infection, or even appear spontaneously. As it involves autoimmune
  31. Quinolones, decreasing the drug's effectiveness. Research has shown that the, bacterial ,protein Lexa may play a key role in the acquisition of bacterial mutations
  32. Doctors subsequently performed tests to determine a course of treatment. A, bacterial ,infection was discovered in Sharon's blood. On 26 July 2006,doctors moved him
  33. Max or less commonly as Format. Diseases/pathology * Aortic aneurysm – mystic, bacterial ,(e.g. syphilis),senile, genetic,associated with valvular heart disease
  34. Or for too short a period, since these are the circumstances under which, bacterial ,resistance to antibiotics develops. Personal life The popular story of Winston
  35. The use of viruses (called phages) that infect bacteria for the treatment of, bacterial ,infections. Biotherapy may employ organisms, such as protozoa
  36. As penicillin and erythromycin, which used to have high efficacy against many, bacterial ,species and strains, have become less effective, because of increased
  37. The volume of antibiotic prescribed is the major factor in increasing rates of, bacterial ,resistance rather than compliance with antibiotics. A single dose of
  38. To a lower prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in (non-hazardous) animal, bacterial ,populations. In the USA federal agencies do not collect data on antibiotic use
  39. Resterilized,e.g. in an autoclave. When needles are contaminated, risk of, bacterial ,or other blood-borne infection increases, as with re-use of any type of needle.
  40. Amox, is a moderate-spectrum, bacteriolytic, β-lactam antibiotic used to treat, bacterial ,infections caused by susceptible microorganisms. It is usually the drug of
  41. Shown that the bacterial protein Lexa may play a key role in the acquisition of, bacterial ,mutations giving resistance to quinolones and rifampicin. Antibiotic resistance
  42. Industrially the use of antibiotic resistance is disfavored since maintaining, bacterial ,cultures would require feeding them large quantities of antibiotics. Instead
  43. To toxicity, fluid in the lungs, and,in some cases, contribute to secondary, bacterial ,infections and mortality. Aspirin's profitability led to fierce competition
  44. Ampicillin is a beta-lactam antibiotic that has been used extensively to treat, bacterial ,infections since 1961. Until the introduction of ampicillin by the British
  45. Salmonella, lyme disease, and chlamydia infections. It is used to prevent, bacterial ,endocarditis in high risk people who are having dental work done, to prevent
  46. Of drugs: Mechanism of action This drug acts by inhibiting the synthesis of, bacterial ,cell walls. It inhibits cross-linkage between the linear peptidoglycan polymer
  47. Use and resistance. Two federal bills (S.742 Alternatives The increase in, bacterial ,strains that are resistant to conventional anti bacterial therapies has prompted
  48. And increased mucus production. There are also a number of prominent viral and, bacterial ,pathogens that can have severe effects on internal organs and nervous systems.
  49. May not be available to treat seriously ill patients in the near future. As, bacterial ,antibiotic resistance continues to exhaust our supply of effective antibiotics
  50. During anti bacterial drug therapy. The anti bacterial treatment may select for, bacterial ,strains with physiologically or genetically enhanced capacity to survive high

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